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  • HP
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  • HP
  • Hp
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • HP
  • Hp
  • Hp
  • Hp
  • Hp
  • This song has entered the Hall of Fame.
  • HP, eller Hewlett Packard, som betyr Helvete Pokker på norsk er en amerikansk produsent av Personlige pinemaskiner og er kjent for å gi deg uante store doser hodepine. thumb|Et av HPs nyeste miljøvennlige produkter, for en grønnere hverdag.
  • Health Points (a.k.a. Hit Points or HP) are consumed whenever your character receives damage from an attack. Your character and your summoned creature have HP. Every 30 seconds a small amount of HP is recovered according to a formula. Consumables that restore HP are * red potions * orange potions * restoration scrolls * food purchased at the NPC Grocer The maximum HP you can accumulate is determined by MaxHP.
  • Each member starts out with 100 HP, and that is their max HP. Items can damage someone's HP or heal it. When your HP reaches 0 and you have no extra Lives, you are Dead, can post in the Underwhere, cannot use any items except for Life Shrooms and items that are attached to your posts, and your avatar is changed into the grave avatar.
  • HP are your hit points or stamina and if a folk attacks you, you will lose this health. The amount of HP you have, increases with the level of your character. If your HP gauge reaches zero then you will automatically be taken to a screen giving you the option to reload a previously saved game or to continue. If you continue you will spawn back in Doolin and fail any quests you may be doing. You may retake quests if this happens and you will also be able to keep any items you have gained. There are a few ways to replenish your health, with Life Drops, at Portals or by leaving the realm you are currently in. Keats can become invunerable for a short time in his transcended state, this means that folks will not be able to take hit points off you.
  • Hp steht für Healthpoints, welches ins deutsche übersetzt Lebenspunkte heißt und deshalb wird auch oft der Begriff LP verwendet. Wenn der Vorrat an HP aufgebraucht ist, stirbt die Spielfigur. Um dies zu verhindern gibt es in RoM Heiltränke und auch bestimmte Klassen die Heilen können.
  • Аббревиатура от Health Points. Означает Очки Жизней, или просто Жизни. Это показатель, который определяет, сколько повреждений Персонаж может перенести, прежде чем будет убит. Категория:Сокращения
  • Players have a maximum value for their HP. This value is proportional to their STA. Some classes have a higher HP to STA ratio than others. The maximum HP a player has can also be raised by buffs and awakened or statted equipment.
  • Hit Points OR Health Points OR Heart Points
  • The physical health of your character. If it drops to 0, your character is dead. May be increased by spending Character Points on Strength (+2 HP for each point of Strength), Willpower (+1 HP for every point of Willpower) or the HP Pool (+4 HP for each point). Gaining a new Level will also increase your HP by 2. Starting HP is determined by your starting Strength and Constitution.
  • HP, Hit Points or Health Points is a Stat in Breath of Fire III. When the character is hit by damaging attacks, his/her health is depleted. If the character's HP reached 0, he/she goes into Death-status. To restore the character's HP, one must first revive him/her from Death, then use certain items or Skills to increase it. HP cannot go over the character's Max HP. The Max HP acts as a limit, while the character's current HP may change quite frequently, Max HP can only be increased by Leveling or Stat-Raising items.
  • HP is short Hit Points. If a character loses all it's health, the character dies.
  • paulo
  • HP is one of the 5 attribute stats that determine the success or failure of combat. The other attributes are Attack, Armor, Defense, and Damage. HP determines the length of a battle. The more HP a player has, the more damage that player can take, and the longer they can stay in combat. HP are the second most important of the 5 stats with Damage being the first. There is a random roll in the game that enables entities to hit you even when the stats say they shouldn't. You should always have enough HP to withstand the maximum hit at least once from the highest level of entity you encounter. Otherwise you'll spend a lot of time traveling from the Cloning Facilities.
  • HP stands for health points. Hostile monsters will attack and lower HP, if your HP is dropped to 0 you will faint. The Player can regain HP by eating food and drinking potions.
