| - Wilhelm Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813, in Leipzig, Germany, and went on to become one of the world's most influential and controversial composers. Wagner was famous for both his complex operas, such as the four-part, 18-hour Ring Cycle, as well as for his anti-semitic writings. The Ring Cycle was ahead of its time in that it combined literature, visuals and music in a way that would anticipate the future of film. Film composers, including John Williams, were inspired by Wagner's use of leitmotifs.
- Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22. toukokuuta 1813 – 13. helmikuuta 1883) oli saksalainen säveltäjä, kapellimestari musiikkiteoreetikko ja esseisti. Hänen merkittävyytensä säveltäjänä perustuu pitkälti oopperoihin.
- Richard Wagner (22 May 1813 – 13 February 1883) was a German composer. His compositions "Wagner: Szene 3: 'Ein Schwert verhieß mir der Vater (Die Walküre - Erster Tag des Bühnenfestspiels "Der Ring des Nibelungen"/Erster Aufzug)" and "Wagner: Trauermarsch (Götterdämmerung - Dritter Tag des Bühnenfestspiels "Der Ring des Nibelungen"/Dritter Aufzug)" are featured in Captain America: The First Avenger. His composition "Ride of the Valkyries" is featured in the video game The Incredible Hulk. He is mentioned in the comic book Captain America: First Vengeance.
- Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, theatre director, polemicist, and conductor, who is primarily known for his operas. He revolutionized opera through his concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk ("total work of art"), by which he sought to synthesize the poetic, visual, musical and dramatic arts, with music subsidiary to drama.
- Wagner was said to have composed the Ring cycle, which took nine hours to watch in one sitting. Wagner also composed the Bridal Chorus, which was heard in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Balance of Terror" and the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Course: Oblivion" ; he also created the opera Tristan and Isolde, whose title appeared on a banner in VOY: "Future's End, Part II".
- Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was a German composer best remembered for writing a number of operas. Unlike most opera composers, Wagner wrote both the libretto and the music for each of his works, making him the sole creator of the characters and stories found within.
- Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 e mayo e 1813, Leipzig, Raino e Sajonia, Conferación der Rin – 13 e frebero e 1883, Venecia, Italia) jue un componeor, diret·tor d'orquesta, puéta y teórico mursical alemán. Su jigura ha pasao a la posterïá preinciparmente po sus óperas (tamién calificás como "dramas mursicales") en las qui, a diferencia d'otros jrandes componeores, asume tamién l'escenografía y'er llibreto.
- Wilhelm Richard Wagner (ur. 22 maja 1813 w Lipsku, zm. 13 lutego 1883 w Wenecji) – kompozytor niemiecki, poeta i teoretyk sztuki, jest uznawany za twórcę nowej koncepcji dzieła scenicznego – dramatu muzycznego, łączącego w integralną całość różne dziedziny sztuki. Jego charyzmatyczna osobowość zapewniała mu po tylu samo gorących zwolenników (Adolf Hitler), co zaciekłych przeciwników (Eva Braun).
- Richard Wagner (1813-1883), plus grand opérateur allemand du XIXe siècle et ultime rival de Friedrich Nietzsche au bobsleigh.
- Richard Wagner ist ein deutscher Komponist, der von 1813 bis 1883 sein Unwesen trieb und dessen Ring des Nibelungen noch heute in vielen Opernhäusern dieser Welt herumspukt. thumb|right|Angela und Bruce Willis auf dem Weg zum Festspielhaus in Bayreuth - da versagt jedes Deo! thumb|right|Angela mit somnambulen Blick nach der einwöchigen Aufführung Der Hang zum Größenwahn ist bei diesem Komponisten eindeutig diagnostiziert worden und seine Opernwerke dauern selten kürzer als 1 Woche, weswegen alle Gesangspartien mindestens dreifach besetzt werden müssen, damit die Sänger sich im Schichtbetrieb abwechseln können.
- Ebbe un'infanzia infelice, segnata dalla morte prima del padre naturale, e poi anche di tutti gli altri padri sostitutivi che la madre s'affannava a procurargli. Ciò fu la causa dell'incrinamento del rapporto tra il giovane Wagner e la madre, la quale, dovendo decidere fra il benestare dei propri amanti e la compagnia del figlio, non esitò a spedirlo sotto la tutela di oscuri parenti in Polonia. Il piccolo Riccardo, mal adattandosi al materno decreto, si ostinava dapprincipio a tornare a casa per ogni occasione: una volta aveva dimenticato il clarinetto, un'altra volta aveva finito l'inchiostro, a volte aveva perso la merenda o si era scordato di fare la pipì. Quando una volta tornò a piedi a casa dalla Polonia perché gli serviva una tazzina di zucchero per fare le frittelle, la madre deci
- Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May 1813 – 13 February 1883) was a German composer, conductor, music theorist, and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas" as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner always wrote the scenario and libretto for his works himself.
- Wagner came from a theatrical family. "Showbiz is in my blood" he used to say all through his life. At the age of seven he appeared as "Little Dick and Frou-Frou", a vaudeville routine involving a stuffed reindeer, on the same bill as his uncle Jake Meyerbeer. By the age of fiteen he had been taken under the wing of Franz Liszt, conductor of the Vallée Doberman theatre in Linz.
- Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813–1883) was a German composer, conductor, theater director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works. Wagner expressed extensive racist sentiments in his life. He wrote several tracts denouncing the influence of Jews on German music. A half-century after his death, the German Nazi Party appropriated Wagner's music, due in part to his simultaneous German nationlism and implied anti-Semitism.