Krypto the Superdog is a Canadian/American animated television series produced by Warner Bros Animation and Veliogreek Films Inc based on the DC Comics character Krypto. The show premiered on Cartoon Network on March 25th 2005, and aired on Kids' WB in September 2006. It would usually air after the Tickle U block. The show was produced in a manner reminiscent of the Hanna-Barbera shows of the 1960s to the 1980s, from the sound effects down to the animation style (veteran Hanna-Barbera designer Iwao Takamoto also designed many of the characters.) The series is rated TV-Y7.
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| - Krypto the Superdog (TV Series)
| - Krypto the Superdog is a Canadian/American animated television series produced by Warner Bros Animation and Veliogreek Films Inc based on the DC Comics character Krypto. The show premiered on Cartoon Network on March 25th 2005, and aired on Kids' WB in September 2006. It would usually air after the Tickle U block. The show was produced in a manner reminiscent of the Hanna-Barbera shows of the 1960s to the 1980s, from the sound effects down to the animation style (veteran Hanna-Barbera designer Iwao Takamoto also designed many of the characters.) The series is rated TV-Y7.
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| - Alan Burnett and Paul Dini
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| - Samuel Vincent, Brian Drummond, Alberto Ghisi, Scott McNeil, Tabitha St. Germain
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First Aired
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| - Warner Bros. Animation, DC Comics
Last Aired
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| - Krypto the Superdog is a Canadian/American animated television series produced by Warner Bros Animation and Veliogreek Films Inc based on the DC Comics character Krypto. The show premiered on Cartoon Network on March 25th 2005, and aired on Kids' WB in September 2006. It would usually air after the Tickle U block. A comic book series (based on the TV show) was published by DC Comics under the Johnny DC imprint, which lasted 6 issues, from 2005 to 2006. The show was designed primarily for young children. However, as a result of being aired (and canceled) in the mid-2000s, it has made an imprint on the older child demographic as of 2012. The show was produced in a manner reminiscent of the Hanna-Barbera shows of the 1960s to the 1980s, from the sound effects down to the animation style (veteran Hanna-Barbera designer Iwao Takamoto also designed many of the characters.) The series is rated TV-Y7.
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