| - A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
- Ghaunadaur (gone-ah-dowr), also known as That Which Lurks and The Elder Eye is a fictional god in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting of the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Although officially considered a member of the drow pantheon, its followers include oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, and rebels. Most of its followers are lowly drow outcasts.
- Ghaunadaur ist von menschlichen Standpunkt aus gesehen absolut unberechenbar. Es steht womöglich Anhängern bei die lediglich Lippenbekenntnisse zu seinen Ritualen ableisten - wird sogar große Kraft aufwenden, um einen permanenten magischen Segen zu gewähren - aber womöglich verschlingt oder verstümmelt er sie auch ohne Vorwarnung. Ghaunadaur erfreut sich dem Beobachten der Jagd und Fressaktivitäten von großen, schrecklichen Monstern, sowie dem Leid, welche sie verursachen. Ghaunadaur ist still und schrecklich wenn er außerhalb der Inneren Ebenen ist, aber alte Aufzeichnungen berichten von schnatternden, bestialischen Sprachen, die an seinem Hofe des vermischten Schleims und Gallerterteiche gesprochen wurden. Ghaunadaur teilt sich nur telepathisch mit unverblümter und einfacher Sprache mit.
- Ghaunadaur is a very ancient deity, rumored to have emerged from the primordial ooze itself. In that age it was worshiped by the largest of slimes and other crawling creatures, many of which contained an alien intelligence. In a fit of fury due to Lolth spurning his romantic interests, Ghaunadaur struck most of them mad and took their intellects. As an unforeseen result, many of these worshipers ceased to exist, which caused The Elder Eye's power to collapse. Only in recent millennia have some evil beings turned back to Ghaunadaur, looking for an alternative to the established deities. Ghaunadaur is only a member of the drow pantheon because of the worship of drow that became disaffected with Lolth.
- thumb|200px|left|Symbol Ghaunadaura 200px|left|thumb|Kapłan Ghaundaura (trzeci od prawej) Ghaunadaur (go-na-dołr) jest jak na ludzkie standardy nieprzewidywalny. Może pomóc wiernym, którzy składają jedynie gołosłowne deklaracje - nawet poświęcając na to dużo mocy, by zagwarantować im stały dostęp do magii - ale również pożreć i okaleczyć ich bez ostrzeżenia. Lubi obserwować jak straszne potwory polują i pochłaniają swą zdobycz, napawając się cierpieniem, jakie zadają ofiarom.
- Ghaunadaur (gone-ah-dowr) is a lesser deity in the drow pantheon. He is also known as That Which Lurks and The Elder Eye. His portfolio includes slimey creatures, outcasts and rebels. Ghaunadaur is an unpredictable deity. False worshipers may be rewarded by it, sometimes even with permanent magical boons, but they might just as well be devoured by The Elder Eye without a second thought. Ghaunadaur enjoys watching large horrible monsters as they hunt and devour their prey, causing much suffering. When Ghaunadaur leaves the Inner Planes he is always silent, but some old records mention a gibbering and bestial language being spoken in the god's court. When communicating it uses telepathy and keeps its conversations blunt and simple.
| - Madness domain
- Destruction Domain
- Earth Domain
- (Formerly:) Cavern, Chaos, Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
- Cavern, Chaos, Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
- chaos, drow, jaskinia, nienawiść, szlam, zło, zepsucie