| - But we're British - thank god. This sort of thing might be tolerated by the French, and good for them, but the stiff upper lip is no party for such heinous sexual acts. However, this is indeed the 21st century. Where all else may fall and fail in the face of rising adversity and new, resurfacing problems, there is always the modern British army for you to count on. Homosexuality in the British military is one of many things that make up this new modern army. A long with more guns, tanks, planes and boats, but Homosexuality is the topic of today.
| - But we're British - thank god. This sort of thing might be tolerated by the French, and good for them, but the stiff upper lip is no party for such heinous sexual acts. However, this is indeed the 21st century. Where all else may fall and fail in the face of rising adversity and new, resurfacing problems, there is always the modern British army for you to count on. Homosexuality in the British military is one of many things that make up this new modern army. A long with more guns, tanks, planes and boats, but Homosexuality is the topic of today. Toleration of these men (and women even) is a primary aspect for any fighting man in this time and age. In fact, these days we go to war against men who do not share our simple values and beliefs in freedom, especially the freedom of the homosexuals. Would it be British to agree with the unnatural enemy? No, it certainly would not. And I would gladly cross-dress in the base of command in the presence of my superiors, as well as the battlefield itself, amongst my own men, just to prove a point to the other side and give them a ruddy punch on the nose that a bullet can not. Even when LGBT rights have only very recently extended to the recruitment drive of the military, there is already much history behind this formerly-dodgy subject... Not 'dodgy', sorry, just 'subject'. Ahem.