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- South Africa is a country in the southern tip of Africa. Pretoria is the executive capital, Bloemfontein is the judicial capital, and Cape Town is the legislative capital. Johannesburg is the largest city.
- U.S. Americans need to uh, such as, help South Africa with their future educations such as like the Iraq. We should help the U.S. or uh, should help the South Africa or should uh uh help the Iraq for our children. -Caitlin Upton, Miss Teen South Carolina 2007. From her astonishing quote to help the people of this country, what she is basically saying is that South Africa is exactly the same as Iraq and both countries are exactly the same as U.S. America.
- South Africa is a nation-state located on the planet Earth and was a member of the African Confederation by the 24th century. In 2349, Sarita Carson was born in the South African city of Cape Town. (ST video game: Starship Creator)
- South Africa has seen one of the most dramatic transformations of international image and reputation in recent history. Until 1994 the nation was governed under apartheid rule, and was widely condemned internationally for its violation of civil liberties and widespread racial violence. Since becoming fully democratic, however, South Africa has emerged as an international symbol of progress and leadership on the African continent. Building on its political and social transformation, South Africa continues to cultivate an image as a moral and political model for the rest of the Africa, and as a powerful political player in the global realm.
- South Africa is a country in Africa, it has a border with the Indian Ocean.
- Nelson Mandela was from here and he was a huge freedom fighter. He was in jail and even from jail he was instrumental in the change of Apartheidin South Africa. Jail didn't break him. He was tremendously strong. South Africa is ethnically diverse, with the largest Caucasian, Indian, and racially mixed communities in Africa. Although 79.6% of the South African population is Black, this category is neither culturally nor linguistically homogenous, as they speak a number of different Bantu languages, nine of which have official status. Midyear 2007, the South African population was estimated at 47.9 million
- Taxes levied in South Africa are administred by the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
- Actor Cliff Simon (who played Ba'al), and actresses Suanne Braun (who played Hathor) and Musetta Vander (who played Shan'auc) were originally born in South Africa.
- The Republic of South Africa (also referred to as South Africa, SA or RSA) is a state in southern Africa. It is a parliamentary democracy comprising nine provinces which is located at the southern tip of Africa, with a 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans.To the north lie Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique and Swaziland; while Lesotho is an enclave surrounded by South African territory.
- South Africa is a country located on the southern tip of Africa. Known for it's multiethnic society, it is the 25th-largest country in the world by land area and the world's 25th-most populous nation
- South Africa is the only country in the world where saying, "G'day mate" is a criminal as well as a civil offence, and as such can lead to one's arrest (or more than likely, execution by firing squad). It is also home to many of history's greatest idiots, namely black supremacist Julius Malema, cross-dresser Evita Bezuidenhout, and Charlize "There-on" Theron. Heavy metal singer Phil Collins and his Emo-band Genesis dramatized South Africa in their songs after losing Peter Gabriel in 1767.
- South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa, is a country located at the southern tip of Africa. It is divided into nine provinces and has 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline. To the north lie the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique and Swaziland; while Lesotho is an enclave surrounded by South African territory. South Africa is the 25th largest country in the world by area and the 24th most populous country with over 51 million people. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
- South Africa is a country at the southern end of Africa. It has a population of about 49,000,000 and its capitals are Bloemfontein, Cape Town and Pretoria.
- South Africa is a nation located at the very southern tip of Africa. The capital is Pretoria and the largest city is Johannesburg.
- Shanashie SH43041_A_500.jpg
- South Africa is a country in Africa.
- South Africa is a country of Africa.
- South Africa was a nation in southern Africa.
- The flag of South Africa is a fimbriated pall design from the hoist. The pall is coloured green, the pile is coloured black, the upper trapezoid is coloured red, the lower trapezoid is colored blue, the fimbriation on the pile is coloured yellow, and the rest of the fimbriation is coloured white.
- South Africa was a country in the southern African continent on Earth. One of its prominent citizens was the statesman and president Nelson Mandela. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In 1968, when the United States of America launched an orbital platform armed with nuclear weapons, ground stations in South Africa and on Bermuda monitored the flight of the rocket carrying the platform. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth" )
- South Africa is a country in Africa. It only appeared so far in the Street Fighter 1994 film, where troops were sent to join the Allied Nations in Shadaloo to fight M. Bison.
- The Republic of South Africa is the country at the southern tip of Africa. Between 1948 and 1994, the country was locked in the grip of a system of legalized racial segregation. The Teen Titan Starfire once made a journey to South Africa and became involved in the Apartheid political atmosphere when she was framed for the murder of a peace activist named Father Mandutu.
