| - The USA is plagued by anti-war demonstrations and strikes. Both are illegal but too widespread to stop. The Axis has an advantage here. An attempted demonstration in Bucharest was broken up with force. Thousands were shot or sent to concentration camps. President Truman sadly has to recognize the disadvantages of a democracy. He spends days with military advisers. It becomes clear that there is no sure way to win the war. His advisers make the following points:
* The whole American continent is vulnerable to German atom bombers. New US bombers like the B-36 will be able to reach Germany. The end result will be increasing devastation on both sides. The phrase "mutual destruction" is used for the first time. It can be assumed that Axis planners are thinking along the same lines.
* The bio-weapon attack has decreased sympathy for the British. It was executed without the knowledge of the USA, fortunately.
* Vichy France is now hostile to the USA. Their greatest gripe seems to be the loss of their precious Eiffel tower.
* US air force aircraft are inferior to Axis aircraft. The US can close the gap but it will take years.
* Axis submarines are one generation ahead of US ones. There are no effective countermeasures.
* The Third Reich is politically unstable. Only Hitler can keep everything together but it is rumored he is ill. If he goes there will be a fight for power. However if the Reich is still at war in such a case the focus will be on external enemies. It is then less likely that Axis factions will tear each other apart.
* The Axis is likely to sacrifice Japan. This has been learned in secret negotiations in Stockholm. There will be territorial demands in Africa but Japan is for sale. This is important as the public will never accept anything but unconditional surrender of Japan.
* To continue the war with Germany new taxes will have to be levied and new divisions must be raised. Both options sound like swearing in a church to President Truman. So on this day Truman proposes the unthinkable to the senate: an armistice. The US embassy in Stockholm is ordered to extend secret negotiations with Germany. If it is possible to talk sense with the Nazis - which is by no means certain - official negotiations will follow. Monday, July 22 1946 Washington While demonstrations continue the US senate accepts Truman's plan for an armistice with Germany. Hitler is secretly delighted to sacrifice Japan and accepts too. After all, the Japanese failed to tie down Soviet divisions at a critical time in 1941, which almost cost Germany the war. Then they attacked the USA with no clear plan for winning the war, dragging Germany into a war on two fronts. Hitler has said on many occasions "We are fighting the wrong [British] enemies and have the wrong allies". All German personnel will be withdrawn from Japan. Friday, July 26 1946 London Göring officially inspects 998 penal battalion in London. The battalion has distinguished itself in the Maidstone battle, the turning point of the Battle of Britain. The soldiers are expected to die for the fatherland as a matter of course, without reward except that their widows get a state pension. But some soldiers have been singled out for medals now for the first time in history. Göring starts off with a speech glorifying the Third Reich and the Luftwaffe. Then he comes to the medals. First gefreiter Porta is called forward by his commanding officer. He steps forward with exaggerated precision and ends up before a sweating Göring. There is a hint of a grin on his face and he manages to come to attention without quite breaking military regulations. Göring has already second thoughts about the wisdom of addressing a penal battalion. Too late now. "Gefreiter Porta, in view of your bravery in taking out three enemy tanks with limpet mines while being under fire you are hereby awarded the Iron Cross first class although you don't deserve it. The Führer thanks you and hopes that one day you may die heroically in battle. The Reich expects...what?" Porta pulls his face as if in pain. "Beg pardon, Marshal. It is the food. Everybody knows English can't cook. It is an inherited trait I believe. I told the procurement officer that my tender German stomach can't digest that horrible English food. I have had stomach upsets ever since we arrived to teach the British a lesson. I think I ..." Porta retches and vomits without warning. Göring jumps back in alarm and avoids the contents of Porta's stomach except for his boots. There is a hushed silence, then Göring screams "Are you mad man - take him away - have him shot!" Pandemonium breaks loose, Porta finds himself in the brig and Göring departs at record speed. Later there is going to be suspicion - but not proof - that Porta acted on a dare and about 100,000 reichsmark changed hands in bets on his performance. He cannot be shot though, a doctor diagnoses him ill with dysentery. He cannot even be reprimanded as military tribunals are above any law and impartial. Saturday, July 27 1946 Berlin The armistice comes into effect. The warring parties will negotiate peace terms in Stockholm, Sweden. Hostilities cease except in the Pacific. The invasion of Japan will now proceed. Thursday, August 8 1946 B-36 The giant Convair B-36 bomber makes its maiden flight. It has ten engines and can carry 33 tons of bombs 16,000 km far. It can fly higher than any existing jet, making it a credible intercontinental atom bomber. Sunday, September 1 1946 England The British Resistance continues to attack German occupation troops, despite the fact that large numbers of civilians are shot in retribution. British prove to be inordinately proud of