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| - Renar was an inhabitant of the planet Meridian as late as 2371. She was the descendant of an expedition which became stranded on the planet a millennia ago. Seltin Rakal hoped that Deral would consider making either Renar or Keshara his companion following the death of his wife some time before. (DS9: "Meridian") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- Chercher "renar" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Renar Renar Kategorie:Bilderwünsche Datei:Icon Bloodelf Male.png Datei:Icon Rogue.png Realm Forscherliga Volk 18px Blutelfen Kategorie:Blutelf Kategorie:Charakter Horde Klasse 18px Schurke Kategorie:Schurke Eltern Mutter Vater Geschwister
- In the mirror universe, Legate Renar was the supreme commander of the Cardassian Union in the late 23rd century. In 2293, Emperor Spock of the Terran Empire postulated that following the failure of the Khitomer Conference, that Renar and Regent Gorkon of the Klingon Empire, would meet to discuss a grand alliance between the Klingons and Cardassians, which would allow them to defeat the Terran Empire. It is unknown whether Renar had a counterpart in the primary universe.
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| - In the mirror universe, Legate Renar was the supreme commander of the Cardassian Union in the late 23rd century. In 2293, Emperor Spock of the Terran Empire postulated that following the failure of the Khitomer Conference, that Renar and Regent Gorkon of the Klingon Empire, would meet to discuss a grand alliance between the Klingons and Cardassians, which would allow them to defeat the Terran Empire. Spock was eventually proven correct in 2295, when the Terran Republic was completely defeated, and Renar and Gorkon were able to take Consul Spock and his wife, Marlena Moreau, prisoner after storming the Kyoto Imperial Palace. After Spock declared that the end of the Terran Republic, would mean the end of Renar's empire, Renar had them both executed. (TOS - Mirror Universe novel: The Sorrows of Empire) It is unknown whether Renar had a counterpart in the primary universe.
- Renar was an inhabitant of the planet Meridian as late as 2371. She was the descendant of an expedition which became stranded on the planet a millennia ago. Seltin Rakal hoped that Deral would consider making either Renar or Keshara his companion following the death of his wife some time before. (DS9: "Meridian") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- Chercher "renar" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Renar Renar Kategorie:Bilderwünsche Datei:Icon Bloodelf Male.png Datei:Icon Rogue.png Realm Forscherliga Volk 18px Blutelfen Kategorie:Blutelf Kategorie:Charakter Horde Klasse 18px Schurke Kategorie:Schurke Eltern Mutter Vater Geschwister