| - Credits are the currency for VFK. You can use credits to buy items for you or your rooms.
- The inventory is a list of items a resident "carries" around. The inventory can be organized using folders and it is virtually unlimited in size. Items are automatically placed in folders based on type (i.e. objects go into the "Objects" folder). The more items in the inventory the longer it will take for it to load when searching. The inventory is also split into two main folders: "Library" and "My Inventory". The library folder contains Linden-created items that anyone can use freely (but only Lindens can edit this folder).
- There are 3 options at the bottom; 'Equip', 'Get More' or 'Sell'. 'Equip' allows you to change your Characters Weapons . 'Get More' obtains more weapons from the Recruits & Rewards section. 'Sell' allows you to sell your Weapons for Food or Supply Points. You can also manually swipe across to see all your Weapons.
- The Inventory window is the place to manage all the items in a character's backpack and bags, as well as the equipped items on that character and the character's heroes. The default key to open the inventory window is I.
- The inventory can hold a maximum of 30 individual items. Stackable items such as coins and runes will only take up one slot.
- Though your Character Statistics define your capabilities, your appearance and efficiency is largely defined by the Items and Equipment you carry. Items are used as crafting materials, merchandise and Consumables. Equipment is worn on the Player Character and can persistently influence certain aspects of it.
- Inventory is the name of the item storage system that is unique to each individual player character in Ragnarok Online and Ragnarok Online II. picked up out in the field are immediately stored in a character's Inventory to be later transferred to either the more expansive Storage or to a guild's warehouse.
- You will need to Click Here if you don't know the inventory code!
- The Inventory is where a player is able to access their equipment, inspect items, change equipment, and other actions. This page is very important to the player throughout the entirety of their playthrough. As a player increases their strength, the amount they are able to hold within their inventory increases.
- The Inventory contains all items that you own. Besides equipment like armor, weapons, shields and horses, the inventory also holds your consumable (food) and non-consumable items (goods). There is no limit on weight, but a large amount of weight will reduce your party's speed. You can access your inventory at any time, except in combat, where you must activate the small chest near your flag.
- The Inventory is the place where a player stores his items in Stick Ranger. It is a space at the bottom right of the screen, and consists of 24 boxes (6 by 4) arranged in a rectangular fashion, with the word "ITEM" written above the set of boxes. Compo items and weapons are stored in this area.
- In NWN module building, characters, items, and placeables are said to have an inventory able to hold, carry or contain zero or more items.
- The Inventory can be opened by pressing the ESC (default) button on the keyboard. In the Inventory, collected items are stored, and can be accessed by the player. The Inventory consists of the following:
- Each account has an inventory of items that are currently available for use. Items that you don't need right now can be put into your safety deposit box instead. The inventory is full when it has 50 items. When your inventory is full, you cannot buy anything but you can still earn items from places like the Healing Springs! Items kept in the Inventory can be stolen by creatures like the Pant Devil. To move items from your inventory, click on the item, the pick one of the options such as "Feed to ____, donate, discard, move to shop, move to safety deposit box.
- In Star Wars: The Old Republic, each player character has an inventory in which to store items. The inventory starts out with 3 lines unlocked, with 10 slots on each line for a total of 30 slots. However, the inventory can be upgraded for a sum of credits.
- the inventory is where you keep your collected items or armour it allows switching items from your inventory to your equipped items list.
- Hotkey: I (by default) The Inventory in BattleForge allows you to access your currency status (Gold and BFP), your Card Collection, your Boosters and your Upgrades. To access the Inventory, click the topleft button on the screen, or press the hotkey I (by default) when in the forge. You can't access your Inventory while in a match.
- The inventory is shared between all party members, and contains all the items carried but not equipped. There is no weight system; instead there is a limit to the number of items that can be carried.
