Ramin Djawadi is the composer for the Marvel film, Iron Man.
Internet Movie Database Ramin Djawadi
Ramin Djawadi scored Iron Man.
Ramin Djawadi is a German-born Iranian composer who writes the original score for Person of Interest. His scores for Pacific Rim and Iron Man received Grammy nominations.
Ramin Djawadi is the music composter of the music from Prison Break.
Ramin Djawadi (ur. w 1974 w Duisburgu) – niemiecki kompozytor, pochodzenia irańskiego. Pisze ścieżki dźwiękowe do filmów, seriali, a także gier komputerowych. Dwukrotnie nominowany do Emmy, po jednym razie do Grammy oraz Saturna.
Ramin Djawadi (born 1974) is a Grammy and Emmy-nominated German-Iranian composer of music for film and television, and is the composer for Game of Thrones.
Ramin Djawadi serves as the composer of FlashForward.
Ramin Djawadi, geboren am 19. Juli 1974, ist ein deutsch-iranischer Komponist für Film und Fernsehen.