| - The Gymnasium was a multi-level structure in the capital city of Rabaan. Covering five city blocks, it housed apartments, training centers, and an arena for members of Rabaan's warrior caste.
- Das Gymnasium (von engl. "gym": "Turnhalle") ist die am höchsten angesehene Schulform der allgemeinbildenden Schulen. Eigentlich sollte die Schulform "Nogymnasium" heißen, da in dieser Schulform Sport nicht erfolgreich betrieben wird. Fächer wie Mathematik, Physik oder Latein erreichen einen allgemein besseren Schnitt.
- Omnes exercitium est in annus novem. Factum.
- The building is next to the school's swimming pool and is used for physical education classes. It was also used by the student council at some point to present their plans and reports during school assembly.
- Gymnasium används i vissa delar av världen, särskilt i Skottland, Indien, Nordamerika och Oceanien för att beskriva en institution som tillhandahåller hela eller delar av gymnasiet. Beroende på land, kan gymnasiet hänvisa till årkurs 7-12 eller 9-12. Laura Cadman var en låt stjärna i gymnasium. (ATL: "Duet")
- The Gymnasium was an area used for personal fitness and training by the crew aboard Red Dwarf. The Gym has remained unseen in the show, likely because the last human being alive, Lister, doesn't care too much about fitness, instead drinking Leopard Lager and eating curries. The hologram Rimmer once swapped consciousness with Lister, promising to use the gymnasium to get Lister's body fit. However didn't do this, instead using the hot tub of the Captain's quarters. ("Bodyswap", Series III)
- The Gymnasium is the gym at Bullworth Academy in Bully.
- A gymnasium or gym is an area dedicated to fitness and exercise. Some Federation starships were equipped with gymnasiums. Daniel Radke helped Yh'ahni hone her fighting skills in one of the USS Cantabrian's gymnasiums in 2372. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part Two") The USS Bajor's officers' gym was on deck 8, and included gravity controls at each station. It also contained a sparring ring. (Bait and Switch: Bait and Switch, The Wrong Reflection)
- The Gymnasium of Bullworth Academy is a sports complex where Gym class is taught.
- The Gymnasium is located on the Boat Deck, accessible via the Starboard Vestibule, off the Grand Staircase. It was described as a wonderful innovation for an ocean-going liner. It had an electric camel, an electric horse, cycling machines and a rowing machine. Tickets, priced one shilling (0.25 USD), were available from the purser and entitled First Class passengers to one session in this facility while guarded by Thomas McCauley, phisical educator. One of the most popular attractions was the electric camel, an exercise riding machine that mimicked the gait of a camel.
- In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer and Sub-Commander T'Pol ran on treadmills in the gym aboard the NX-class starship Enterprise. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") Later that year, T'Pol taught four colonists from a mining colony a Vulcan martial art, the Suus Mahna, in the ship's gym. (ENT: "Marauders") Hoshi Sato mentioned that she should spend more time in the gym when she returned from an away mission to an alien planet. (ENT: "The Communicator") In 2154, the senior staff of Enterprise (with the exclusion of Commander T'Pol) played a game of basketball in the ship's gymnasium. (ENT: "The Forge")
- [[Bild:NasenBohrer.jpg|thumb|200px|Dieser Gymnasial-Lehrer zeigt wie's geht. Auf dem Gymnasium werden Übungen, wie zum Beispiel das Knödeln, eingeübt, die leicht von jedermann/frau erlernt und zuhause nachgemacht werden können.]] Das Gym-nasi-um ist die Muckibude für die Nase. Lange wurde die körperliche Konstitution der Nase von der Gesellschaft vernachlässigt. Man war der Meinung, dass die vornehmlichste Aufgabe das Riechen sei und da käme es auf die äußere Erscheinung nun überhaupt nicht an. Wichtig sei, was in ihr steckt.
| - The Gymnasium was a multi-level structure in the capital city of Rabaan. Covering five city blocks, it housed apartments, training centers, and an arena for members of Rabaan's warrior caste.
- Das Gymnasium (von engl. "gym": "Turnhalle") ist die am höchsten angesehene Schulform der allgemeinbildenden Schulen. Eigentlich sollte die Schulform "Nogymnasium" heißen, da in dieser Schulform Sport nicht erfolgreich betrieben wird. Fächer wie Mathematik, Physik oder Latein erreichen einen allgemein besseren Schnitt.