- This is a new game feature in BTD6. It allows you to store your smaller towers by putting them into the 'inventory' by pressing a button that says 'store' next to the tower priority selection. It costs 10% of a tower's price, including ll upgrades, to put a tower into the inventory ($36 for a 0/0 tack shooter on Medium), and $0 to bring it out. Prices are rounded up to the nearest whole number. You can store a maximum of 20 towers in the inventory. Towers that cannot be stored: Temple of the Monkey God Monkey Village Banana Farm Monkey Ace Monkey Buccaneer with Tier 3/4 upgrades
- The Inventory can be accessed by pressed the " I " button. Its made up of a 10x8 screen giving you the ability to hold 80 items at once. When your inventory is full you will need to find a place to store things before you can pick up anything new.
- Inventory is a term for how much a player can carry. All players can only carry 35 items but many items allow you to carry up to 99 items of the same type. An example is you can carry 99 air feathers but it will only take up one inventory slot. A lot of other items are not multiple carrying meaning that having 5 of them will take up 5 slots. The items that are worn on the player do not count at all.
- An inventory was a list of a business's material assets. In 2372, Quark, incredulous at Hanok's claims at the Karemma's honest business practices, questioned whether he had ever padded an inventory (claimed he had more items than he did). Hanok continued to deny he ever had.(DS9: "Starship Down")
- List of items currently in the game.
- The inventory stores all of the user's clothing, pets and creatures. It can be accessed by clicking on the inventory button on the bottom-left screen. On the right, the user will see their avatar. Above them, a shiny star is on the top left of the window the avatar is in. Clicking on this star will show all of the user's Friendship Bracelets.
- Inventory is where you can see all armor, cannonballs, weapons and collectibles you have, and one can equip weapons and armor here. Inventory is mainly made of 2 sections.
- In a roleplaying game, inventory refers to the collection of items your character is currently carrying.
- In a roleplaying game, inventory refers to the collection of items your character is currently carrying.
- __TOC__ In the Inventory you can check your Hit Points, Mana Points, Soul Points or Capacity as well as your character's items. You can know here in what special condition your character is. You can also perform some actions in the game or set options or get help. And you can open or close Skills or Battle or VIP windows. You can minimise Inventory area of Tibia screen by clicking a small "-" button in the upper left corner of Inventory. To maximise it click a small "+" button in the upper left corner of Inventory. This article assumes that you have Inventory area maximised.
- __TOC__ In the Inventory you can check your character's items and capacity. In the Stand-Alone Client the Inventory is grouped with the Combat Controls, Soul Points, and Special Conditions. These are separate windows in the Flash Client.
- An inventory (status screen/sub-screen) is used in the Resident Evil series to store items. Starting in the first Resident Evil, the inventory, map, files, and condition (health) of the player character were shown in the status screen/sub-screen.
- The inventory is where your character's items are stored.
- An inventory is a window that shows the items and equipment that a character is carrying and can be quickly opened by pressing "I" on the keyboard. Where equipment is worn At the top of the inventory window, a model of the character will be displayed showing the pieces of equipment worn. - Helmet, Upper Armor, Lower Armor, Gloves and Shoes can be placed onto the left. - Amulet, Mount, Rings, and Loops can be placed onto the top right. - Weapon, Shield and Cape can be placed onto the bottom right
- thumb|Een spelers zijn inventory Je inventory, ook wel je bag of je rugzakje, is de plek waar je je spullen staan die je mee neemt. Er zijn in totaal 28 plekken in je bag. Je kunt ze vullen met alles. Van een veer tot een kanon. Je hebt ook voorwerpen zoals een Coal Bag, daarmee kan je 120 Coal in je inventaris doen, zo kan je in totaal leftveel dingen in je inventaris laten komen. en:Inventory
- These are the items that your character is carrying. You should only carry items you need while you are exploring, otherwise store them safely in your attic. Click on an item below that you would like to use, send to a friend, auction, donate, delete, resell, place in your attic, gallery or shop. The Inventory and quick stock layout has also been changed.
