| - On 29 July 1900, the King of Italy Umberto I di Savoia manages to escape a murder attempt in Monza. OTL Killer, the anarchist Gaetano Bresci, is been delayed by a random police control and gets arrested. Umberto I survives and continues to reign, faithfully adhering to the Triple Alliance with German Empire and Austria-Hungary, despite protests of Irredentists, not last his heir Vittorio Emanuele. No secret agreements with France are signed in 1902. On the contrary, Umberto I supports Habsburgs' interests in Balkan Wars, and receives some aids from Germany, during Libyan War.
| - On 29 July 1900, the King of Italy Umberto I di Savoia manages to escape a murder attempt in Monza. OTL Killer, the anarchist Gaetano Bresci, is been delayed by a random police control and gets arrested. Umberto I survives and continues to reign, faithfully adhering to the Triple Alliance with German Empire and Austria-Hungary, despite protests of Irredentists, not last his heir Vittorio Emanuele. No secret agreements with France are signed in 1902. On the contrary, Umberto I supports Habsburgs' interests in Balkan Wars, and receives some aids from Germany, during Libyan War. On 28 June 1914, following the murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum of 23 July, Wilhelm II strongly pressures on Franz Josef, requesting that Trento and Trieste be given to Italy, in exchange for military intervention in any case. Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti and King Umberto I agree and promises to honour the pact. On 29 July, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Two days after, Russia starts the mobilization. The day after, Germany declares war on Russia. Umberto I forces the Parliament to enter war together with Central Powers On 3 August, France declares on Germany, which attacks through Belgium, enacting the original Schlieffen Plan. The day after, the United Kingdom declares on Germany to protect Belgian neutrality, and Italy attacks France.