| - Deniath Hedges was a Human female born on the world of Taris in 3,996 BBY. She was the child of Jon Hedges and Ruth Hedges, two rich nobles on the world of Taris. Whilst growing up, she often showed signs that the Jedi associated with those who were force sensitive, and her father gave her to the Jedi order. Deniath was trained by Dorak for nine years before becoming a Jedi Knight. Deniath was not involved, like most Jedi, in the latter parts of the Mandalorian Wars, leaving it to The Revanchists to fight for the Jedi order. She was involved in the Jedi Civil War by protecting the ship Venator which scouted for Sith Bases for the Republic to lay siege to. However, in the Later half of the war, Venator was attacked by a unknown ship, and the ship was presumed destroyed. However, the ship managed to crawl to the unknown regions, and was left there until it was discovered by the Ebon Hawk. By that time, Deniath had managed to keep the ship's life support going by using a mixture of repairs and construction. However, Ebon Hawk's crew thought the ship was too damaged for people to survive. Venator was left for 3 months, when a Mandalorian ship, Cassus, discovered them. When taken back to one of the Clan worlds of Fett, Deniath was filled in with the details of what had happened in the Jedi Civil war. Surprised and confused about Revan, she helped repaired the republic ship, but stayed with the Manderlorians, mainly due to how she fell in love with Damaran Fett. She soon learned a new way of view into fighting, and became close to falling to the dark side of the force, but rejected both views, and embraced a mixture of both sides. Whilst helping the Manderlorians protect their world, Deniath became aware of a rising conflict, with the Jedi taking heavy losses. She would simply ignore The Dark Wars, however she grew restless about Ebon Hawk. Any Ship that had gone into the Unknown regions had never returned. Around the time of the destruction of Malachor V, Deniath had stolen a Mandalorian ship and left for the unknown regions.