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- Power Description The following Advantages can be purchased or are built in to this power: * Ranged * Double Damage * Armor Piercing * Yes Solvent (this power can be powered-up as part of a solvent package) * Seeker * Multi-Attack * Works in Melee * Area Effect Standard: (Cost: ) Description Superior: (Cost: ) Description Supreme: (Cost: ) Description Ultimate: (Cost: ) Description Special Notes:
- Telekinesis is the ability to move or otherwise exert force on objects or people from a distance and without physical contact. The ability is often used with gestures, other forms of bodily motion. However, it is also used with some form of mental effort, as well as with strong emotion. It is one of the most commonly used supernatural powers in the series used supernatural powers in the series. It has been employed by humans through magic like witchcraft and sorcery or from being a psychic or medium. It is one of the notable and commonly employed abilities used by demons. The pagan Deities normally have this power as well. Primordial Entities and Angels also have used this power.
- Telekinesis, also known as Psychokinesis, is a broad heading that covers a number of Psychic techniques, although it constitutes a technique in itself.
- Telekinesis är en förmåga som gör att psykisk manipulation av objekt. Sam fick förmågan efter en bomb av okänd ursprung avgav okänd strålning.kategori:Mentala förmågor
- Telekinesis is the ability to perform manual functions on distant targets without making physical contact with said target, such as mentally seizing or lifting an object, creating telekinetic impulses used to knock things over,or telekinetically choking them from afar. This ability is exhibited by several characters in the series.
- Telekinesis is a form of Psychokinesis and reflects the ability to move physical material through the use of mental energy. This power is alternately known as Mind Over Matter, or sometimes shortened to T.K. One form of Telekinesis is known as Tactile Telekinesis, and requires physical contact with an object in order to move it. Superboy (Kon-El) once possessed tactile telekinesis and often used it to demonstrate feats which could sometimes be described as super-strength.
- Tags the target that attacks on it have higher accuracy.
- Telekinesis is a power used by Molly, Kari, Lisa and Anais. It allowed them to levitate objects with a single thought. Molly's is latent, Anais' is high, Lisa and Kari's is tactile; they make objects levitate just by touching them.
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with one's mind. The most common (and pressumably the only) users of this power are witches. Cassie Hughes is the first character to demonstrate this ability. Ella Dee is also a user.
- Telekinesis is a Plasmid that appears in BioShock, BioShock 2, and the BioShock 2 Multiplayer. Telekinesis is an active Plasmid that instantly picks up, draws in, and steadily levitates a movable object. Object held by Telekinesis can be thrown with great force and distance at the cost of EVE. Objects thrown at enemies will cause heavy physical damage. In addition to its combat capabilities, Telekinesis allows the player to collect items, search containers, and loot corpses that are unreachable by normal means.
- Telekinesis is the power to move, manipulate and control objects with the mind, and without physical contact with the objects. A particularly powerful telekinetic might be able to control individual atoms, or control objects over extremely long distances.
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects, without actually making contact with the object. It is usually activated through a hand motion and intense concentration on the object, though at later levelse activated with little a7a
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with only the mind. It is a super power shared by several from mutants to sorcerers to cosmic beings.
- File:Superman211.jpg Telekinesis is the ability to move and Manipulate objects using mindforce.
- This sphere concerns the moving of objects with the power of the mind alone. While a novice in this sphere might only be able to make a book hover across the room, an adept could quite literally move mountains.
- Telekinesis is a unnamed Caster Magic used by various Mages.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Telekinesis Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Telekinesis is a Generation V non-damaging Psychic-type move.
- Telekinesis is the ability to move and otherwise evert force on objects or people using the mind. Kryptonians have some sort of bond with Kryptonian objects, allowing them to move them with their mind. (Crusade)
- Telekeninixhskcnoscbd
- Telekinesis (or TK for short) is [...].
- The Power to move things with ones mind
- This is the Psion's Level 3 Ability. At Level 3, it does around 8-12 damage. Combat Skill Cost: 4 PP
- Telekinesis, contrary to popular belief is not the art of hurling objects with your mind, it is actually a small town in Guatemala.It is also the bacteria that created the AIDS virus. It has produced many things that may (or should) have come from other countries or people, but didn't. A list of these is as follows: the Dali Lama, the word towel, several small foxes, chimneysweeps and your pants. Several more things did, but are not worth your time, or I haven't written about yet.