- Inventory The Inventory is where players will keep the items they are currently carrying. The main bag consists of 20 slots, and can't be replaced with a different type of bag. There will be 3 additional bag slots for players to equip different size bags to increase maximum inventory space.
- The Inventory is where all items are placed. The number of items that a character may carry is based on their weight and how much the character can hold. In most cases, the more items you have, the more weight you have (arrows, quest-related items with some exceptions, and keys do not have any weight). In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the inventory is divided into 10 categories; "Favorites," "Weapons," "Apparel," "Potions," "Scrolls," "Food," "Ingredients," "Books," "Keys," and "Miscellaneous "
- Samus Aran's Inventory is a data storage center similar to her Logbook, containing current information about the various items, powerups and equipment Samus is in possession of in the Prime Series. The Inventory's main purpose is to provide Samus with more detailed descriptions of her weaponry and equipment, which she can view at any time through her Visor. Samus herself also adds notes to each of the entries on how to use the particular item. Like her Logbook, the style of the Inventory changes between the games, but its function remains the same. The Samus Screen of other games is similar.
- The Inventory is a part of your Player Card that stores your pins, clothes, awards, flags, backgrounds, and colors. You can wear an item from your inventory if you click on it. The items are sorted according by newest item first, as of October 2014, making it easier for a player to find newer, just-purchased items.
- The inventory is a feature in the Riddle School games where your items and the map is located.
- Your inventory is where you can store items, it's effectively your character's pockets and has a size limit of small. To access your inventory, press Inventory Key (Default H). A list will appear showing your items, or on empty slots. On the right are the Item Tiles where you can access equipped or holstered items or weapons, your bag, clothes and headwear.
- The Inventory is where the rings, orbs, power-ups and recipes are kept. It is similar to Gaia "Towns" but much complex and specific in detail. The difference between the two is that zOMG!'s inventory automatically saves the orbs, rings, loot, etc. to the player's main inventory while in Towns it doesn't.__TOC__
- In the furni sections, including Floor, Wall, and Pet items, clicking on an icon will preview an item in your inventory. It will also give the furni name and description. If the hands marker File:Tradeicon.png shows a number next to it, the item is trade-able. You can also put these items on the marketplace (But only if the item is not in the catalog at the time). The green marker File:Ecotronicon.png means this item can be placed in the ecotron. If a section is empty, a message with a 'Open Shop' button will show.
- Inventory is "[a] listing of items including identification and location information."
- Your inventory is where you may use or equip different items that you have.
- The Inventory is the pop-up menu that the player uses to manage items they carry. From this screen a player can equip armor, craft items on a 2×2 grid, and equip tools, blocks and items on the hot bar (displayed at the bottom of the screen). Also displayed here is the player's Minecraft skin.
- It is sorted into 11 different sections: 1.
* Furniture 2.
* Wall 3.
* Plants 4.
* Misc 5.
* Widgets 6.
* Cards 7.
* Clothing 8.
* Wearable 9.
* Food 10.
* Usable 11.
* Emotes
- The inventory window is a section where your character stores your items and gold that you have collected throughout the game. Your gold is located on the bottom right hand corner of the window. In the bottom left hand corner of the window is the equipment dismantling hammer, which lets you dismantle your equips into souls. All items are split into 4 categories which can be selected by clicking on their tab.
- The Inventory is a pop-up menu that the Player uses to manage items they carry. It is possible to access the Inventory by pressing the three dots next to the hotbar.
- An inventory keeps your stuff secured, which nobody but the player can modify the inventory.
- Een Inventory is de plek die die je het meest gebruikt. Je kan de spullen die je bij je houd beheren, kleding (Armor) aantrekken en craften (met een 4x4 'grid'). In de standaard instelling kun je toegang krijgen tot je inventory met de 'E' toets. Tot de 1.8.1 update was dit de 'I'.