their customs and mostly loyal to each other, contrary to other countries were citizens readily betrayed each other. To remedy this Mossley is appointed chief of security with orders to recruit collaborators. The OKH has craftily stationed French and Walloon SS divisions in London and Manchester, counting on old animosity between French and British. General Degrelle of 28th SS division "Wallonien" had been rumored to say "I will as soon kill an Englishman as look at him." Monday, September 2 1946 Berlin Hitler is partly paralyzed by Parkinson disease. He still has unreasonable confidence in his personal doctor, Morel. Speer implores Hitler to fire Morel. He thinks the doctor is slowly poisoning Hitler with experimental concoctions. Hitler is becoming more paranoid by the day, also a sign of Parkinson disease. He has his first fight with Speer. Göbbels manages to smooth things over. Göbbels, Himmler and Morel are the only persons still trusted by Hitler. Monday, September 17 1946 Geneva Negotiations in Stockholm begin in earnest. Secret negotiations have already laid the groundwork. The US has made it clear that the people will never forgive Japan for Pearl Harbor. An exchange of prisoners of war is arranged. Tuesday, September 21 1946 Ula Soviet forces have been building up in the Yekaterinburg/Chelyabinsk area. This has been noticed by the German OKH and they order a pre-emptive attack. Four Ju-388 atom bombers depart from Muenchen airport to Chelyabinsk in the Ural mountains. Saturday, September 25 1946 Chelyabinsk The Soviet Union is atomic bombed for the first time. Soviet troops near Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk are scattered. More attacks using Soman nerve gas and the even more lethal cyclosporin are made on the 1st Soviet shock army which was concentrating in the area. Surviving Soviet soldiers retreat in disorder. The OKH now recommends the occupation of the whole Soviet Union. This will have the benefit of bringing Alaska in reach of the Luftwaffe and put pressure on the USA. the Problems with this are that this arrangement will grossly overstretch the German Armies. As a result the order to kill political commissars on sight is rescinded. It is found that political commissars are easily converted to Nazis. Once converted they take control of locally recruited militia. They are guaranteed to be more cruel and ruthless than any SS commander. Saturday, October 16 1946 Trauen Dr. Saenger supervises the first test launch of the Silverbird. This is a test of the booster stage only - no spaceflight will be attempted. He has been asked to expedite his project to put pressure on the US in the Stockholm negotiations. The test flight is partly successful. The booster works as expected and accelerates the Silverbird to 2000 kph along the 3 km monorail. The test pilot Fritz Wendel then tries to glide the rocket to earth for a landing but the controls are troublesome and he crashes on landing, fortunately without injury. It is found that the tail of the rocket is too small and the center of gravity too far back. Modifications are made. Monday, October 18 1946 Chelyabinsk Axis forces find great numbers of dead Soviet soldiers in the fields, victims of nerve gas. There is no resistance. The troops continue their advance in the direction of Magnitogorsk and Sverdlovsk. Nothing has been heard from Stalin for a long time. Wednesday, October 27 1946 Washington The Soviet ambassador in Washington hands a letter from Stalin to president Truman pleading for support against the Axis. Soviet armies now refuse to confront the invader. Soldiers kill political commissars and desert in droves. Truman however has already written off the Soviet Union. Meanwhile in German newspapers articles appear explaining that Japanese are not Aryans and therefore not natural members of the Axis. At the same time and not by coincidence newspapers in the US note without comment that one third of US citizens is actually of German descent. Monday, November 8 1946 Kiel The German Aircraft carrier Zeppelin is finally launched and sister ships are planned. Improved battleships of the Bismarck class are also laid down. Captured British ship including battleships Nelson and Vanguard are under repair in British docks. The purpose is to have as much steel as possible floating for prestige reasons. Already planners are thinking about a post-war world were Germany and the US will compete with each other in a cold war. Admiral Dönitz has a top secret meeting with Deutsche Werke were the possibility of using nuclear propulsion for U-boats is discussed. It is decided that a nuclear type 25 U-boat will be built. It will carry 12 A-20 rockets with nuclear warheads and 24 Fi-276 cruise missiles. These new weapons are being developed in Peenemunde. Krupp will supply the nuclear reactor. Monday, November 8 1946 Sabre The F-86 Sabre next generation jet fighter in the USA is changed from a straight wing to a swept wing design. This and other changes are made after investigations of downed German jets. Deployment will be delayed. The German Ju-012 jet engine is going to be copied and improved for the next generation jets. Tuesday, November 16 1946 Stalin is out The Soviet ambassador to the US has a meeting with President Truman. He explains that Stalin has been found to be mentally unstable and has been confined to a lunatic asylum by his successor general Khrushchev. Government policies are changing to a more democratic form. Khrushchev has asked for the Soviet Union to be included in peace negotiations. US troops are invited to deploy on Soviet soil as this will stop Axis advances during negotiations and