| - In combat, he has the Poison Enchanted affix.
- Templeton is a character from E.B. White's novel Charlotte's Web and the live-action film adaptation of the same name. He is a careless, selfish rat who enjoys eating.
- [Source] Templeton fut sénateur de la planète Virujansi au Sénat Impérial. Il fut ensuite capturé par l'Empire Galactique durant la dissolution du Sénat et libéré par l'Alliance Rebelle.
- Templeton was a Senator in the Imperial Senate who was exiled to the prison moon Captivity by the Galactic Empire. Falling in with the group led by the former Imperial Navy captain, Dedelin, Templton was eventually rescued by Alliance to Restore the Republic agents. Along, with Farazzish, Templeton was only one of two senators still surviving on the planet, and had been imprisoned before the Alliance had flourished. News of an organized resistance to the Empire excited the former Senator.
- templeton floor.png templeton arm.png templeton head.png templeton shoulder.png Templetons are often very reclusive little rats. They are very rare and prefer to live in a quiet forest. Templetons can also be used in the Crafting Profession Tailoring and can be turned into leather. Interested in learning about other pets of Sorven? Visit the KogoDex to learn more!
- Templeton era un senador humano que reprsentaba al planeta Virujansi en el Senado Imperial. Fue capturado por el Imperio Galáctico y encarcerlado en la luna prisión Imperial Captivity junto con el ex-senador Farazzish. Fue liberado por la Alianza Rebelde.
- Templeton is a gluttonous rat and and the anti-hero of Charlotte's Web. He is a greedy, gluttonous, lazy, and rather selfish rat who helps Charlotte and Wilbur only when offered food. He is always trying to get Wilbur into trouble, while Charlotte is trying to keep the pig from becoming bacon. He is voiced by the late Paul Lynde in the 1973 Animated film, Charlie Adler in the 2003 Direct to video sequel and Steve Buscemi in the 2006 live action film.
- Templeton is the Chimou Star in Suikoden and Suikoden II.
- thumb|Mrs. Tempelton Mrs. Tempelton ist eine Holofigur aus Captain Kathryn Janeways Holoroman Janeway Lambda Eins auf der USS Voyager. Sie ist seit über 20 Jahren im Dienst von Lord Burleigh. Anfänglich hat sie Einwände gegen die Einstellung des Kindermädchens Lucie Davenport, alias Kathryn Janeway, doch inzwischen akzeptiert sie die zweite Dame im Hause. Mrs. Tempelton ist eine sehr steife Person, die sehr auf die Ordnung im Hause bedacht ist und hat ein gewisses Mitspracherecht beim Personal. (VOY: , ) Mrs. Tempelton wurde von Carolyn Seymour gespielt und von Viola Sauer synchronisiert.
- Mrs. Templeton was a character in Captain Janeway's Gothic holonovel. Mrs. Templeton tended Lord Burleigh's mansion and guarded the secrets of the house especially that of the late Mrs. Burleigh. She made life difficult for Janeway's character. She deeply disapproved of Janeway, who played the governess in the novel. (VOY: "Cathexis") Mrs. Templeton was played by returning Trek actress Carolyn Seymour.