- The Inventory is where the player carries items that are not equipped or in a worn or held container. A player's inventory is limited by number of items, weight of items, or both. Items exceeding this weight or number limit must be equipped, held, or otherwise stored. Some items are stackable, such as coins, which means they only take up the space of one item, no matter how many a player has.
- The inventory is where you keep all your crafted items; it is also where you can view any unlocked blueprints and check your mastery progress on them. If you have an item to which you do not have the blueprint, you can also view it here, however the information will be limited and you will be met by a "Discover the blueprint to unveil all the information!" message. If you have an item that comes from a chest, but you do not have the blueprint, it will tell you which chest the item came from.
- The inventory window is divided into 4 sections: Equipment Tab: check the list of the character's current equipment. Major Item Tab: check the list of items that are frequently used by the character. Misc. Tab: lists other items than equipment and major items. Additional: Costumes and Specialist Cards
- All characters have an inventory as well but they also have a special section for the equipment they are currently wearing (e.g. armor, boots, shields) or holding (e.g. weapons). Unlike NWN, the icons of inventory items will be arranged in a new system similar to inventory systems of current MMORPGs. All the inventory icons will be smaller overall (64x64 pixels), and each will have a seperate slot. Based on a screenshot revealed in July 2006, it appears a PC's inventory will include 128 inventory slots. This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Back-up tools, ores, decoration blocks, large amounts of construction materials, etc.
- In Muffins!, inventory is split into three categories: Equipment, Consumables, and Miscellaneous. Items obtained by players will appear within the player's inventory. If an item has a one-time use, it disappears from inventory once used.
- Inventory may refer to :
* Storage Space, the overview of the below specific means of storing things in an inventory interface
* Safe Service, the player Bank
* User Interface, including the Character Inventory
* Account Stash, the storage space that all characters on a single account may use, and therefore transfer items with
* Wardrobe. Stores Fashion
* Crafting Closet. Stores crafting ingredients (Materials, or Mats)
- The inventory is a 30 slot bag in which your items are stored. It can be upgraded with more bags of various sizes to increase the amount of items you can hold. You get an 18 slot "Adventurer's Knapsack" by completing the quest Close to the Crown (Blacklake District), as well as a 12 slot "Adventurer's Pack" by completing the quest Clockwork Guild Tomb (Neverdeath Graveyard). There is also a 12 slot "Bag of Holding" (600 zen), and the 24 slot "Greater Bag of Holding" (1000 zen).
- Your inventory is the place where all items that your character has are stored.
- The Inventory is an ingame tool in Creatures 3 and Docking Station designed to hold various agents that you may want to keep nearby for easy access. It consists of the third panel down on the right side of the C3 and DS interface, just below the options panel. Norns and other Creatures can not be placed directly inside the Inventory by the Hand, but pressing Ctrl and the left or right keyboard arrows will put the Creature into the Inventory and rotate the next agent into the Hand. Note, though, that placing too many Creatures into the Inventory may cause deletion of said Creatures...
- The inventory is the collection of items a player is carrying. There are 20 inventory "slots"; each slot holds one item or one stack. If a player dies, all their items are lost, and can be found on their corpse.
- You can carry up to 23 different items, not counting those in your equipment. Often, many identical objects can be "stacked" into a "pile" which will count as a single item. This is always true of things like potions, scrolls, and food, but you may have to set options to allow wands, staves, and other such objects to stack. Each object has a weight, and if you carry more objects than your strength permits, you will begin to slow down. Use Inventory list (i) to view your current inventory. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Inventory is the place you keep your stuff. The image above looks complex, but it's one of the places you'll be spending a lot of time.
* Character Information is on the top left.
* The actual Inventory window is the 10*9 grid of inventory slots to the right of the character information.
* Below the Character Information and Inventory are 4 Extra Inventory Bags (labeled Material Bag 1 - 4). The display of these can be toggle using the Open/Close Material Bag button (in the Inventory buttons at the bottom right of the Inventory window).