- Omnes exercitium est in annus novem. Factum.
- The building is next to the school's swimming pool and is used for physical education classes. It was also used by the student council at some point to present their plans and reports during school assembly.
- In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer and Sub-Commander T'Pol ran on treadmills in the gym aboard the NX-class starship Enterprise. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") Later that year, T'Pol taught four colonists from a mining colony a Vulcan martial art, the Suus Mahna, in the ship's gym. (ENT: "Marauders") Hoshi Sato mentioned that she should spend more time in the gym when she returned from an away mission to an alien planet. (ENT: "The Communicator") In an hallucination experienced by Ensign Hoshi Sato in 2152, she imagined Enterprise's gym at one point being used for workouts by herself and Commander Charles Tucker III; he used the gyrosphere whereas she used a weight machine. Sato erroneously believed she was in the gym when, following Tucker's departure, she became invisible; the weights in the room were unresponsive to her touch, her right hand even passed through both the free-weights and the control panel for the door out of the gym, and she ultimately watched her reflection in the large mirror fade completely out of sight. She, unable to leave, seemingly remained in the gym overnight and saw T'Pol and Tucker carry out a quick inspection of the area hours later, investigating her disappearance, before she hurriedly followed them out of the room. (ENT: "Vanishing Point") Later in 2152, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was cycling on an exercise bike in the gym when Commander Tucker entered the room. He went on an adjacent exercise bike and, as the two men cycled, they discussed Denobulans Phlox and Feezal. (ENT: "Stigma") In December 2153, Enterprise's gym was used by several members of Enterprise's senior staff and numerous MACOs for multiple training sessions supervised by MACO General J. Hayes. (ENT: "Harbinger") In 2154, the senior staff of Enterprise (with the exclusion of Commander T'Pol) played a game of basketball in the ship's gymnasium. (ENT: "The Forge") Later the same year, Ensign Travis Mayweather, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed and two other officers used Enterprise's gymnasium to train, in an attempt to keep their minds off of three Orion slave girls who were guests aboard Enterprise. (ENT: "Bound") In 2266, Charles Evans visited the gymnasium of the Constitution-class starship USS Enterprise. While there, he exhibited extremely powerful abilities when he made a laughing Sam disappear. (TOS: "Charlie X" ) The gymnasium on board the Galaxy-class starship USS Enterprise-D was located on Deck 12. In addition to gymnastics studios and martial arts areas, (TNG: "The Price" , "Clues" , "Second Chances" ) there was also a parrises squares area, (TNG: "Second Chances" ) a zero gravity area, (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) and an anbo-jytsu court. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor" ) The starship's gymnasium also featured a fencing room, where Captain Jean-Luc Picard often fenced with members of his crew. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris" , "I Borg" ) In early 2371, Lieutenant Walter Baxter reported to sickbay aboard the USS Voyager after injuring himself while exercising in that starship's gymnasium. (VOY: "Eye of the Needle") Later that year, Baxter was exercising in the gymnasium again when he realized that the environmental controls were malfunctioning and the temperature had dropped to below 10 °C. This was discovered to have happened as a result of Voyager's encounter with a spatial distortion. (VOY: "Twisted") The gym aboard the USS Enterprise was referred to in a story outline for TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" . In a memo that Matt Jefferies wrote about elements in that story outline and sent to Gene Roddenberry on 12 April 1966 , however, Jefferies expressed about the gym, "Time required will be for props." Ultimately, the Enterprise's gym appeared only in TOS: "Charlie X" . In that entry, the gym was a redress of the set used as the ship's engineering. A room where gymnasts are shown tumbling, in the same episode, was the redecorated briefing room. The set used as the Galaxy-class gymnasium in Star Trek: The Next Generation was one of the last sets built for the series and was also used as the cargo bays, shuttlebays and holodecks of the same class. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion 3rd ed., p. 10) As well, the wide corridor outside engineering was redressed for some of the gymnasium sets. (Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 321) ) In Star Trek: Enterprise, the gymnasium was a redress of the launch bay set. The NX-class gym was to have been introduced in the ENT Season 1 episode "Breaking the Ice" but it doesn't actually appear in the final version of that outing. In the first draft of "Breaking the Ice", the area was described thus; "The small gym is appointed with 22nd century weight machines, a high-tech stationery bike and old standbys like free weights and a punching bag. There's one small window on the back wall with stars outside visible at warp."
