| - Add-on content for the game has also been released in the form of the Bad Blood DLC.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews WATCH_DOGS.
- Watch Dogs is the 53rd Honest Game Trailer.
- Watch Dogs es un videojuego para Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 y Microsoft Windows. Su lanzamiento para todas las plataformas excepto Wii U fue el 27 de Mayo de 2013. El 10 de Septiembre de 2014, Ubisoft México anunció por error la salida de juego para Wii U en América. Ubisoft rectificó horas después y dio la fecha de lanzamiento oficial mundial, el 20 de noviembre de 2014
- The player plays as vigilante Aiden Poodle, who uses Yapping to avenge the death of his niece Lena and find the true dogs out to euthanize him and his mixed-breed family.
- Watch Dogs (stylized as WATCH_DOGS) is a modern-day action adventure game for the Wii U. The game features the ability to hack into various electronic systems and analyze people nearby with a device called a "Profiler". Watch Dogs was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. The Wii U was the last console in which the game was released on.
- Watch Dogs (ang. Oglądaj Psy) – gra komputerowa, którą stworzył (i wydał) Ubisoft. Produkcja podnieciła wszystkich na E3 2012, ale po premierze okazała się raczej kiepska (ocena 7/10 w CDA!!!). Nikt nie wie, czy produkcja nazywa się Watch Dogs czy Watch_Dogs, ponieważ w logo gry znajduje się „_”, a we wszystkich recenzjach i opisach produkcji już nie.
- thumb Juega como Marcus Holloway, un joven y brillante hacker que vive en la cuna de la revolución tecnológica, la zona de la bahía de San Francisco. Colabora con DedSec, un conocido grupo de hackers, para ejecutar el mayor pirateo de la historia; acaba con ctOS 2.0, un sistema operativo utilizado por un grupo de genios criminales para vigilar y manipular a los ciudadanos a gran escala.
- Watch Dogs (stylized as WATCH_DOGS) is an action-adventure-stealth video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was scheduled to be released on November 19, 2013, but was pushed back to May 27, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles. A Wii U version of Watch Dogs was released on November 18, 2014. The sequel to Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 2, was released on November the 15th, 2016.
- United States Marine Corps Aiden Pearce's Niece is killed in a car wreck when a club member is hired to kill Aiden and shoots the tires of Aiden's car, killing his Niece and forcing him into a state where he feels it neccecary to hunt down the guilty and kill them all. He kills Quill, the club member hired to kill Aiden, who shot the tires. He then escapes a baseball stadium by hacking into the tech security with his "Black Hat" Military Special Ops Tech Supply Cell Phone that he can use to hack into every piece of tech in Illinios. He then, along with the help of his friends, including his girlfriend, hunts down several others and gains a new ally and at that, an even better grey hat hacker. He then kills Delford "Iraq" Wade, a former US Army soldier of Iraq War and later kills their lead