* Below the Extra Inventory Bags are the Quick Slots.
- All items obtained throughout the game (except for , which are stored in the appropriate storage buildings instead) are stored in the inventory. It is represented by a wooden (metal if upgraded) crate filled with weapons and ammo in the bottom left of the compound screen. Hovering the cursor over an item or clicking on it displays further details about the item. Clicking on an item also allows the player access to further options, namely:
- Due to the introduction of Summoning, it is possible to have access to more items on the move by using a Beast of Burden (e.g. Pack yak). However to access the items that have been stored with the BoB, you must have enough free spaces in your inventory for the items, as you cannot use them directly.
- The inventory is a small place to store items that your character contains. The inventory has dimensions of four slots high by ten slots long. It is automatically brought up when you communicate with a NPC that sells items, activate magic items, talk to Rikko the Enchanter, activate your storage chest, communicate with one of two goblins in Grove, or choose an item to pass to your heir when you retire. It can also be brought up manually by clicking the inventory button on the HUD or pressing {i} on your keyboard.
- One of the first skills that any player of NetHack needs to know is how to use the inventory. Press i to see your inventory, which is a list of all items that you carry. Carrying too many items makes you burdened or worse. Also, you are limited to 52 stacks of objects (corresponding to 26 uppercase and 26 lowercase inventory letters), a quantity of gold (which will occupy a special slot labeled '$' if necessary), and, if you pick one up while your inventory is otherwise full, a load stone in a special slot labeled '#,' even if you are strong or the objects all have low weight. If you find a bag, then you can hold more items.
- de:Gobbie-Tasche A place used to store items that can be accessed anywhere, at any time. Also known as a Gobbiebag, your inventory is identified as a spacious backpack that you carry with you while you're exploring Vana'diel. The Gobbiebag is what you see when pressing CTRL-I on a PC or the right hand side when viewing your Mog Safe. When you start the game you can carry a maximum of 30 items. You can upgrade this amount to 80 through a series of quests: You can also keep items in your Mog Safe, Storage, Mog Satchel, Mog Sack, Mog Case, or in your Mog Locker.
- Inventory is the set of items that you can carry around with you as you travel in Nodiatis. It is comprised of a number of slots, each of which can hold a stack of any one item (stacks can be moved around one item at a time by clicking it or using shift + click to select the entire stack). As you begin the game with a free account, you start off with 15 inventory slots. However with certain Adventuring skills, shown below, you can increase the number of inventory slots you have, allowing you to carry more stuff. You can level Adventuring skills by actively moving from town to town, or by passively leveling it.
- There is also a carried inventory, which is taken with you when exploring on the World Map. It has 20 spaces. Items you wish to sell at the Flea Market must be in your carried inventory, as does your ATM card if you wish to use the ATM. Items received from Random Events, bought at shops or won from the Crane Game also go directly to the carried inventory. A drop-down list allows you to view a certain category of items, such as Decorations or Food.
- The limit of 28 items in a player's inventory is integral to the RuneScape economy. Since only 28 items can be held at once, this requires players to make trips to banks to deposit items while they are gathering and/or making items. This adds time to the process of gathering items such as logs, ores, or flax and the process of making items, such as bowstrings, bars, and bows. If inventory was unlimited, the prices of such items could face a considerable drop because it wouldn't take as much time to obtain large amounts of them. Runecrafting would be made ridiculously easy, as players would be able to craft infinite amounts of runes in a single trip. Gathering skills, such as Fishing, Woodcutting, and Mining could be trained for infinite amounts of time without much movement, and processing
- Kuva:Reppu kuvake.pngInventory, eli ns. reppu, on jokaisella pelaajalla oleva paikka, jonne voi säilöä tavarat, joita haluaa pitää mukana, mutta ei voi tai halua laittaa päälleen. Reppu on oletusikkuna oikealla olevassa valikossa. Reppussa on 28 tavarapaikkaa, jos tavara on pinottava, tai jos se on otettu pankista kuitteina (notes), vie se vain yhden tavarapaikan, huolimatta siitä montako niitä on repussa. Pinottavia tavaroista ovat esimerkiksi kultarahat, riimut ja nuolet.
