| - thumb My Little Pony es una serie animada que salió al aire en el canal de televisión The Hub y actualmente es emitida por el canal Discovery Family. El show se estrenó el 10 de octubre del 2010. La serie es protagonizada por una poni unicornio llamada Twilight Sparkle, discípula de la Princesa Celestia que es la gobernante de la tierra mágica de Equestria. Viendo a la joven poni sumida en sus libros, la princesa le encomienda la misión de hacer amigos en Ponyville.
- My Little Pony or MLP is a popular toy line produced by Hasbro, Inc. It consists mainly of small, plastic ponies and mythical equines that come in a variety of colors and have unique symbols, called "cutie marks," stamped on their bodies. Started in the 1980s, the line has gone through four different incarnations, and has a larger following than most people would think, among them several PPC Boarders. Currently undergoing a fanfic explosion due to the sheer unexpected popularity of the fourth generation (see below).
- Roy decides to get some mounts for the adventure but Belkar wants something extra.
- My Little Pony is a girl's toy brand, involving representations of cartoon horses.
- The franchise My Little Pony is split up into 4 Generations, with the most popular and most powerful being that of Generation 4, Friendship is Magic. The show follows Twilight Sparkle on her journey to discover the magic of friendship and make friends with 5 other ponies: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. They have battled many enemies along the way, such as Night Mare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra and Lord Tirek, and have used the legendary Elements of Harmony and newly discovered Rainbow Power to defeat them. The show is highly popular nowadays due to its large male following in addition to female, and has become one of the most popular cartoons airing today.
- Considered as one of the iconic brands of the 1980's, My Little Pony has made a successful comeback as a popular toy for a new generation of children. The range of ponies, each with a specific symbol on their side, come in a variety of colours, each with a long mane of hair, and flowing tails.
- Франшиза по всему миру прославилась тем, что мультфильм для маленьких милых девочек в розовых платьицах внезапно полюбили циничные, толстопузые, лысые дядьки с береттами в кобуре и тараканами в голове. Причём смотрят его втайне от своих подчинённых, мечтая о домике в Понивилле и крепкой девичьей дружбе. Всех таковых фанатов мультика, которые мало похожи на девочек-дошкольниц, прозвали брони, от слов «братва» и «пони». Отличительный признак — наличие в карманах, в личном автомобиле или в рабочем кабинете игрушечных единорогов, пегасов или коняшек.
- Episodes with a holiday theme where skipped in Turkey for the country's religious beliefs.
- "My Little Pony" is a girl's toy brand, involving representations of cartoon horses. How do we know their name? Well, er...
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=My Little Pony/preload editintro=My Little Pony/editintro width=25 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a series created by Hasbro. The current Friendship is Magic series was created by Lauren Faust, who also worked on Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
- You take the tunnel upwards towards the light. There are no other chairs in this huge room but the huge throne. Banners of ancient Decepticon warriors hang from the side walls, and a large, ornate metallic Decepticon symbol is set into the black wall behind the throne. The symbol is the exact same metallic shade as Galvatron's cannon. There's a strong resemblance to the Hall of Warriors on Cybertron, and deliberately so since while in exile here, they didn't have access to their homeworld. Contents: Cyclonus Obvious exits: South leads to DHQ Central Hallway.
- After all My Little Pony discourages Xenophobia (S1EP9), refers to the Earth being round (S2EP11), and one of the main characters has a Rainbow-coloured mane and is Tomboy-ish, and the ponies have a government system that appears to be a Socialist Monarchy. As well as that, the moon going in and the moon going out are explained by 'magic' instead of 'God', which is obvious Witchcraft and must be destroyed. The ponies will create a law where it is illegal to swim the ocean or else megalodons well eat them or abandon nuclear submarines will explode from all the cruise missiles and torpedoes.
- My Little Pony is an entertainment franchise created by , first in 1981 as My Pretty Pony, and in 1983 under its now iconic moniker. The pony toys traditionally feature colorful bodies and manes, as well as a unique character-specific symbol on one or both sides of their hips (in the most recent incarnations referred to as "cutie marks"). “Happy #MLPFriendshipDay!To celebrate, we've created #MyLittlePony figures honoring iconic best friends!”—Hasbro Twitter feed 2015-07-30
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, česky Můj malý pony: Přátelství je magické je kanadsko-americký televizní seriál, který je vysílán americkou televizní stanicí The Hub (v překladu střed, centrum). Pořad je vysílán od 10. října 2010 a běží až do současnosti. 4. dubna 2015 byly odvysílány první dvě epizody již páté série tohoto oblíbeného kresleného seriálu na námět Lauren Faust (americká animátorka), kterou společnost Hasbro vybrala jako výkonného producenta seriálu a je rovněž známá kvůli její práci na dvou známých a kritiky opěvovaných seriálech, The Powerpuff Girls (Neporazitelné sestry) a Foster´s Home for Imaginary Friends (Fosterův domov pro imaginární přátele).
- Long-Running multimedia franchise that started humbly with a large horse doll with a brushable tail and mane made of doll hair. Originally created by Bonnie Zacherle, My Little Pony officially started out as a toyline published and developed by Hasbro in 1982, following their 1981 My Pretty Pony toys. The first run of figures (called G1 by collectors) was eventually followed by two Television specials, one in 1984 and another in 1985, and a feature-length movie in 1986. A TV series, My Little Pony'n'Friends, was released later the same year and ran for two seasons before being canceled in 1987. In 1992, a strange new series, My Little Pony Tales, was aired. Other than being based on the same very general "Talking Animals get into adventures" idea, the new series had nothing to do with the