  • [[Grafika:Hitpoint.JPG|right|thumb|173px|Wskaźnik punktów HP w UT3]] Health Point(s) tudzież Hit Point(s) - (ang. Punkt(y) Zdrowia/Obrażeń) część HUDa pokazująca aktualny stan zdrowia postaci wirtualnej sterowanej przez gracza. Po respawnie gracz otrzymuje startowe 100 punktów HP. W serii Unreal stan HP możemy podbić aż do 199 punktów, a w Unreal nawet do 200. Przy każdorazowym trafieniu stan HP maleje. Kiedy spadnie do 0, gracz zmuszony jest do ponownego respawnu.
  • HP可以指: 1. * 美国惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)的缩写 2. * 日本大型女性偶像团体Hello! Project的缩写 3. * 網站主页(Home Page)的缩写 4. * 马力(Horse Power)的缩写 5. * 电玩游戏中的生命值(Health point、Hit point等的縮寫) 6. * 火線特戰隊(Heat Project)的縮寫 7. * 香港網上社區的詞語硬膠(Hard Plastic)的縮寫 8. * 哈利波特(Harry Potter)的縮寫,可以指該部小說或該小說中的人物。 9. * 幽門螺桿菌(Helicobacter pylori)的縮寫
  • HP, or Hewlett-Packard is a US based electronics manufacturer. They have produced multiple Android tablets, Chromebooks, and one Chromebox. File:Pencil-icon.png The article "HP" is a Stub. Stubs are articles with relatively sparse information, but can be replenished with more. Please help by adding content!
  • HP = Hitpoints = Englisch Lebenspunkte = Deutsch Lebenspunkte oder die sogenannten HP geben nichts weiter an als eure Lebensleiste innerhalb eines Spiels.
  • right|thumb| HP - hit points. Určují počet Vašich životů. Dají se zvyšovat budto přidáváním bodů do Vitality, nebo svitky na Vitality - tyto hodnoty přetrvávají. Poté vybavením ( equipment ) - tyto hodnoty však přetrvávají pouze když máte jistý kus vyabavení na sobě. Také nějaká zvířátka ( Pets ) přidávaj HP. U všech postav je az jeden bod do vitality přidán jeden HP, vyjímkou je Sacrier, kterému po přidání bodu do vitality přibudou 2 HP.
  • Heart Points, which are abbreviated as HP, are points used by all characters in battle. It is depleted when a character is attacked. They represent the character's life force; if it runs out, the character is defeated. Items such as the Mushroom can be used to restore these valuable points, and the item Life Shroom can cancel the effect of defeat. Max HP can be anywhere from 10 to 50 (65 if you wear HP Plus Badge) (Paper Mario), 5 to 200 (365 in theory if badges are provided) (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door), 10 to 255 (999 in theory if items are provided, however, doing that needs 1,117,500 coins in total) (Super Paper Mario),or 20 to 100 (Paper Mario: Sticker Star).
  • Hp, also known as Health points, is a stat for your character's endurance. If your health goes down to 0, you die and will need to wait for the 15 second long respawn time to go down.
  • Health Points. The more a monster has, the longer he lives. When at 0 the monster dies, but can be revived at a scoutpost freely. If all your monsters die, you lose half your gold, and are automatically warped back to the last scoutpost visited. You do not lose anything esle.
  • HP, Health, or Hit Points, is a vital stat to preform most of any action. Your current HP is indicated by the red line in the top left corner of your screen. Your maximum amount of HP can be increased by spending points in the Physique stat. Certain pieces of equipment and onyxes also increase your maximum amount of HP.
  • HP sind eine wichtige Punkteeinheit in Flyff. Sie werden im Statusfenster eines jeweiligen Charakters durch die rote Leiste (siehe Bild) angezeigt.thumb
  • HP (Hitpoints) is the representation of health in MechQuest. In mecha and energy blade battles, HP is denoted by a red bar. If someone's HP reaches 0 or below, they are defeated. If the player is defeated, they'll usually respawn at a previous point in the quest they were performing.
  • HP (health points) indicates the health of your character, if your HP reaches 0 you are dead. * You can loose HP by Monsters * You can loose HP by Players * You can loose HP by Attacks dealt by players or monsters. Notes: There are not elements that cause damage, like poison, fire, etc. And also, you can prevent loosing hp by getting better equipments and skills.
  • HP, or "Hit Points", are very important character statistic and play a very large role in the Fire Emblem universe. The term is used in several other video games and usually plays the same role. HP appears as a green bar at the bottom of the screen during a fight. However, if the animations are turned off, the HP bar will often be a different color for unknown reasons. It can be depleted by damage, but if the Defense of your unit is higher than the enemy's Attack and vice versa, No Damage will pop up upon the hit and a distinctive tink sound can be heard. HP has a higher stat cap than the other stats, but units also have higher growth rates for it.