- Your inventory can be found at the bottom left of your screen. This shows all the things that you are carrying. It consists of three major sections: The main inventory, a 3x3 box in the bottom left corner. This contains:
* hand - top left
* mask - top middle
* back - top right
* r_hand - middle left
* i_clothing - middle
* l_hand - middle right
* id - bottom left
* e_clothing - bottom middle
* headset - bottom right The other inventory. This is found by clicking the rectangle to the right of l_hand, and contains (from left to right):
- When you receive your newly created character, you notice that all the equipment slots are empty. You will see each slot and your character. Your Kamas are in the bottom right corner; Your bags, boxes and account chest are also in that same corner.
- Your Inventory is where you can equip, unequip, examine, store, destroy and use items. It can hold up to 80 Items. However, if you fill up a backpack/container with items and equip it, the items inside said equipped container are not included in the 80 item limit, unequipped backpacks/containers with items in them take up the space equal to the number of items inside PLUS the backpack itself (ex. an uneuipped backpack has 50 items in it, since the backpack itself is an unequipped item it takes up 51 of the 80 spaces). It is also handy to note, that once you use a deed for a vehicle, ship or pet, that it goes into your Datapad, not the Inventory.Some Items (Junk Loot, Tokens, Credit Chips, Resources, Etc.) will stack in the inventory automatically and each stack no matter how many of a sing
- To open your inventory press the Inventory on your Home Desktop. The Inventory icon is in the far left bottom corner of the Home Desktop. The Inventory Section currently contains 6 tabs in total. The Tavern Update increased the number of tabs in the Inventory section from 5 to 6 by splitting Energy and Strength items into two separate areas ('Energy' tab for energy items and 'Power' tab for strength items). This was done to reduce the amount of confusion between Energy and Strength, as before Strength items were stored in the energy tab and people mistakenly used them expecting their energy points to be increased. This is the second such change to players inventories designed to reduce the confusion between Energy and Strength. Originally, strength items looked like food items just like en
- Inventory means the set of all items that the character carries. It can be opened with the Short Cut "Command+i" and it is advised to keep it open at all times, as it is the only way to eat food, to access potions, to equip some items, to drop or give any items, and to check the quantity of items. The inventory window may be sorted by holding the "shift" key and dragging items up an down in the list*. It can be important to keep usable items in a consistent location so that in an emergency they can be clicked immediately without requiring a search.
- The Inventory is storage for the items in your Springfield. It is accessed by, firstly, clicking on the hammer/saw icon on the bottom righthand side of the screen, and then on the open cardboard box on the bottom lefthand side of the screen. The list will pull up everything in inventory. A click on "Use" under any item will place it back in Springfield.
- You can open your Inventory by pressing the associated icon in the bottom interface or simply hitting the I key. The Inventory screen takes up the right half of your screen whenever you open it. But don’t worry, the game keeps playing on the other side. The left and right areas of your Inventory contain several boxes that represent the different areas your character equips. These areas include: This is where you equip items such as helms, crowns, and tiaras. Lighter clothing that covers the chest area is worn here, usually underneath the chest armor.
- An Inventory is an easily accessible backpack which contains all of the items you have gathered whilst adventuring in Sanctuary. In it, the player carries the items that they can use anytime they want, and what they are not currently wearing (items that are equipped on a character do not count towards the inventory space). There is no limit on the items' quantity or weight; only the number of tiles, each item occupying 1, 2 (1x2), 3 (1x3), 4 (2x2 or 1x4), 6 (2x3) or 8 (2x4) tiles. Rearranging the items so that more of them can stick in is generally called inventory management.