- Pretoria, one of the capital cities of South Africa, is the birthplace and home of Dr. Ellie Deyga. (VEN: "Homesick")
- South Africa's air Shot is the Golem Shot. When activated in mid-air, a large golem is summoned with the ball and charges, it's massive head ducked down and the ball inside his horn. The Golem will combust upon contact, sending the Middle-Sized Ball forwards, towards the goal (Very easy to block when jumping at the right time). When activated on the ground, the Golem will explode shortly after the activation and the ball will be in the big Golem fist that shoots forward the enemy's goal. The best position to use it is in the mid-field.
- South Africa is an ethnically diverse majority black southern African state approximately twice the size of Texas with a population of 52 million. From 1948 to 1994 it suffered under the authoritarian aparthied government of the Afrikaner Nationalist Party and did not hold its first elections with universal suffrage elections until 1994. Since then it has been ruled by the African Nationalist Congress (ANC) governments.
- South Africa, or the Union of South Africa, is a country in Africa, being the most stable on the continent. They began the Africa Wars, invading numerous countries prior to their defeat in 2017.
- South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa, is a country located at the southern tip of Africa.
- South Africa is a country in Southern Africa. Several Empaths were rescued off the coast by John Druitt after their ship began to sink.
- The Republic of South Africa, also known by other official names, is a country located at the southern tip of the continent of Africa. It is known for its productive fossil sites. Modern human beings have inhabited South Africa for more than 100,000 years. At the time of European contact, its indigenous peoples reflected migrations from other parts of Africa, where new tribes had become dominant. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
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- For more information on Safari Travel in South Africa please visit: Safari Directory For more information on hotels and accommodation in South Africa please visit: Safari Directory Safari
- Home > List of rides > South Africa Look up on Google / Wikipedia Critical Mass in South Africa
- The South African national cricket team, nicknamed the Proteas (and formerly Springboks), represent South Africa in international cricket. They are administered by Cricket South Africa. South Africa is a full member of the International Cricket Council, also known as ICC, with Test and One Day International, or ODI, status. As of 18 March 2014, the South African team has played 384 Test matches, winning 140 (36.45%), losing 129 (33.59%) and drawing 114 (29.94%) of its games.
- South Africa was the home of the time-traveling Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging organization. Their tampering with history allowed the Confederate States to win the Second American Revolution in 1864. However, their head-on confrontation with Robert E. Lee after the war foiled their ultimate aim in this interference - i.e. to create a history in which South Africa would remain white-ruled.
- South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (Afrikaans: Republiek van Suid-Afrika, Zulu: iRiphabliki yaseNingizimu Afrika, Xhosa: iRiphabliki yaseMzantsi Afrika, Tsonga: Riphabliki yaAfrika Dzonga, Northern Sotho and Southern Sotho: Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa, Tswana: Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa, Ndebele: IRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika, Swati: IRiphabhulikhi yeNingizimu Afrika, Venda: Riphabuliki ya Afurika Tshipembe), is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent. To the north lie the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique and Swaziland; while Lesotho is an enclave surrounded by South African territory.
- <default>South Africa</default> nativename slides Type Founding document Constitution Leader(s) Head of State Head of Government Commander-in-chief De facto leader Executive branch Legislative branch Judicial branch Affiliation Military Capital Language(s) Currency National anthem National holiday Date formed Date established Date fragmented Date reorganized Date dissolved Date restored Conflicts status notes South Africa is a country located in southern Africa, bordering the nations of Angola, Zaire, Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland. The country's stance during World War III is unknown, but due to it's ties with the United States, as well as the nation's anti-communist sentiment, it may have supported the USA.
- Dutch traders landed at the southern tip of modern day South Africa in 1652 and established a stopover point on the spice route between the Netherlands and the Far East, founding the city of Cape Town. After the British seized the Cape of Good Hope area in 1806, many of the Dutch settlers (the Boers) trekked north to found their own republics. The discovery of diamonds (1867) and gold (1886) spurred wealth and immigration and intensified the subjugation of the native inhabitants. The Boers resisted British encroachments but were defeated in the Boer War (1899-1902); however, the British and the Afrikaners, as the Boers became known, ruled together beginning in 1910 under the Union of South Africa, which became a republic in 1961 after a whites-only referendum. In 1948, the National Party w
- South Africa (Officially the Union of South Africa) was an independent African state which existed from 1910 until 1961. Being one of the wealthiest territories on the continent, it eventually developed into a strong white-ruled nation. The Union came into existence on May 30th 1910, the result of merging the Cape, Natal and Transvaal colonies, as well as the Orange Free State. In 1961, the Union of South Africa was abolished and the increasingly isolationist nation declared itself a fully independent republic.