  • Hewlett-Packard, or just HP is a company in the USA making several electronic devices, including calculators.
  • Hit Points (HP) are a stat in the Luminous Arc Series. Like the term itself suggests, the Hit Points show how much abuse a unit can take before bein incapacitated.
  • Abréviation : HP Représentation numérique de la force vitale de votre personnage . Lorsque votre personnage reçoit des dommages d'un ennemie ses HP diminue. Si ces HP tombe à 0 votre personnage est mis hors-combat (K-O). Il ne peut plus se déplacer ni participer au combat ou effectuer une quelquonque action !
  • Every character has a number of health points defined by their level, their life statistic (based on choice of race), and their strength, constitution, and will attributes. Generally speaking, this value will begin low and will increase as any of those four factors increases. Your health points must be negative for your character to die; you can survive having 0 health points. The formula appears to be: Maximum HP = 5 + Life / 100 * ( characterLevel * ( 2 * Constitution + Strength + Will / 3 ) / 25 + Constitution ) with an upper limit of 1000000
  • HP stands for hit points. It reflects the state of the character's health — more precisely, how far away (s)he is from death. It is primarily affected by the Toughness attribute and character level, and secondarily by Strength and Willpower. As in most computer RPGs in existence, characters die once they reach 0 HP. Otherwise, it does not tend to affect the character's performance in battle, though characters that get reduced to a few HP after an attack might end up stunned. Another roundabout way to use HP in battle is by casting spells from HP.
  • Hit Points, or HP, are shared between Neku and his partner; thus, they cannot die separately. In-game, the HP bar is displayed on the right side of the screen during battle. Note that the HP bar is a single HP bar that spans both top and bottom screens. The maximum base amount of HP is 9999, but equipped threads can give Neku and his partner additional HP. Base HP increases by 50 with every level gained. Note that while Neku and his partner share HP, they do NOT share negative statuses.
  • In Dungeon Dice Monsters, HP, or Hit Points, are used to keep track of how much damage a monster has taken. A monster may only remain on the field if it has HP, and once its HP is reduced to 0 it is destroyed and removed from the field. Unlike Duel Monsters, a monster need not have more ATK than the defending monster's HP. HP damage is tracked with damage counters, which represent 10 HP each. As a monster accumulates Damage Counters, it loses HP. HP can only be restored by monster effects and special items.
  • Inaczej Health Points, czyli punkty życia. Utrzymują Twoją postać żywą w czasie walki. Gdy ich ilość spadnie do 0 zostajesz usunięty z walki, zostanie Ci jedynie rola widza. Jeśli wszyscy z twojej drużyny także je stracili, giniesz. Tracąc także przy tym odpowiednią ilość Energii. Po stracie wszystkich hp zostaniesz odesłany/odesłana do swojego ostatniego "Save Point", a Twoje hp bedzie się równało 1 hp. Możesz użyć emoty sit (jeśli ogólnie masz mało hp) lub jeśli na ogół posiadasz znaczne ilości hp, użyć chlebków/potionów.
  • Each character has a limited amount of Hit Points and when their Hit Points drop to zero, due to damage through weapon attacks, poison or other harmful effects, will die and return to the temple in their hometown. HP is the common abbreviation for Hit Points.
  • HP, also known as health or health points is used to denote the life level for all creatures. When their health goes to zero, they are dead. Characters have an innate replenishment rate for both health and mana. The rate at which these two stats replenish is based on the various attributes. There are also some skills that can raise the replenishment rate for these stats independently. Health can be replenished both instantly and over time during combat using healing potions. Health regeneration can be increased somewhat by sitting down on Woodie Stools.
  • HP stands for "Health Points" or "Hit Points" in some cases. In Lost Odyssey, HP represents a character's life force. Once a character's HP is depleted, they will either be knocked out (Immortals) or die (Mortals). If all characters in a selected squad have their HP reduced to 0, then the game is over. HP can be regained through the use of items such as Healing Medicine and Healing Tank, and characters that are skilled in the use of White Magic can also heal team-mates both during battle and from the main menu at the expense of their MP.
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