| - Godfather des Grunge. Naja so ähnlich...
- Neil Young is a Canadian singer-songwriter. He forged a successful and acclaimed solo career, releasing his first album in 1968; his career has since spanned over 40 years and 35 studio albums, with a continual and uncompromising exploration of musical styles. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame website describes Young as "one of rock and roll’s greatest songwriters and performers".
- Neil Percival Young is a Canadian rock musician, well known for his work with the Band Buffalo Springfield and for albums such as Harvest and After the Gold Rush. He appeared as himself in the Cleveland Show fanfic Canada You Lend A Hand?. He auditioned for the singing voice of Charlie in Oliver and Company 2. His album Zuma appears in the Glee fanfic Welcome Home, Kurt and he appears in the Simpsons fanfic Springfield-Stock as ageing rock singer Harry X.
- Neil Young est un bûcheron canadien devenu célèbre en ayant fait de la musique. Pas commun, n'est-ce pas? Sa particularité est d'avoir le physique du bûcheron moyen et une voix de femme. Il est devenu célèbre en plein pendant les années hippies. Cela vous étonne? thumb|right|Si ça c'est pas du bûcheron authentique!
- Neil Archibald Young, (nome di battesimo Aniello Giovine; Taranto, 12 novembre 1945) è un cantautore pugliese di origini indiane tibetane e canadesi. Lasciata Bari, sua città di adozione, si trasferisce a Los Angeles nel 1944 e cerca lavoro come lavapiatti o cameriere, ma viene puntualmente licenziato a causa del suo accento troppo simile a quello di Lino Banfi.
- Neil Young is a Canadian folk musician. He was a member of Buffalo Springfield and later collaborated with Crosby, Stills, and Nash on their song Ohio. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Buffalo Springfield and as a solo artist. He is referenced in the song Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd in response to his songs Southern Man and Alabama. When inducted into the Hall of Fame, it was without his backing group Crazy Horse. His song Sugar Mountain is about a childhood hangout. His songs Into the Black and Out of the Blue are the same song, with the former being electric and the latter being acoustic. The song mentions Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols.
- Neil Percival Young OC, OM (born November 12, 1945) is a Canadian singer-songwriter. He began performing in a group covering Shadows instrumentals in Canada in 1960, before moving to California in 1966, where he co-founded the band Buffalo Springfield along with Stephen Stills and Richie Furay, later joining Crosby, Stills & Nash as a fourth member in 1969. He forged a successful and acclaimed solo career, releasing his first album in 1968; his career has since spanned over 40 years and 35 studio albums, with a continual and uncompromising exploration of musical styles. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame website describes Young as "one of rock and roll’s greatest songwriters and performers".He has been inducted into the Hall of Fame twice: first as a solo artist in 1995, and second as a member
- Neil Percival Kenneth Robert Ragland Young, máis coñecido por Neil Young (nacido o 12 de novembro de 1945) é un músico e compositor de orixe canadense, que fixo a súa carreira nos Estados Unidos. Coñecido pola súa voz nasal e a súas letras, Young é unha lenda do rock estadounidense, aínda que o seu estilo musical transita entre o folk e o country rock, alternando con álbumes máis pesados onde algunhas cancións aproxímanse ao hard rock, con guitarras suxas e longos solos con moita distorsión. Os seus concertos son verdadeiras celebracións de rock normalmente acompañado da banda Crazy Horse, que o acompaña desde o inicio da súa carreira.
- Neil Young is a musician. At times he is a folk-style musician while at other times he delivers loud, crunching hard rock, and dabbles in other forms, including jazz, electronica and rockibilly. Image:GroovyPeaceSign.gif Image:GratefulDeadBears.jpg "Neil Young"is hippie-related, and not groovy to The Baby Jesus.
- Peel first met Neil Young on April 15, 1966, when the DJ was working at KMEN in California and Young was a member of Buffalo Springfield, who were supporting the Byrds at the Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino.[1] [2] In a 1976 column for Sounds, Peel wrote: Nevertheless, Peel would be a long-time admirer of Young’s work, “particularly the noisier things that he does.”[4] On his 19 October 1991 show, the DJ commented:
- Neil Percival Young, OC, OM (born November 12, 1945) is a Canadian singer-songwriter who is widely regarded as one of the most influential musicians of his generation. Young began performing as a solo artist in Canada in 1960, before moving to California in 1966, where he co-founded the band Buffalo Springfield along with Stephen Stills and Richie Furay, and later joined Crosby, Stills & Nash as a fourth member in 1969. He forged a successful and acclaimed solo career, releasing his first album in 1968; his career has since spanned over 40 years and 34 studio albums, with a continual and uncompromising exploration of musical styles. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame website describes Young as "one of rock and roll’s greatest songwriters and performers". He has been inducted into the Hall of F
- Neil Percival Young OC, OM (born November 12, 1945) is a Canadian singer-songwriter. He began performing in a group covering Shadows instrumentals in Canada in 1960, before moving to California in 1966, where he co-founded the band Buffalo Springfield along with Stephen Stills and Richie Furay, later joining Crosby, Stills & Nash as a fourth member in 1969. He forged a successful and acclaimed solo career, releasing his first album in 1968; his career has since spanned over 40 years and 35 studio albums, with a continual and uncompromising exploration of musical styles. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame website describes Young as "one of rock and roll’s greatest songwriters and performers". He has been inducted into the Hall of Fame twice: first as a solo artist in 1995, and second as a membe
- Neil Young - Das "Chamäleon der Popmusik", der "dritte Beatle", der "vierzehnte Doors", zahlreiche Spitznamen hat der 1945 in Kanada geborene Musiker im Verlauf seiner Karriere bereits erhalten. Zu seinen größten Hits zählen "Mal ist das Leben schubidu, mal nichts als Einsamkeit" sowie "Haha said the Clown", den der zusammen mit seinem Partner Paul McCartney schrieb. Seine weltweite Fangemeinde wird wohl nur noch von der von Tokio Hotel übertroffen.
- Neil Young is the only living member of the extinct genus of Homo, Youngopithecus Neilarensis, a slenderly built species distinct for its Neanderthal-like brow and copious secretion of oil from glands in the scalp. 5 Litres of this oil is produced in a week and is a delicacy as a salad dressing in South America. It is for this prize that the Y. Neilarensis was tragically hunted into extinction in the wild. Born in captivity, 'Neil Young', or 'That Lank-Haired, Whiny-Voiced Greaseball Hippy', as he was affectionately known by his keepers, developed remarkably human characteristics, such as the ability to walk upright, take drugs and drink tequila. He amused his keepers by imitating the human singing voice, although all he could manage was a strange sounding squeal. As a joke, They put him i