| - The Gundark was released in 2006 with the Champions of the Force set.
- A gundark is a fearsome anthropoid from Vanqor known as one of the most vicious, strong, and aggressive species in the galaxy. These semi-intelligent creatures stand between 1 and 2.5 meters tall, with four powerful arms and large ears as wide as their head. Both their hands and feet end with opposable digits. Gundarks are covered in short brown or gray hair. Gundarks are often joked about by freighter pilots with remarks such as "You look strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark" which is most certainly a humanly impossible feat.
- Categoría:Esbozos Criaturas Los gundarks fueron unas criaturas terribles y antropoides que se caracterizaban por su excesiva fuerza y agresividad.
- The Gundark is a creature from Star Wars. It has 4 arms (two big ones for attacking and two little ones for taking hold of prey) ―Castas, about the planet Vanquor A gundark.Gundarks were birthed live with black coats of fur, and were able to fight almost as soon as they left the womb. A gundark's hair lightens as it grows older and its ears begin to enlarge until, at puberty, they reach the width of they're head, hence the expression "strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark." A gundark also is known for its large, bat-like ears. These creatures were born with only two of its four adult arms, with the second pair emerging during adolescence.
- El Gundark es una temible criatura antropoide del planeta Vanqor, conocida como una de las mas fuertes, viciosas y agresivas de la galaxia. Estas criaturas semi-inteligentes miden entre 1 y 2.5 metros de altura, con brazos poderosos y grandes orejas del tamaño de su cabeza. Los Gundarks están cubiertos de pelo corto de color marrón o gris. Aparecerán en el planeta Taris.
- Gundarks were hairy, toothy monsters with big ears. They were vicious, mindless, aggressive, and liable to rip your arms off before you could say Jack Robinson. Usually, gundarks had two stumpy legs and four arms... except the ones that looked completely different for no reason. But they definitely had big ears... except the ones that didn't. Humans often joked about pulling the ears off gundarks, which wasn't funny in the slightest and actually quite cruel.
- [Source] Les Gundarks sont des créatures qui possèdent deux énormes pattes avant servant à l'impulsion et la puissance de leur déplacement. Ils possèdent aussi deux petites pattes et deux minuscules pattes qui leurs servent à se nourrir ou à se battre. Durant la Guerre des Clones, Anakin Skywalker et Obi-Wan Kenobi s'écrasèrent sur Vanqor et eurent ainsi à affronter deux gundarks. À son tour, R2-D2 combattit plusieurs d'entres eux lors du crash du vaisseau l'Endurance.