- Telekinesis or as it is often known, Psychokinesis, is the ability to use heavy mental concentration to exert influence upon physical objects in such a way as to move, alter or distort them. It is sometimes referred to as TK of PK as well. Experimental results, as with other parapsychological phenomena, have been inconclusive.
- Telekinesis is a Tier 1 Mental power in the Telekinesis tree.
- La Telekinesis es un Sub-Poder de la Psiónica que permite al usuario controlar y mover los objetos con su mente.
- [[Category:]] Telekinesis was an arcane transmutation spell that allowed a caster to telekinetically move, manipulate, or forcefully hurl objects or creatures.
- Telekinesis is the ability to control and manipulate objects and people with one's mind. It is considered an uncommon type of power.
- Telekinesis is a psychic merit badge at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. Razputin learns this when his PSI Cadet rank reaches 20. This skill allows Raz to lift objects and throw them with his mind. When using this, Raz grasps the object with a mental hand, and then throws it in any direction. The Bears use this to attack Raz. At PSI Cadet Rank 65, Raz gains the upgrade TK Extension, which increases his throwing range.
- Telekinesis (also known as Psychokinesis) is the ability to manipulate and control objects without physically touching them, especially with the mind. One individual who possessed this power was the human Jimbo Cobb. His command of it was sufficient to completely overturn a car. However each use induced intense headaches.
- Some other powerful magical beings also possess this ability; mummies, for instance, are also proficient with telekinesis, as demonstrated in the episode Night at the Lazerama.
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands, the latter being the most common way to use the power. This is one of the most common yet strongest powers possessed by magical beings, be they good, evil or neutral.
- Telekinesis, also known as psychokinesis, is the ability to move physical objects using just the mind. Various characters exhibit this power, the most prominent being Kid Mischief.
- Give this character a power action and designate a target character or object (A) and a destination square (B). This character, A, and B must all be within 8 squares and line of fire of each other. Place A in B. If A is a character, it must be a single base character and possess the normal or tiny damage symbols. If A is an opposing character, make a close or ranged combat attack that deals no damage against A, and only place the character in B if the target is hit. If A is an object and B is occupied by an opposing character, this character may make a ranged combat attack targeting the character occupying B, dealing object damage and destroying the object. A character that has been placed by Telekinesis this turn can’t use Telekinesis this turn.
- Telekinesis is a super power that allows one to move things with one's mind.
- Telekinesis is a type of psionic power. It is the ability to move, manipulate, and otherwise exert force on physical matter using one's mind, allowing the mind to be used as a weapon.
- Telekinesis is the psionic ability to move and control many objects and people with one's mind. It is also known as "TK" and less commonly refered to as psychokinesis. At least four notable characters within the Stephen King universe are known to have been in possession of abitlities that cause this sort of phenomenon. The most famous of these characters is Carrie White. Charlie McGee from Firestarter also possesses this power, in addition to her more famed power of pyrokinesis. It also posesses this power. Finally, Abra Stone from Doctor Sleep is also telekinetic, in addition to multiple other psychic powers. Rachel Lang from the sequel to Brian De Palma's Carrie also posseses this ability, and uses it for revenge, similarly to Carrie.
- Telekinesis, or psychokinesis, is the psychic ability to influence physical environment without physical interaction. A person possessing telekinetic ability can move objects merely by willing the objects to move. In some cases, the telekinetic person may not be aware that he or she is having an influence on objects. In these situations, the telekinetic power operates at a subconscious level.
- Telekinesis was the supernatural ability to exert influence on a physical system — an object — without the mediation of physical energy or contact.
- Telekinesis is a form of Psychokinesis and reflects the ability to move physical material through the use of mental energy. Telekinesis should not be confused with telepathy, which is the ability to influence other minds utilising ones own mental abilities. This power is alternately known as Mind Over Matter, or sometimes shortened to T.K. One form of Telekinesis is known as Tactile Telekinesis, and requires physical contact with an object in order to move it. Superboy (Kon-El) once possessed tactile telekinesis and often used it to demonstrate feats which could sometimes be described as super-strength.
- Telekinesis (or Psychokinesis) is a concept common in Science Fiction. It refers to movement at a distance, the capability to move objects through by willing it without applying physical force. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Telekinesis is a mental skill defined as the ability of manipulating virtually anything using one's own mind.