put pressure on the Axis. Saturday, December 7 1946 Russia US forces disembark in Vladivostok under the pretext of being "advisers" to the Soviet Union. Nazi negotiators have grudgingly accepted what they can't influence. There are no more strategic targets left to occupy anyway so they reckon the Amis are welcome to the Siberian Taiga with its formidable flies. Saturday, December 14th 1946 Trauen A full test of the modified Silbervogel is attempted, piloted by Kurt Lange. The improved RKDS-100 rocket engine is more advanced than Von Braun's designs, delivering greater thrust. It is re-generatively cooled by its own fuel and at 285 seconds has twice the specific impulse of the A4 rocket. Two booster rockets have been added at the wingtips to increase the range to 40,000 km. The launch is successful and spectacular. The boosters and the first stage separate on schedule after leaving the launching rail. The rocket leaves an impressive trail and reaches a speed of 20,000 kph at 120 km altitude. After 6 minutes the rocket enters into orbit at 7.9 km/s. Kurt Lange keeps a running commentary going until he is out of contact over Siberia. 65 Minutes later he is picked up by radio stations in England, having circled the earth. He has already fired retro rockets and is entering the atmosphere. After that contact breaks. The trail of the Silbervogel is observed over England and some wreckage falls in the countryside. The last telemetry data has shown an unexpectedly high re-entry temperature at 2000 degrees, much higher than the 1000 degrees that the rocket can withstand. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute is contacted for advice and recommends that a new high temperature alloy be used for the Silbervogel containing Nickel, Chromium, Molybdenum and Niobium. The alloy is very new and is called Nikromol. Kurt Lange has become the first hero of space. Monday, December 16th 1946 Berlin Hitler is reported dead in all German newspapers. The cause of death is pneunomia after a long bout of Parkinson disease. The whole nation is shocked as Hitler's condition was kept secret. Hitler has never appointed a successor, relying upon the principle of evolution that the fittest will survive. However, there are too many Nazis who consider themselves fittest: Göring, Himmler, Hess, Bormann, Milch, Dönitz and more. What makes the situation even more confused are the different forces that were controlled by Hitler and are now orphaned: The Sicherheitsdienst, Gestapo, SS and the army which is the strongest factor. The chickens are coming home to roost. Martin Bormann leaks information about secret negotiations between Himmler and the Allies to newspapers. Bormann loathed Himmler since he became second in command of the Reich and has been plotting against him ever since. Apparently Himmler assumed that Hitler would die soon and he discussed with the Allies an armistice in 1945. Bormann now has managed to discredit his rival. Other information of Himmler's incompetence when he was in charge of the civil service is leaked to newspapers. The Sicherheitsdienst investigates. Himmler has immediately summoned his astrologer upon hearing of the death of Hitler. The astrologer studies maps and charts and calculates furiously. The end result is the advice that "a great opportunity awaits if you take the right action. Be mindful of friends that may disappoint you. Somebody you trust will betray you." Himmler nods knowingly, mentally connecting names to the supernatural statements. Wednesday, December 18th 1946 Berlin Martin Bormann is found dead in his bed, riddled with bullets. More work for the Sicherheitsdienst. The prime suspects are communist spies in the pay of Jews. Thursday, December 19th 1946 Berlin All of Martin Bormann's closest cronies and associates are killed by SS squads, mostly in the streets. The SS is now too strong for most to control. Friday, December 20 1946 Berlin Himmler declares himself interim Chancellor of the Reich while his rivals protect themselves against the SS. In a radio message he explains that the Reich needs a caretaker while a mechanism is found to appoint a new Chancellor. He now needs to assert his authority over the army. Any rival who gets the army behind him can throw Himmler out on his ear in a flash. Himmler knows that the army favors Milch and Hess while the Luftwaffe is behind Göring. Only the SS is loyal to him. So speed is of the essence. Himmler has a brainstorm. He orders the SS to arrest al Jewish prisoners of war in England and execute them, contrary to assurances given by Rommel. That will cow the army, and Rommel too, come to think of it. Himmler allows himself a moment of hate for Rommel, the hate of the incompetent for the talented. Saturday, December 21 1946 London General Rommel is on leave at home in Herrlingen when he gets a phone call from general Milch, who has been spying on Himmler for a long time. Milch comes to the point at once: "Erwin, you have to act. Heinrich is taking control of the Reich. He is going after the army now. He has ordered the SS to execute all Jewish prisoners of war to intimidate the army, make them fall in line. That's the way he thinks. If you stop him some of the SS will no longer support him. If you don't they will come after you eventually. I have informants in the SS, I know things. They say most of the SS will support you if they have to choose between you and Heinrich. You're a national hero, Erwin. You have to force them to choose. Either way there will be bloodshed. I'm on your side of course. Courage ..." Rommel thanks Milch then calls the operator to set up a call through a military link to London.