| - Tier: 5-B | At least 4-C, possibly High 4-C Name: Lernaea, "Karkinos Rucan" (Karkinos Rucan is the host for Lernaea's body) Gender: Male Age: About 120 (Should be around the same age as Age), Lernaea's age is unknown Classification: Human/Nodos Hybrid, Monster/Demon, Nodos of Life/Embodiment of Life Attack Potency: Planet level | At least Star level, possibly Large Star level Speed: Relativistic+ | At least Relativistic+ Lifting Strength: Class E+ | Likely Higher Striking Strength: Planet Class | At least Star Class, possibly Large Star Class Range: Planetary | Stellar
| - Tier: 5-B | At least 4-C, possibly High 4-C Name: Lernaea, "Karkinos Rucan" (Karkinos Rucan is the host for Lernaea's body) Gender: Male Age: About 120 (Should be around the same age as Age), Lernaea's age is unknown Classification: Human/Nodos Hybrid, Monster/Demon, Nodos of Life/Embodiment of Life Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, can survive in space, ability to go into "Mental Chaos/Frenzy" where his power is increased and it is essentially a berserker state, able to fight for weeks on end without tiring, Immortality (Types 1 and 3), Regeneration (Mid-Godly), Poison Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, healing, Enhanced Senses, possible sensors jamming and protection against psychic powers, can freely moves in zero-gravity, Telepathy, planetary awareness, Matter Manipulation (Can manipulate matter to create a mini-Hydra), can absorb matter to heal and repair his body. Attack Potency: Planet level | At least Star level, possibly Large Star level Speed: Relativistic+ | At least Relativistic+ Lifting Strength: Class E+ | Likely Higher Striking Strength: Planet Class | At least Star Class, possibly Large Star Class Durability: At least Planet level | At least Star level, possibly Large Star level Stamina: Nearly limitless (Lernaea engaged in combat with Bellcross for over 200 hours without rest) | Possibly limitless Range: Planetary | Stellar Standard Equipment: Nothing notable Intelligence: High, considering he has lived for over 100 years. A skilled combatant who has spent many years serving the Silver Tribe. Weaknesses: If he goes into a frenzy, he loses control and destroys everything in his path. Prefers to talk things over rather than fight a battle, though he can be violent if it is needed.
* Poison Manipulation: Lernaea can generate and create poison.
* Poison Snake: Lernaea can create a poisonous gas-snake from his body.
* Poison Shield: Lernaea can create a shield made of poison.
* Hydra: Lernaea can create a mini-Hydra from matter.
* Frenzy/Mental Chaos: A berserker state entered when In a very difficult battle such as fighting multiple Nodos. Lernaea becomes tinted red in various areas, and his strength, speed, durability and stamina are greatly increased, and he is driven into a battle rage Key: Average Condition | Frenzy/Mental Chaos