| - Air Thrust (Dt.: Luftstoß) ist ein Zauber des Elements Wind.
- Air Thrust surrounds the target with sharp blades of wind, dealing many hits quickly while slightly lifting the enemy into the air. This spell is excellent for creating party combos because it can increase the hit count considerably quickly while preventing potential enemy knockdown and leaving it open for further attacks. The animation for this spell sometimes differs in certain entries, usually involving the wind resembling razor-edged discs or saw blades. In Tales of Symphonia, this spell is from the "Technical" arte branch for Genis Sage, its "Strike" counterpart being Air Blade. Although Genis can choose between these two spells, Kratos Aurion and Zelos Wilder both acquire it, regardless of their disposition. In Tales of Hearts, if either Kohaku Hearts or Hisui Hearts are summoned into battle using the Connect Command panel, and while controlling the opposite character to use both this spell and Cure at the same time, the combination arte becomes Fairy Circle. If Hisui or Beryl Benito are summoned using this spell and Stone Wall, the combination arte becomes Add Pressure.