- The limit of 28 items in a player's inventory is integral to the RuneScape economy. Since only 28 items can be held at once, this requires players to make trips to banks to deposit items while they are gathering or making items. This adds time to the process of gathering items such as logs, ores, or flax and the process of making items, such as bowstrings, bars, and bows. If inventory was unlimited, the prices of such items could face a considerable drop because it wouldn't take as much time to obtain large amounts of them. Runecrafting would be made ridiculously easy, as players would be able to craft infinite amounts of runes in a single trip. Gathering skills, such as Fishing, Woodcutting, and Mining (particularly mining rune/pure essence) could be trained for infinite amounts of time w
- The Inventory page has two sections: your inventory (on the left side of the page) and the market (on the right side). The Inventory section displays your drops and other items, categorized under these headings:
* Eggs
* Hatching Potions
* Food and Saddles
* Special items, such as the Mystery Item, Transformation Items, and Cards The Market section allows you to buy items of these types:
* Eggs
* Hatching Potions
* Food and Saddles
* Special items, such as the Fortify Potion, Orb of Rebirth, Key to the Kennels, and Cards
- Inventory (z ang. ekwipunek) - przestrzeń mogąca zawierać 28 przenoszonych oraz oraz 11 noszonych przedmiotów gracza. Każdy przedmiot (przenoszony i noszony) ma swoją wagę. Noszone przedmioty zajmują specjalne sloty:
* hełm,
* pancerz,
* spodnie,
* buty,
* rękawice,
* broń,
* tarcza,
* amunicja,
* amulet,
* pierścień. Przedmioty noszone nie zajmują miejsca w ekwipunku tak jak przedmioty przenoszone, ale założone są na postaci gracza i są widoczne (prócz pierścienia i amunicji) dla wszystkich innych graczy.
- File:Inventory-nav-bg.png The "Inventory" tab is where you can:
* Purchase or view your Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Animals and Henchmen in a new inventory system sortable by File:Inventory-sort-atk-icon.png Attack, File:Inventory-sort-def-icon.png Defense, File:Inventory-sort-abc-icon.png Alphabetical, File:Inventory-sort-gift-icon.png Giftable, File:Inventory-sort-cash-icon.png City Currency and File:Inventory-sort-rp-icon.png Reward Points.
* View the City Store (Also Faction Store in Bangkok)
* Check your Collections
* View Boosts and buy Extra Pair of Eyes and Hot Coffee (only in New York)
* Send Gifts to your mafia
* Manage your Wishlist
- いんべんとりーと読む。持ち物一覧表のこと。自分の所有物の一覧を見ることができる。 SL生活を続けるに従って、どんどん荒れていくもの。日常的に整理を心がけないとイライラする一覧になる。Torley氏によれば 7,000程度に抑えておくのが望ましいとか。 知っておくと便利な機能は以下の3つ 「Type here to search(ここに入力して検索)」欄 ここに入力した文字列を含むアイテムだけを表示するようになる 装着しているアイテムには(worn)と表示されるため「worn」と入力すれば装着アイテム一覧になる Recent Items ログインしてから現時点までに新たに入ったアイテムや変更を加えたアイテムのみ表示する File - Show Filters 各種フィルターをかけてより詳細の絞込みができる。「最後にログオフしてから以降」「何時間前以降」「何日以降」「服だけ」などで絞込みを行う。 デフォルトでは以下のフォルダ構成になっている
- Inventory is a feature that enables Sims to store and carry a number of items. It was introduced in The Sims: Hot Date, re-introduced in The Sims 2: Nightlife, and is a base-game feature in The Sims 3. It is also available in The Urbz: Sims in the City, The Sims 2 Pets for Consoles, and The Sims 2 Castaway. The inventory can be a space-saving feature, as it allows items to be stored until they are needed, without taking up space on the lot. Most games do not limit the number of items that can be placed in inventory, but some, such as The Sims 2 Pets for console, do.