| - Cacao is a musician that resides in Matataki Village. He plays the guitar and pipe, among other things.
- Cacao, or Kawkaw, is a Maya god. He is the god of maize and the head of the Maya pantheon, as maize was a main part of the diet of the Maya people. Although not seen, it is known he is still alive, as his deal continued to work in the present day, if he was dead it would have stopped.
- Cacao (Kakao) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball franchise. He makes his debut in the 1990 film The Tree of Might.
- Ces gousses, lorsqu'elles sont broyée, produisent la pâte crémeuse connue sous le nom de cacao. Attention: Dans le jeu, ce produit est appelé Cocoa, très certainement à cause d'une erreur de traduction...
- Cacao was one of the many cats owned by the ruthless Ruby Deagle. The cat appeared in Gremlins. Although his mistress Deagle was cruel and mean, spreading terror in the hearts of many in Kingston Falls, she loved him and spoiled him like the other cats. Cacao and the others cats survived the Gremlin attack on the town, unlike Deagle who was killed in a bizarre accident caused by the Deagle Gremlin.
- From Nahuatl cacahuatl.
- "This is one of the beans from a tree used in the production of chocolate. It seems they grow overseas in a warmer climate. It also seems they are quite valuable as in import, and I've heard that Kubire Komachi-san buys them in bulk every year!"
* Note: This item is part of Valentines 2016 event.
- A nut from the Cacao tree that is naturally found in warm climes. It must be dried into cacao beans, fried and then ground to become cacao paste. Chocolate is made by solidifying the cacao paste with milk. The fat extracted from the cacao paste is used as cacao butter, so it's not ready to eat yet.
- Available at level 34. This is a crop harvested from trees. Cost of one Tree is 400File:Gold.png.
- Cacao is a cyborg henchman of Turles and a villain from the Dragon Ball Z movie, The Tree of Might.
- Cacao è una delle trentacinque isole che costituiscono l'arcipelago Tottoland e si trova a sud-sud-est di Whole Cake Island. Essa è governata dal ministro del cioccolato.
- C'est une ressource débloquée au Niveau 34 Elle peut être cueillie sur un
- Las vainas de cacao son las frutas que se encuentran naturalmente en el tronco de tamaño normal de los árboles de la selva. Son un recurso renovable, a medida que crecen en y pueden ser plantadas en un tronco de árbol de selva usando semillas de cacao. El jugador puede cosechar semillas de cacao a partir de los frutos, que se pueden utilizar en su posterior reproducción de vainas de cacao, como un tinte marrón o para hacer galletas. Cuando se cosechan, las vainas de cacao parpadeará brevemente en rojo antes de desaparecer y dejar caer los semillas de cacao (la cantidad de semillas que caen varía dependiendo de la etapa del crecimiento de la vaina de cacao.
- Cacao (カカオ) est un mercenaire à la solde de Tullece, Il apparait dans le Film 03: Dragon Ball Z - La super bataille décisive autour de la Terre.
- Cacao (カカオ, Kakao) es uno de los guerreros de élite de Turles que aparece en la película Súper batalla decisiva por el planeta Tierra.
- Kategoria:Artykuły do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Cacao – poddany procesowi cyborgizacji Ikondianin, superżołnierz, jeden z członków Miażdżącego Szwadronu Tullece'a. Występuje w Wielkim starciu o całą Ziemię, trzecim z kolei filmie kinowym serii Dragon Ball Z.
- Does Juan Martinez Need a Time Out? Juan Martinez has shown himself to be a very direct interrogator. If he asks a yes or no question, he wants a yes or no answer, not some drawn-out explanation. The prosecutor is attempting to obtain justice for Travis Alexander, who was brutally murdered on June 4, 2008 by his then-lover Jodi Arias. She faces the death penalty if convicted, but she is trying to get off on self defense, claiming she was abused by the deceased and she did it to save her own life. As Mr. Martinez cross-examined domestic violence "expert" Alyce LaViolette on Tuesday, she said, "If you were in my group, I would ask you take a time out, Mr. Martinez," likely referring to the aggressive interrogation tactics he has used. This led to further scolding by Judge Sherry Stephens, wh
- Le cacao, concrètement, c’est comme du chocolat qui pousserait sur un arbre. C’est un peu comme si on pouvait cueillir des Mon Chéri par exemple, sauf que personne n’en cueillerait vu que c’est vraiment immonde comme truc. Un Mon Chéri, c'est du chocolat, une cerise et un peu d'alcool pour noyer ses soucis. Je sais pas si vous en avez déjà croqué un, au début on se dit cool, c’est un brave chocolat aromatisé à la cerise, et puis on croque dedans à pleine dent, et là une espèce de gelée rose bonbon vous dégouline des lèvres, avant de venir s’écraser sur le tout nouveau t-shirt Pokémon Darkrai que votre mamy venait de vous offrir pour Noël, et v’là t’y pas que ça commence à partir en conflit familial sévère à coup de « Je t’avais dit de pas le mettre tout de suite », « De toute façon il étai