- The Gymnasium is located on the Boat Deck, accessible via the Starboard Vestibule, off the Grand Staircase. It was described as a wonderful innovation for an ocean-going liner. It had an electric camel, an electric horse, cycling machines and a rowing machine. Tickets, priced one shilling (0.25 USD), were available from the purser and entitled First Class passengers to one session in this facility while guarded by Thomas McCauley, phisical educator. The gymnasium was open for ladies between 9.00 am and noon, and for gentlemen between 2.00 pm and 6.00 pm. Children were allowed in between 1.00 pm and 3.00 pm. The White Star Line said that passengers could "indulge in the action of horse riding, cycling, boat rowing etc, and obtain beneficial exercise, besides endless amusement". One of the most popular attractions was the electric camel, an exercise riding machine that mimicked the gait of a camel. When the ship was sinking, the Gymnasium was engulfed with First Class passengers while they waited for permission to board the lifeboats. John Jacob Astor took a lifejacket and cut it open to show his wife it was filled with cork. On the fateful night of 14/15 April 1912, McCauley, remained at his post in the gymnasium and went down with the ship.
- Gymnasium används i vissa delar av världen, särskilt i Skottland, Indien, Nordamerika och Oceanien för att beskriva en institution som tillhandahåller hela eller delar av gymnasiet. Beroende på land, kan gymnasiet hänvisa till årkurs 7-12 eller 9-12. Laura Cadman var en låt stjärna i gymnasium. (ATL: "Duet")
- [[Bild:NasenBohrer.jpg|thumb|200px|Dieser Gymnasial-Lehrer zeigt wie's geht. Auf dem Gymnasium werden Übungen, wie zum Beispiel das Knödeln, eingeübt, die leicht von jedermann/frau erlernt und zuhause nachgemacht werden können.]] Das Gym-nasi-um ist die Muckibude für die Nase. Lange wurde die körperliche Konstitution der Nase von der Gesellschaft vernachlässigt. Man war der Meinung, dass die vornehmlichste Aufgabe das Riechen sei und da käme es auf die äußere Erscheinung nun überhaupt nicht an. Wichtig sei, was in ihr steckt. So weit so gut. Neueste Forschungen haben aber ergeben, dass sich der Betrachter eines menschlichen Gegenübers, zuallererst für die Nase interessiert. Demzufolge ist die Nase gewissermaßen Repräsentant der gesamten Persönlichkeit. So ist der Trend in den letzten Jahren nicht verwunderlich, dass immer mehr Eltern ihre Kinder möglichst frühzeitig fürs Gymnasium anmelden. Für christliche Nasensportler ist anzumerken, dass sie nicht allzuviel Gewicht auf diese äußerliche Erscheinung legen sollten, denn Hochmut, und dazu gehört auch die Eitelkeit, gilt als eine der sieben Todsünden (siehe auch: Sünde). Im Zweifel sollte man sich vielmehr mit einer gepflegten Halbbildung der Nase zufriedengeben. Ganz mit ohne Bildung sollte man seine Kinder allerdings auch nicht auf die Menschheit los lassen, denn es besteht die Gefahr, dass sie von den Mitmenschen wegen ihrer Nase nicht genügend beachtet werden.
- The Gymnasium was an area used for personal fitness and training by the crew aboard Red Dwarf. The Gym has remained unseen in the show, likely because the last human being alive, Lister, doesn't care too much about fitness, instead drinking Leopard Lager and eating curries. The hologram Rimmer once swapped consciousness with Lister, promising to use the gymnasium to get Lister's body fit. However didn't do this, instead using the hot tub of the Captain's quarters. ("Bodyswap", Series III)
- The Gymnasium is the gym at Bullworth Academy in Bully.
- A gymnasium or gym is an area dedicated to fitness and exercise. Some Federation starships were equipped with gymnasiums. Daniel Radke helped Yh'ahni hone her fighting skills in one of the USS Cantabrian's gymnasiums in 2372. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part Two") The USS Bajor's officers' gym was on deck 8, and included gravity controls at each station. It also contained a sparring ring. (Bait and Switch: Bait and Switch, The Wrong Reflection)
- The Gymnasium of Bullworth Academy is a sports complex where Gym class is taught.