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- In 1995, KFC's South Korean division partnered with Saban to make Power Rangers kids toys and sell Power Ranger T-shirts with their meals to promote Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The food packaging also promoted the film, such as the Power Rangers lightning bolt on specially marked boxes of their chicken containers.
- "KFC" is a song from Moon Man's The Lynching Moon album.
- הסניף הראשון הוקם בקניה שבאפריקה, וכבר שם מכר מאות ארוחות ילדים שהגיעו עם הפתעה (בדרך כלל טבעת מפלסטיק ואצבע). עם השנים הרשת נדדה ברחבי אירופה אך פשטה את הרגל והייתה על סף סגירה. לאחר מכן התגלתה היבשת החדשה "אמריקה", הקולונל לא וויתר והחליט לפתוח גם שם סניפים וכך עשה, הפופולריות ביבשת גרמה לו להרחיב את הסניפים לכל מדינות אמריקה וארצות הברית. עם השנים KFC העבירה מחלה חדשה לאמריקה, מחלה שאף אחד עוד לא שמע אליה לפני כן "השמנה", ההשמנה גרמה ל KFC (שנקראת באותה תקופה Kenya Fried Children) נאלצה לשנות את שמה לראשי תיבות! זאת הייתה התלבטות קשה אך לבסוף, צעד קיצוני זה נעשה. אפשר להבין בקלות את סיבת הצלחת החברה, אחת מן הסיבות המובנות ביותר הוא הטעם הממכר, הכימיקלים והחומרים המסרטנים המצויים בארוחה הטעימה הזאת. בנוסף לזאת KFC היא רשת המסעדות שהחזירה הכי הרבה צמחוניים לאכילת בשר.
- KFC is the second episode of GreyBob For Hire.
- From 1986-1988 in U.S.A., Foghorn Leghorn, Henery Hawk, and Miss Prissy were featured in animated commercials for the chain. As seen in the commercials, premiums offered by the restaurants over the years include:
* Four cars, featuring Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam, Sylvester and Tweety, Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, and Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd (1990)
* Sylvester and Tweety mugs (1993)
* Wile E. Coyote, Tweety, Bugs Bunny, and Tasmanian Devil mugs (1995)
* Tiny Toon Adventures stickers and jumbo-fun sheet
- In 2013, the company's Mexican subsidiary ran advertisements tied into the release of Star Trek Into Darkness and to cross-promote their Star Trek "Chicky Pack" meals and toy premiums. Four Star Trek kids' toys were released at Mexican KFC restaurants:
* USS Enterprise (printed cardboard)
* Takayama-type shuttlecraft (printed cardboard)
* Starfleet Command Division Logo projector
* USS Enterprise (TOS) projector
- Keith Fantasy Club (KFC) - одна из фанатских компаний, производящих неофициальные игрушки трансформеров.
- KFC provides Americans with all of the crunchy fat-encrusted chicken corpses that drive God's nation to calorific glory. Real Americans do this because they know that there is no such thing as Global Warming, and thus are unafraid to prepare themselves for the winter with a thick layer of blubber.
- KFC (Kaszanka, Flaki, Czysta) - spółka z bardzo ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, druga na świecie sieć barów szybkiej obsługi, największy konkurent Pana Donalda. Sieć serwuje wyłącznie tradycyjnie polskie dania, takie jak schabowe, bigos, czy pierogi, czym wyróżnia się od konkurenta, serwującego również dania o pochodzeniu amerykańskim.
- To KFC (Killing Forces Cover-fire) μια καυτή και σέξυ εταιρία που κατασκευάζει καυτά φαγητά. Ιδρύθηκε το 1799.999.999 π.Χ από τον κύριο Κέι Εφ Σι ο οποίος κατάγεται από την Κεϋεφσινίκα, μία περιοχή της Κίνας. Πρωταρχικός του στόχος ήταν να κάψει το κοινό. Συνεργάζεται με την εταιρία Pepsi Cola ως μέσο πυρόσβεσης.
- thumb|200px|Efekt uboczny kurczaka z KFC thumb|200px|Wycieczka na kurczaki. Do KFC! thumb|200px|Danie przed podaniem Kentucky Fried Chicken – restauracja o tradycjach przywleczonych podobnie jak w przypadku McDonald'sa z Ameryki typu fast food (w których jak sama nazwa wskazuje, potrawy trzeba jeść szybko, bo inaczej nie dadzą się przełknąć).
- thumb KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) est une chaîne américaine de fast-foods fondée en 1952, spécialisée dans le poulet frit. La chaîne appartient au groupe Yum! Brands, Inc.
- Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC, it is no longer allowed under United States law to be called so. However the phrase "nobody fucks chickens like Kentucky Fucks Chickens" was allowed in abbreviated form. In Quebec KFC is known as "PFK", despite the fact that, everywhere else in the world, it is still called KFC (including France). This is due to the fact that French Canadians are pussies.
- Its headquarters is in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. It is the world's second largest restaurant chain (as measured by sales) after McDonald's, with almost 20,000 locations globally in 123 countries and territories. The company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a restaurant company that also owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains. KFC's original product is pressure fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders' recipe of 11 herbs and spices. The constituents of the recipe represent a notable trade secret. Larger portions of fried chicken are served in a cardboard "bucket", which has become a well known feature of the chain since it was first introduced by franchisee Pete Harman in 1957. Since the early 1990s, KFC has expanded its menu to offer other chicken products such as chicken fil
- KFC (the name was originally an initialism for Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, in the United States. It is the world's second largest restaurant chain (as measured by sales) after McDonald's, with 18,875 outlets in 118 countries and territories as of December 2013. The company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a restaurant company that also owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains.
- KFC primarily sells chicken pieces, wraps, salads and sandwiches. While its primary focus is fried chicken, KFC also offers a line of grilled and roasted chicken products, side dishes and desserts. The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken by Colonel Sanders in 1952, though the idea of KFC's fried chicken actually goes back to 1930. The company adopted the abbreviated form of its name in 1991. Foghorn Leghorn enters a restaurant commenting on how good the food smells only to have his head cut off by Colonel Sanders in "Back to the Woods".
- Kfc Black Guy Rainbow Chicken Dance Original - 10 HoursMusic: Alf Theme 8-Bit [EXTENDED]Source: <a href="http://eanbowman.com/swf/index.php?im...">http://eanbowman.com/swf/index.php?im...</a> You've Been Chicken Rolled!The one, the only 2204355 chicken eatin' dude!I'm takeing request for loops.Kfc Black Guy Rainbow Chicken Dance Original - 10 Hour editionHave a happy Day