| - The A180 Pistol is a blaster featured in the Rogue One: Scarif expansion pack for Star Wars Battlefront. It is used by Jyn Erso, as her primary weapon, and available for soldiers as well. The A180 possesses the unique ability of being able switch between four different configurations. When equipped, the blaster will start in the Pistol configuration while the other three configurations occupy the Star Card Slots. The four configurations available are: Pistol Mode(Default) Rifle Mode, Sniper Mode, and Ion Mode.
* Rifle mode gives the A180 improved range, damage, and a fully automatic firing mode for a short amount of time, in a similar fashion to the A280C Blaster Rifle. It is best used at medium range. Activated using the Y button on Xbox One and triangle on PlayStation, and 2 on PC.
* Sniper mode gives the A180 a greatly improved range, and a guaranteed one-shot-kill for players without health boosts. However, only one shot can be fired before a cool down is required, similar to the DLT-19X Blaster Rifle. Activated using left bumper, L1, and 1.
* Ion mode acts much like the secondary fire of the TL-50 heavy blaster. Although it lacks the large splash damage radius, it does very high damage to droids, turrets, and vehicles while dealing next to no damage versus players. Activated using right bumper, R1 and 3. It has a significantly lower possible distance than a TL-50, because the projectile begins to fall much sooner than The heavy repeater.