Shikieiki is the Yamaxanadu, the Highest Judge of the court of Paradise, from the Touhou series. Her job is to judge the souls of the dead and send them to Heaven, Hell, or the Netherworld. While she's stern, she also takes a genuine interest in the fates of those under her jurisdiction, advising them to improve their lives, or even trying to scare people who are so sinful that they'd almost certainly go to Hell if left unchecked, straight.
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- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
| - Shikieiki is the Yamaxanadu, the Highest Judge of the court of Paradise, from the Touhou series. Her job is to judge the souls of the dead and send them to Heaven, Hell, or the Netherworld. While she's stern, she also takes a genuine interest in the fates of those under her jurisdiction, advising them to improve their lives, or even trying to scare people who are so sinful that they'd almost certainly go to Hell if left unchecked, straight.
- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu é um dos Yamas que julgam os mortos e decidem se devem ir ao Paraíso, Inferno, Hakugyokurou ou reencarnar. Seja porque ela simplesmente tem o hábito de dar sermões, ou porque ela genuinamente quer mudar os outros para melhor, Shikieiki ficou conhecida em Gensokyo por dar sermões para qualquer um sobre seus defeitos. As almas dos mortos são trazidas por Komachi através do Rio Sanzu. Porém, nem todas as almas conseguiam chegar até Shikieiki sem estarem cansadas da longa jornada de travessia do rio, ou serem extintas por Komachi.
- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Eiki is her name; Shiki, her last name; and Yamaxanadu is her title) is a character from Touhou Project who appeared for the first time as the final opponent of Phantasmagoria of Flower View. She is one of the Yama who judge the dead to decide whether they go to Heaven, Hell, Hakugyokurou, or get reincarnated. Whether it's because she simply has a habit of lecturing or because she genuinely wants others to change for the better, she's become well known in Gensokyo for lecturing anyone and everyone about their faults. The souls of the dead are brought to her by Komachi over a river called the Sanzu no Kawa. However, not every soul makes it all the way to Shikieiki without being tired out from the journey or being extinguished by Komachi. She currently resides in Hell t
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| - +4 - Highest Judge of Paradise
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| - Julgar se algo é Bom ou Mau
| - Inferno, às vezes em Higan
| - *Mais Alta Juíza do Paraíso
*Sermão Prestativo
*Juíza Suprema do Inferno
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type of villain
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Box Title
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| - Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
- 四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ (しきえいき・ヤマザナドゥ)
| - Can distinctly judge anything to be Good or Evil
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| - Yes, you have sinned a little too much...
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| - Highest Judge of Paradise, Helpful Lecture, Supreme Judge of Hell, Sikieiki Yamaxanadu, Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu
| - Highest Judge of Paradise
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| - Sikieiki Yamaxanadu, Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu
| - *Phantasmagoria of Flower View
*Shoot the Bullet
*Hopeless Masquerade
| - * Olhos azuis e cabelo verde que é mais longo no lado esquerdo, usa um vestido azul-escuro, preto e branco com decorações de ouro e laços vermelhos em suas mangas. Um chapéu com detalhes brancos e azuis, com um símbolo dourado em sua frente com um laço branco a sua direita outro vermelho a sua esquerda, devidamente equilibrados. Carrega um bastão que utiliza para julgar os mortos. Seu uniforme aparenta ser bastante balanceado com detalhes de cores opostas, simbolizando o bem e o mal.
* O mesmo citado acima, mas seu chapéu e calça são vermelhos, já sua camisa é roxa.
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| - Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Eiki is her name; Shiki, her last name; and Yamaxanadu is her title) is a character from Touhou Project who appeared for the first time as the final opponent of Phantasmagoria of Flower View. She is one of the Yama who judge the dead to decide whether they go to Heaven, Hell, Hakugyokurou, or get reincarnated. Whether it's because she simply has a habit of lecturing or because she genuinely wants others to change for the better, she's become well known in Gensokyo for lecturing anyone and everyone about their faults. The souls of the dead are brought to her by Komachi over a river called the Sanzu no Kawa. However, not every soul makes it all the way to Shikieiki without being tired out from the journey or being extinguished by Komachi. She currently resides in Hell to judge the dead who have traversed Higan and the Sanzu no Kawa.
- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu é um dos Yamas que julgam os mortos e decidem se devem ir ao Paraíso, Inferno, Hakugyokurou ou reencarnar. Seja porque ela simplesmente tem o hábito de dar sermões, ou porque ela genuinamente quer mudar os outros para melhor, Shikieiki ficou conhecida em Gensokyo por dar sermões para qualquer um sobre seus defeitos. As almas dos mortos são trazidas por Komachi através do Rio Sanzu. Porém, nem todas as almas conseguiam chegar até Shikieiki sem estarem cansadas da longa jornada de travessia do rio, ou serem extintas por Komachi. Shikieiki atualmente vive no Inferno para julgar os mortos que conseguiram atravessar o Higan e o Rio Sanzu.
- Shikieiki is the Yamaxanadu, the Highest Judge of the court of Paradise, from the Touhou series. Her job is to judge the souls of the dead and send them to Heaven, Hell, or the Netherworld. While she's stern, she also takes a genuine interest in the fates of those under her jurisdiction, advising them to improve their lives, or even trying to scare people who are so sinful that they'd almost certainly go to Hell if left unchecked, straight.