During the Dig Site quest, players learn that the area was once Senntisten, the capital of the nation of Zaros during the Second Age. During the quest, players find a Zarosian symbol and a tablet telling all mortals to tremble before the power of Zaros. This area is said to be part of a city three times bigger than Varrock which supposedly reached to Edgeville (then known as Paddewwa). It was destroyed during the God Wars and replaced by Saranthium, which was destroyed several hundred years before Avarrocka was established in 700 of the Fourth Age.
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| - Digsite on P2P-RuneScapen argeologinen kaivuupaikka Varrockista itään. Jotta paikassa pääsee tekemään mitään hyödyllistä pitää Digsite Quest olla suoritettu.
- During the Dig Site quest, players learn that the area was once Senntisten, the capital of the nation of Zaros during the Second Age. During the quest, players find a Zarosian symbol and a tablet telling all mortals to tremble before the power of Zaros. This area is said to be part of a city three times bigger than Varrock which supposedly reached to Edgeville (then known as Paddewwa). It was destroyed during the God Wars and replaced by Saranthium, which was destroyed several hundred years before Avarrocka was established in 700 of the Fourth Age.
- The Digsite is an archaeological excavation area just east of Varrock. Players need to proceed far enough into the Dig Site quest in order to fully use it. This area is a members-only location. It is visited during several quests:
* The Dig Site
* The Golem
* Desert Treasure
* The Temple at Senntisten
* Ritual of the Mahjarrat
* A Soul's Bane For players who are doing or have completed The Dig Site quest, the north-west winch at the Digsite provides access to the Digsite Dungeon. A Rope must be used with the winch to enter the dungeon.
- De Digsite is een archeologisch opgravingsgebied ten zuid-oosten van Varrock. Spelers moeten een bepaald punt in Digsite Quest quest bereikt hebben, om het gebied volledig te kunnen gebruiken. Dit gebied is alleen voor members toegankelijk. Het speelt een rol in 3 quests; de Digsite Quest, Desert Treasure en het is het startpunt van Elemental Workshop II.
- The Digsite is an archaeological excavation area just east of Varrock. Players need to proceed far enough into the Dig Site quest in order to fully use it. This area is a members-only location. It is visited during several quests:
* The Dig Site
* The Golem
* Desert Treasure
* A Soul's Bane For players who are doing or have completed The Dig Site quest, the north-west winch at the Digsite provides access to the Digsite Dungeon. A Rope must be used with the winch to enter the dungeon.
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| - Digsite on P2P-RuneScapen argeologinen kaivuupaikka Varrockista itään. Jotta paikassa pääsee tekemään mitään hyödyllistä pitää Digsite Quest olla suoritettu.
- The Digsite is an archaeological excavation area just east of Varrock. Players need to proceed far enough into the Dig Site quest in order to fully use it. This area is a members-only location. It is visited during several quests:
* The Dig Site
* The Golem
* Desert Treasure
* A Soul's Bane During the Dig Site quest, players learn that the area was once Senntisten, the capital of the Zarosian empire during the Second Age. During the quest, players find an ancient talisman and a stone tablet telling all mortals to tremble before the power of Zaros. This area is said to be part of a city three times bigger than Varrock which supposedly reached to Edgeville (then known as Paddewwa). It was destroyed during the God Wars and replaced by Saranthium, which was destroyed several hundred years before Avarrocka was established in 700 of the Fourth Age. For players who are doing or have completed The Dig Site quest, the north-west winch at the Digsite provides access to the Digsite Dungeon. A Rope must be used with the winch to enter the dungeon.
- During the Dig Site quest, players learn that the area was once Senntisten, the capital of the nation of Zaros during the Second Age. During the quest, players find a Zarosian symbol and a tablet telling all mortals to tremble before the power of Zaros. This area is said to be part of a city three times bigger than Varrock which supposedly reached to Edgeville (then known as Paddewwa). It was destroyed during the God Wars and replaced by Saranthium, which was destroyed several hundred years before Avarrocka was established in 700 of the Fourth Age. After earning 100 kudos in the Varrock Museum miniquest, players will have future access to an unreleased island north of Morytania. The barge to travel there is currently being built just north of the Digsite. Workers are too busy to talk now. A new gate for the workmen just east of Varrock is closed, but players can enter through the gate to Paterdomus temple. For players who are doing or have completed The Dig Site quest, the north-west winch at the Digsite provides access to the Digsite Dungeon. A Rope must be used with the winch to enter the dungeon.
- The Digsite is an archaeological excavation area just east of Varrock. Players need to proceed far enough into the Dig Site quest in order to fully use it. This area is a members-only location. It is visited during several quests:
* The Dig Site
* The Golem
* Desert Treasure
* The Temple at Senntisten
* Ritual of the Mahjarrat
* A Soul's Bane During the Dig Site quest, players learn that the area was once Senntisten, the capital of the nation of Zaros during the Second Age. During the quest, players find a Zarosian symbol and a tablet telling all mortals to tremble before the power of Zaros. This area is said to be part of a city three times bigger than Varrock which supposedly reached to Edgeville (then known as Paddewwa). It was destroyed during the God Wars and replaced by Saranthium, which was destroyed several hundred years before Avarrocka was established in 700 of the Fourth Age. After earning 100 kudos in the Varrock Museum miniquest, players will have future access to an unreleased island north of Morytania. The barge to travel there is currently being built just north of the Digsite. Workers are too busy to talk now. A new gate for the workmen just east of Varrock is closed, but players can enter through the gate to Paterdomus temple. For players who are doing or have completed The Dig Site quest, the north-west winch at the Digsite provides access to the Digsite Dungeon. A Rope must be used with the winch to enter the dungeon.
- De Digsite is een archeologisch opgravingsgebied ten zuid-oosten van Varrock. Spelers moeten een bepaald punt in Digsite Quest quest bereikt hebben, om het gebied volledig te kunnen gebruiken. Dit gebied is alleen voor members toegankelijk. Het speelt een rol in 3 quests; de Digsite Quest, Desert Treasure en het is het startpunt van Elemental Workshop II. Tijdens de Digsite quest vindt de speler een symbool van Zaros, en een tablet, dat vertelt dat alle stervelingen moeten sidderen voor de macht van Zaros. Dit tempel complex maakte deel uit van een stad drie maal zo groot als Varrock, waarvan gezegt wordt dat het reikte tot Paddewwa (Edgeville). Na het halen van 100 kudos in de Varrock Museum miniquest, krijgen spelers toegang tot een eiland ten noorden van Morytania, echter deze update moet nog plaats vinden; het eiland bestaat nog niet. De barge (schuit), om er naartoe te reizen, wordt op dit moment gemaakt. De werklieden zijn te druk bezig om erover te praten. De ingang in het westen van de Digsite is gesloten, maar spelers kunnen binnenkomen via de ingang richting Paterdomus.
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