| - The story opens with Franklin Richard's birthday party. The FF and many of their closest friends are all gathered on the roof of the Baxter Building as Franklin is opening his presents. While opening his dad's gift, expecting a Playstation 2, he is disappointed to find instead his Mr. Fantastic's old Red Wagon.
As the Invisible Woman tries to teach Franklin the importance of the gift, they are approached by The Thing and told that their accountant is looking for them. The FF go in to a meeting room where he is waiting to tell them that they are BROKE. The government has cut off their federal funding.
This causes the FF to seek new employment. The Invisible Woman becomes a school teacher and the Thing finds work in Construction . The Human Torch, however, is unable to find work. Refusing to take a normal job, he instead approaches his agent to attempt to find some acting roles. He is disappointed and frustrated to find that no one, not even his agent, is interested in getting him work.
As the FF cope with these huge life changes, yet another curve ball hits them. On the last page of the issue, The Invisible Woman approaches Mister Fantastic in his office. His distraught is immediately evident and she asks him what's wrong. Mister Fantastic reveals at this point that he and the family are being EVICTED from the Baxter Building.