- Telekinesis is a utility that first appeared in Worms Revolution. This utility allows you to control any of the selected Physics Objects (for example, a lighter) on the landscape, but it ends your turn. You can also use this to drop an object on an enemy Worm and trap it. The Telekinesis is a short range version of the UFO.
- The recommended stats for Telekinesis are Constitution and Ego
- Telekinesis is an alien power on WB sci-fi series Roswell.
- Telekinesis, abbreviated TK, is a neutral ability that most Force-sensitives have. With it, they could lift and move objects to their will. This ability was the base for Force Pull, Force Throw and Force Push, as well as telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques such as Saber Throw. It could be disputed that these are all the same power applied to different means. The ability was extremely common among Force sensitive individuals and organizations, though the techniques could differ greatly.
- Description: Hinders the hostile squad's ability to attack and inflicts damage to it for a short period of time.
- Telekinesis (念動力 (テレキネシス) Nendōryoku (Terekineshisu)?, lit. "Telekinetic Force") is the unseen power to move objects from a distance. It is one of the most common abilities in Academy City.
- Telekinesis is the power to move and control objects or matter with the power of the user(s) mind without physically touching them.
- With it, Ryun can lift objects according to his concentration and move them, hovering the items in any direction. This ability was the base for Chakra Grip and Chakra Crush, as well as telekinetic sword combat techniques such as Zanpakuto Throw. It could be disputed that these are all the same power applied to different means.
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the mind. It is unknown whether this is a common or rare Vampire power.
- Caitlin has possessed this ability for years but she is still gaining control of it. She seems able to do simple tasks with the ability. She has never been shown attempting more.
- A very useful spell! With this spell it is possible for the mage to manipulate items from afar, even through walls. This way, one can activate levers and switches that are normally unreachable. Note however that the spell has two drawbacks:
* First it really only works on inanimate objects, living beings are not effected by it.
* Also, it really can only manipulate things with a basic movement. It can loosen the wrinch a drawbridge but it's impossible to do any finer work from afar.
- Telekinesis (often called Teke or TK, much less known as Psychokinesis) is the psionic ability to move, manipulate and control a multitude of people and objects with the mind without physically touching them, especially over long distances. Depending on the user's skill and power, they may be able to levitate themselves and other objects (including heavy objects), and form powerful pushes/blasts and protective shields. The beings able to perform telekinesis are named Telekinetics or Telekines.
- The power to manipulate objects/matter with their mind.
- Species known to have telekinetic powers include:
* Time Lords (TV: Last of the Time Lords)
* Daleks (TV: Death to the Daleks)
* Fendahleen (TV: Image of the Fendahl)
* Empty Child (TV: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
* Humanised Daleks (COMIC: Children of the Revolution)
* Korvens (TV: The Korven)
* Humans (TV: The Lost Boy)
* Vigil (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)
* Merry Galel's species (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)
* The Sisterhood of Karn (TV: The Brain of Morbius)
- The ability to exert force on (any) object(s) using only the power of that person's will. The act of telekinesis usually involves visualizing the desired object being moved in ones "mind's eye".
- This may include or be limited to one or more of the following:
* Ballistic Telekinesis
* Vector Telekinesis
* Tactile Telekinesis The level of telekinetic strength and fine control is measured by the Telekinetic Scale.
- The ability to manipulate objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye.
- Telekinesis is a Magic which involves the usage of hand gestures and/or the mind to move objects.
- Telekinesis (超の力, Chō no Ryoku; Literally meaning "Psycho Power") is a technique that allows to manipulate objects and other people with the power of one's mind. The first use of telekinesis is seen during Tenkaichi Budokai when Chiaotzu fights Krillin and is able to control his movements to some extent without touching him. In Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta shows another use of this technique on the planet Arlia where he kills the Arlian king by lifting a big number of stones and throwing them at him. At the same time Piccolo trains by lifting and putting back whole pyramids (he screws up eventually, detonating one of them and causing a major earthquake).
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects or people with the mind alone. Only Spirit users have this ability, this has been demostrated by Robert Doru and Adrian Ivashkov on two seperate occasions. Robert Doru used Telekinesis against Sonya Karp when he attempted to compel her at her house that she stayed in when she was Strigoi, in Last Sacrifice.
