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- Los hutt son una especie de gasterópodos con brazos pequeños, bocas profundas y grandes ojos, que controlan un gran territorio espacial, llamado el Espacio Hutt. La especie es originaria del planeta Varl, pero adoptaron a Nal Hutta como su mundo hogar.
- Like Toydarians or Trandoshans the Hutts possess a natural level of resistance to mind manipulating force techniques.
- [Source] Les Hutts ressemblent à des grosses limaces vertes, jaunes ou brunes. Le plus célèbre des Hutt est Jabba Desilijic Tiure, mais il existe d'autres Hutts comme Ziro Desilijic Tiure ou Gardulla Besadii.
- Hutts were morbidly obese slobs that crawled around and ate Womp Rats, frogs, and sexy Twi'leks. They spoke Buttese, and liked to say irrelevant things like "Ho. ho. Ho. Han, my noob, you're my ho."
- The Hutts are a large sapient species which originated on planet Varl, but later migrated to Nal Hutta.
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- From the OS Databank
- Gli Hutt sono una specie aliena senziente, con aspetto viscido, molto simili a lumache. Essi sono avidi e con pochi scrupoli, spesso coinvolti in attività criminali. La loro lingua nativa, l'Huttese, è una lingua franca della criminalità organizzata della Galassia, molto diffusa nell'Orlo Esterno.
- Hutts waren een intelligent gastropod species afkomstig uit de Outer Rim. Oorspronkelijk evolueerden de Hutts op Varl maar later verlieten ze deze planeet en maakten ze van Nal Hutta hun thuiswereld. De Hutts controleerden een regio in de Mid Rim en Outer Rim genaamd Hutt Space.
- The hutt is a Star Wars species of large gastropods. They're usually associated with illegal activities and criminal organizations.
- Hutterne var kæmpe snegle agtige væsner som kom fra hjemplaneten Nal Hutta. Når de bliver født starter de meget små og bliver større med alderen. Hutter kunne blive op til flere hundrede år gamle. Jabba The Hutt blev 604 år gammel. Hutterne dominerede den kriminelle verden. De styrede slavehandlen på Ryloth (hjemplaneten for twileks)
- thumb|right||300px|Hutt Huttowie brzydzili każdego kto nań spojrzał. Te oślizgłe ślimaki mają podobno pewne powiązania z pasztetem z gęsi, ale nigdy tego nie potwierdzono. Podniecały ich niewolnice w bikini z materiału konserwopodobnego.
- Hutterna var en art av stora, larv-liknande gastropoder. De var hermafroditer, men hade manliga eller kvinnliga personligheter. Hutterna kontrollerade ett stort imperium, i det område som kallades Huttrymden. De sades ha ursprungligen kommit från Varl, men denna planet fanns inte med i några av Imperiets stjärnkartor. Större delen av arten levde på Nal Hutta. Hutterna var kända som brottslingar, gangsters och kriminella ledare. Det går inte att använda Kraften på hutterna, eftersom de står emot dess påverkan, vilket bland annat märks i Jedins återkomst, där Luke inte kan påverka Jabba Hutt.
- Hutts are large gastropods with bulbous heads, thick bodies which end in a muscular tail, and two small arms with limited manipulative ability. A Hutt's head, which comprises most of the upper body, features two yellow, slitted eyes, a broad upturned nose, and a lipless mouth which spreads from earhole to earhole. A Hutt's nostrils can seal tightly, and this, coupled with their extremely large lungs, allows the Hutt to remain underwater for long lengths of time. Hutts are also hermaphrodites; that is, all Hutts have both male and female reproductive organs.
- Homeworld: Varl (Original Hutts), Nal Hutta (Modern Hutts) Description: According to Hutt legend, the Hutts hail from the pockmarked and wasteland planet of Varl, and have survived incredible cataclysm to evolve into their current elevated status of "near-gods." The ancient legends say that Varl was once illuminated by two suns, the gods Evona and Ardos. Evona was lured into a black hole, and Ardos erupted in anger, expelling its gaseous shell, destroying all of Varl's sister-planets. But through all this, the Hutts survived.
- Die Spezies der Hutts zeichnet sich besonders durch ihre Fettleibigkeit aus, wodurch sie auf ihre Umgebung häufig eine abstoßende Ausstrahlung haben. Die Hutts sind schneckenartige Lebwesen, die über drei Meter groß werden können. Tatsächlich haben die Hutts einen sehr muskulösen Körper, dessen Muskelmassen jedoch von keinem Skelett getragen wird. Außerdem wird die konsumierte Nahrung der Hutts niemals wieder ausgeschieden, sondern in Nährstoffe umgewandelt oder als Fettreserven gespeichert. Als Nahrung bevorzugen sie lebende Wesen, wobei die Größe der Portion keine Rolle spielt, da die Hutts einen breiten und gelenkigen Kiefer besitzen.
- Average Height: 3.5 meters Average Lifespan: 500 years That anything so disgusting could live so long is surely a testament to the cruel sense of humor inherint in the galaxy. Hutts are huge, with slug-like bodies and stubby arms. Their faces are wide, sporting enormous toothless mouths and prehensile tongues. Their skin is often mottled in various putrescent shades of green, yellow or brown.
- The Hutts are a species of large gastropods with stubby arms, wide cavernous mouths and huge eyes, who control a large criminal empire in Hutt Space. The species is said to originally hail from the planet Varl, but no planet by that name appears on any Galactic Republic star charts.