Lode Runner is a video game series, with its first game released on the Apple II. The series is linked to the Bomberman series, due to the fact that various Bombermen appeared in the NES version of the game. This also marked the first appearance of Bombermen in video game history. In the end screen of the original Bomberman for the NES, White Bomberman can be seen with Lode Runner standing behind him, hinting at an appearance in another game. Since then, however, the two series went separate ways and have not been linked in another game.
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| - Lode Runner is a video game series, with its first game released on the Apple II. The series is linked to the Bomberman series, due to the fact that various Bombermen appeared in the NES version of the game. This also marked the first appearance of Bombermen in video game history. In the end screen of the original Bomberman for the NES, White Bomberman can be seen with Lode Runner standing behind him, hinting at an appearance in another game. Since then, however, the two series went separate ways and have not been linked in another game.
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| - Lode Runner is a video game series, with its first game released on the Apple II. The series is linked to the Bomberman series, due to the fact that various Bombermen appeared in the NES version of the game. This also marked the first appearance of Bombermen in video game history. In the end screen of the original Bomberman for the NES, White Bomberman can be seen with Lode Runner standing behind him, hinting at an appearance in another game. Since then, however, the two series went separate ways and have not been linked in another game.