| - Myfanwy came through the Cardiff Space-Time Rift to Cardiff in 2007, where she was found hunting in the countryside and killing sheep at night. (TV: Everything Changes) Ianto Jones trapped Myfanwy in a warehouse, and managed to tranquillise her with Jack Harkness' help. (TV: Fragments) Myfanwy was subsequently kept by Torchwood Three in the Hub as a mascot and pet, and became an essential part of their everyday lives; one time she even took part in a basketball game with the team. (TV: Cyberwoman) When Lisa Hallett attacked the Torchwood team in the Hub, Jack sprayed Lisa with a barbecue sauce that caused Myfanwy to consider Lisa as food and to attack and injure her. (TV: Cyberwoman) Myfanwy survived its encounter with Lisa. (TV: Meat) When Toshiko Sato unintentionally stopped the Hub's movement through time to avoid it being sent to the Sanctified by a Rift storm, Myfanwy was trapped out of sync with time with the Hub and Tosh. Myfanwy saved Tosh from falling to her death when the Harrowkind attacked, and carried her to the top of the tower. Myfanwy was subsequently returned with Tosh and the Hub. (COMIC: Rift War!) When an Apatosaurus-like alien was accidentally brought into the Torchwood hub, Myfanwy tried to fight it, allowing Toshiko Sato to get to the armoury. After the alien was destroyed by a Jamolean lance, Myfanwy seemed to take pleasure in feeding on the burnt corpse. (PROSE: Pack Animals)
- Vermutlich kam sie im Jahr 2007 durch den Riss nach Cardiff, wo sie von Captain Jack Harkness und Ianto Jones eingefangen wurde. Kategorie:Nichthumanoide Lebensformen