| - All four races can interbreed. In half-breeds, a mixture of two "pure" strains, or two half-breeds of the same kind, one strain is dominant, while the other contributes a lesser amount. In either case, the half-breed is raised in one culture or the other. Though sometimes they (and possibly their parents) are outcast from both parent's cultures, generally the cultural attitudes of one parent or the other dominate in the half-breed's childhood. Half-breed use the height, weight, and age tables of their dominant strain. Example: The child of the previous two examples is human.
| - All four races can interbreed. In half-breeds, a mixture of two "pure" strains, or two half-breeds of the same kind, one strain is dominant, while the other contributes a lesser amount. In either case, the half-breed is raised in one culture or the other. Though sometimes they (and possibly their parents) are outcast from both parent's cultures, generally the cultural attitudes of one parent or the other dominate in the half-breed's childhood. If a half-breed mates with a member of one of his strains, the offspring is a "pure" strain of his mate's strain (though some minute physical traces may remain of the other strain). If a half-breed mates with a member who is not one of his strains, the offspring is a "pure" human. When creating a half-breed, choose the physically dominant strain, and the culture the half-breed was raised in (which must be one of the two strains, but not necessarily the physically dominant one). The half-breed gains the dominant abilities of the chosen strain, and the lesser abilities of his other strain. He also gains the cultural abilities he chose earlier. For the purposes of determining which game effects the half-breed is affected by, he counts as a member of his dominant strain. Half-breed use the height, weight, and age tables of their dominant strain. Example: A half-Sharakim, half-Xeph chooses Sharakim as his dominant strain, and Xeph as his childhood culture. He has +2 Int, -2 Cha, Darkvision 60' +1 saves versus powers, and +1 power point. His favored class is Soulknife. Example: A half-Goliath, half-Human chooses Human as her dominant strain, and Human as her childhood culture. She gains 1 bonus feat, +2 Str, -2 Dex, the goliath's distinctive skin patterns, and a +2 to her sense motive checks. Example: The child of the previous two examples is human.