- Nobody knows my true identity. For all we know I’m John F. Kennedy’s Love child with Nosferatu. We can’t know, but still we got to. Nobody knows how deep this mystery goes, But ancient caveman history shows: We’re all descended from the same evil alien slime. And it’s a pretty shade of gray. It makes the woodwork eat away. Glass breaks and cow’s milk curdles. It glows in the dark and it mutates turtles. I rolled my eyes a bit too much. Am I really that out of touch? Why should I care about this? I’m not concerned with the things I miss.
- 5th-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes You gain the ability to move or manipulate creatures or objects by thought. When you cast the spell, and as your action each round for the duration, you can exert your will on one creature or object that you can see within range, causing the appropriate effect below. You can affect the same target round after round, or choose a new one at any time. If you switch targets, the prior target is no longer affected by the spell.
- It's not clear if this form of magic is performed only by casting spells (sometimes non-verbally, enchanting a spell in the mind) or also without an incantation. This probably depends on the sorcerer's power, with the most powerful ones who don't need to pronounce a formula. This power can be divided into three categories: spells that push objects, spells that move them in general and spells that make them fly (the most common). Telekinesis can also involve spells which break or destroy objects.
- Telekinesis grants the ability to lift people, vehicles, and other objects in the air and hurl them great distances. It is the required Super Power needed to unlock Telekinesis Clusters. It is the second offensive Power gained in the game,Broken {{ref}} (youtube link) and plays a primary role in in the Telekinesis Rift, Telekinesis Mayhem, and Prof. Genki's M.O.M. activities, and can disable Warden Shields temporarily when hit by thrown objects. Once upgraded, Telekinesis also allows The Protagonist to grab both tanks and aircrafts such as the Destructor and the Void.
- The ability to manipulate and use one's mind to attack or move objects and persons. The energy used to do this is described as psychokinetic in nature, and is given off and produced by the mind. The color manifests usually unique to wavelength and power of the individual. Many users can also concentrate their power with in their own body and can significantly boost all attributes including strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina etc. They can also use this method in order to fly.
- Effect: This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move objects with the power of her mind alone. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires. A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but each additional object requires a new telekinesis roll. This power can be used to levitate oneself or others. It can be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies. When used to levitate someone against their will, the target may resist by adding her Perception or control roll to the difficulty number. Levitated objects can be used to attack other characters. Such objects do 1D if under a kilogram, 2D if one to ten kilos, 4D if 11 to 100 kilos, 3D speeder-scale damage if 101 kilos to one metric ton, 3D starfighter-scale damage if one to ten tons and 5D starfighter-scale damage
- Psychokinesis (more commonly known as telekinesis) is the ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind without physically touching them, especially over long distances. Depending on the user's skill, they may be able to levitate themselves and other objects (including heavy objects), and form protective shields. Psychokinetic powers often take more exotic and specific forms, allowing their wielders to specialize in fantastic feats. Rearranging the quantum structure of matter, controlling fire, and bending light are examples of these abilities. Many psychokinetics are unable to manifest their powers beyond their specialty.
- You gain the ability to move or manipulate creatures or objects by thought. When you cast the spell, and as your action each round for the duration, you can exert your will on one creature or object that you can see within range, causing the appropriate effect below. You can affect the same target round after round, or choose a new one at any time. If you switch targets, the prior target is no longer affected by the spell. On subsequent rounds, you can use your action to attempt to maintain your telekinetic grip on the creature by repeating the contest.
- Telekinesis is the ability to move objects and people with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye. With this power, the user can levitate objects, hold an object in place, pull objects towards the user, push objects away from the user, and alter an object's directional course. In "Aquata Returns", Sirena uses this power to send the Trident out of Zac's hands and into the water and Nixie and Sirena were then shown using this power to send Zac flying. In "Truce", this power is also referred to as, "Levitation".
- This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move objects with the power of her mind alone. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires. A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but each additional object requires a new telekinesis roll. This power can be used to levitate oneself or others. It can be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies. When used to levitate someone against their will, the target may resist by adding her Perception or control roll to the difficulty number.
- Telekinesis is the psychic ability to directly influence objects using our mind. We can use telekinesis to move objects, vibrate objects, but we can also use it to manipulate time, elements, space, and energy. Telekinesis can also be used to distort material items and has been cited as the power used to manipulate random number generators.There are two levels of it: Micro and Macro Telekinesis. The term Telekinesis originated in 1890 with Alexander N. Aksakof, a Russian researcher who specialized in psychic phenomena. Telekinesis is also referred to as Psychokinesis, which originated in 1914 with the book, On The Cosmic Relations, by Henry Holt, an American author. J. B. Rhine, the American parapsychologist, was a friend of Holt's, and began using the term in 1934.
