With the 35th Super Sentai series and anniversary of the franchise, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, the heroes of the series have been listed in an official list of 199. The Super Sentai 199 contains the Rangers of the first 35 Sentai teams: all the core teams and the first 16 Sixth Rangers. AkaRed along with 10 Extra Heroes are included in the list as well. Aside from the 199, Emiri Sanjyou, who donned a fake AbarePink costume in Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, boasted that she was the 200th Super Sentai hero. The main list of the Super Sentai 199 is the list that Toei counts as official.
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| - With the 35th Super Sentai series and anniversary of the franchise, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, the heroes of the series have been listed in an official list of 199. The Super Sentai 199 contains the Rangers of the first 35 Sentai teams: all the core teams and the first 16 Sixth Rangers. AkaRed along with 10 Extra Heroes are included in the list as well. Aside from the 199, Emiri Sanjyou, who donned a fake AbarePink costume in Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, boasted that she was the 200th Super Sentai hero. The main list of the Super Sentai 199 is the list that Toei counts as official.
- With the 35th Super Sentai series and anniversary of the franchise, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, the heroes of the series have been listed in an official list of 199. The Super Sentai 199 contains the Rangers of the first 35 Sentai teams: all the core teams and the first 16 Sixth Rangers. AkaRed along with 10 Bangai Heroes are included in the list as well. Aside from the 199, Emiri Sanjyou, who donned a fake AbarePink costume in Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, boasted that she was the 200th Super Sentai hero. The main list of the Super Sentai 199 is the list that Toei counts as official.
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| - With the 35th Super Sentai series and anniversary of the franchise, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, the heroes of the series have been listed in an official list of 199. The Super Sentai 199 contains the Rangers of the first 35 Sentai teams: all the core teams and the first 16 Sixth Rangers. AkaRed along with 10 Extra Heroes are included in the list as well. Aside from the 199, Emiri Sanjyou, who donned a fake AbarePink costume in Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, boasted that she was the 200th Super Sentai hero. The main list of the Super Sentai 199 is the list that Toei counts as official.
- With the 35th Super Sentai series and anniversary of the franchise, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, the heroes of the series have been listed in an official list of 199. The Super Sentai 199 contains the Rangers of the first 35 Sentai teams: all the core teams and the first 16 Sixth Rangers. AkaRed along with 10 Bangai Heroes are included in the list as well. Aside from the 199, Emiri Sanjyou, who donned a fake AbarePink costume in Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, boasted that she was the 200th Super Sentai hero. The main list of the Super Sentai 199 is the list that Toei counts as official.