- South Africa is an African nation-state on Earth, part of the African Confederation. Pretoria is the executive capital city. People or things originating from South Africa are described as South African. In 1968, ground stations in South Africa and Bermuda detected the US launch of an orbital nuclear warhead platform. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth") Nelson Mandela was president during the 1990s. Dr. M'Benga, assistant chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise in the 2260s, was raised in Durban. (Orion Press: "The Hyperion Crew")
- South Africa is a country in the southern region of the African continent. Sesame Workshop developed a Sesame Street co-production for the country, Takalani Sesame. This process was featured in the documentary, The World According to Sesame Street. The series made international headlines in 2002 when the show introduced Kami, an HIV-positive Muppet character. Other South African Muppets include Moshe, Zikwe, Kupukeji and Zuzu. In 2005, a German BMW commercial with Kermit the Frog was shot in Calvinia, a regional town in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.
- South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans, on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland, and surrounding the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the 25th-largest country in the world by land area, and with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. It is the only country that borders both the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan Afri
- South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (Afrikaans: Republiek van Suid-Afrika, Zulu: iRiphabliki yaseNingizimu Afrika, Xhosa: iRiphabliki yaseMzantsi Afrika, Tsonga: Riphabliki yaAfrika Dzonga, Northern Sotho and Southern Sotho: Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa, Tswana: Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa, Ndebele: IRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika, Swati: IRiphabhulikhi yeNingizimu Afrika, Venda: Riphabuliki ya Afurika Tshipembe), is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent. It borders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Lesotho (an independent enclave surrounded by South African territory). South Africa is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
- South Africa was the southernmost country in Africa, bordering both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It had northern boundaries with the countries of Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zambia. Additionally, the small country of Lesotho was an enclave surrounded by South Africa on all sides. ("Day 7: 12:00am-1:00am") The National Intelligence Agency was one of South Africa's main intelligence services. (CTU Operations Manual)
- South Africa first participated at the Olympic Games in 1904, and sent athletes to compete in every Summer Olympic Games until 1960. After the passage of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1761 in 1962 in response to South Africa's policy of apartheid, the nation was barred from the Games. (This did not, however, apply to the Paralympics. South Africa made its Paralympic Games début in 1964, and continued to compete until 1976, included, after which the Dutch Parliament declared its participation in the 1980 Summer Games would be undesirable. From then on, South Africa was absent from the Paralympics until 1992. See: South Africa at the Paralympics.)
- Image:Img13715.jpg Projects and networks by topic please see South Africa links
* Resentse Sinqobile Trust Trading as Zondi BuyBack Initiative". A local NGO and government institutions have teamed up to establish this comprehensive buyback centre to recycle, reshape and sell household waste such as cans and plastic. Natural resource protection, the reduction of litter, increased employment opportunities and an educational program are among the impressive results of this initiative.
* IziWasha Two social enterprises and a private company have developed this innovative hand-held laundry device to facilitate washing in low-income communities. As the appliance does not rely on electricity or a home water supply, IziWasha significantly cuts water and energy use. A network of female micro
- 53231 471646717707 12185972707 5570919 328982 o.jpg 54952 470569267707 12185972707 5552472 506479 o.jpg 52959 471645052707 12185972707 5570886 2474531 o.jpg The photos are in! As part of a 350.org project titled "eARTh BIG Pictures - Climate Art Visible from Space," the Canary Project and local Cape Town citizens created an enormous solar sun out of 70 parabolic solar cookers with the “rays” being on-the-ground tables where the local community will feast on traditional food made in the solar cookers. The solar cookers will be donated to the Khayelitsha community of Cape Town where many people do not have access to electricity. Each cooker lasts for 10 years and requires no fossil fuels, saving money for families while also protecting their health and the environment.
- South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa, is a country located at the southern tip of Africa. It has 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline that stretches along the South Atlantic and Indian oceans. To the north lie the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique and Swaziland; within it lies Lesotho, an enclave surrounded by South African territory. South Africa is the 25th-largest country in the world by land area, and with close to 53 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation.
- The first film studio in South Africa, Killarney Film Studios, was established in 1915 in Johannesburg. During the 1910s and 1920s, many South African films were made in or around Durban. These films often made use of the dramatic scenery available in rural KwaZulu-Natal, particularly the Drakensberg region. KwaZulu-Natal was also served as the appropriate location for historical films. Sarie Marais, the first Afrikaans-language sound film, was released in 1931. Subsequent sound releases such as Die Wildsboudjie (1948), a 1949 Sarie Marais remake, and Daar doer in die bosveld (1950) continued to cater primarily to white, Afrikaans-speaking audiences.
- South Africa has experienced a different history from other nations in Africa because of early immigration from Europe and the strategic importance of the Cape Sea Route. European immigration began shortly after the Dutch East India Company founded a station at what would become Cape Town, in 1652. The closure of the Suez Canal during the Six-Day War highlighted its significance to East-West trade. The country's relatively developed infrastructure made its mineral wealth available and important to Western interests, particularly throughout the late nineteenth century and, with international competition and rivalry, during the Cold War. South Africa is ethnically diverse, with the largest Caucasian, Asian, and racially mixed communities in Africa.
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