- The ability to move objects with thought alone. This also covers levitation. Centaurans may levitate freely in normal circumstances, so long as their psi post scaling is greater than 0 and not in an area where psionics are completely suppressed. They would, however, need to roll this skill to conduct complex levitation maneuvers. Damage formula when used as an attack: ODF of weapon (if item has no native ODF, then follow the chart). A native item ODF takes precedent over weight based ODF. First category is weight: Second category is speed (either increase or decrease): Additional items: Duration:
- Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the ability to move or manipulate objects without physically touching them. Without a matrix one's laran may only move a feather or a pencil, with a matrix even those with limited telepathic gifts or mild empathy can learn to use a matrix for telekinetic manipulation. A trained telepath can turn the blades of a helicopter fast enough for it to take off, with a larger matrix and a circle it is possible to literally move moutains. During the Ages of Chaos teleportation through the relays was also possible.
- A telekinetic push is the ability to create a telekinetic impulse via chakra, launching a concussive burst of pressurized air-not unlike the blast of an archaic 'pipe bomb'-that will impact a target with enough force to knock it over, launch it into the air, or even (particularly in the case of fragile materials such as ceramics) shatter it into pieces. The greater the user's telekinetic aptitude, the larger the pressure differential, and thus the stronger the effect and the heavier the target. With practice, Minako increased the range and arc of the blast without lowering the average kinetic energy, creating a blanketed wave instead of a focused impulse. Minako can also generate a concussive blast that would radiate from her for dozens of meters in all directions, detonating with the forc
- Telekinesis, also called Psychokinesis, Telergy or Psychergy is the ability for a person to psychically influence tangible matter with the intangible mind. One with this ability could mentally lift subjects that are usually far too heavy to lift with the user’s actual arms. This may include or be limited to one of the following:
- The mutant has the ability to manipulate inanimate objects by the power of its mind alone. It may, however, do nothing else at the same time. The mutant must make a WP test to use this attribute, but need not test every turn it is in use. This power is most commonly used for the remote control of weaponry. A sword, for example, can be controlled up to D4 x D6 x 2 yards away. Determine this range each time this attribute is used.
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Telekinesis article. Take me to the [ Telekinesis] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- The ability to mentally move people/objects/entities with the mind, In general, enabling/access to:
* Kinetic Absorption (absorb all types of air & energy and convert it into several types of energy).
* Kinetic Touch/Projection (feel/exert kinetic energy from your hands and/or mind in several angles and force).
* Super Strength (exert strength greater than a human).
* Levitation/Flight (kinetically move objects and/or oneself above the ground|propel in mid-air at speeds of sound).
* Force-Field Generation (shield/resist/protect oneself and/or others away from illnesses, gunfire, explosions, etc.).
* Gravity Manipulation (control/alter the gravity of people/objects from light to heavy weight mass).
* Time Manipulation/Chronokinesis (slowing down, reversing, forward
- Besides moving objects, telekinets (TK), and the closely related psychokinets (PK), can also do far more subtle things, such as setting things on fire, freezing them, or controlling electricity. TK levels are measured in both strength and control, as in TK-3c. Sometimes a range is added: TK-4b-50 is limited to 50 yards of controllable range. The tables below should allow you to generalize to non-listed types, like cryokinesis and other elemental variants, such as air or earth. It is also fairly common for the talent to be focused on, or limited to a particular type of physical object: super-powerful hair, whips or chains that obey your guidance, mechanical octopus arms grafted to your body: stuff like that. Basically, TK can have any number of effects, as long as there's something physical
- Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of one's mind. Related to the sixth sense, telekinesis is considered a base skill, and thus many characters have demonstrated its use, especially among saints and other warriors. Some demonstrate special prowess in this ability, such as the descendants of Mu's alchemists (evidenced by the eyebrows: Aries Mū, Aries Shion, Kiki, Cancer Sage, Altar Hakurei, Crane Yuzuriha, Hanuman Tokusa, Atla, Aries Kiki, Raki). Some were demonstrated to have especially good telekinetic skills despite not descending from the alchemist clan, such as the specter Papillon Myu (whose skills were even superior to those of Aries Mū) and the anime-only saint Spartan (who brought down a plane). Telekinesis has been connected to Kiki's ability