| - Light Assault is a multiplayer character class in Call of Duty 3. This class starts with a Submachine Gun and spawns with sticky grenades, which stick to anything that they are thrown at. This class can move quickly and can also plant mines.
- The Light Assault class is a combat class that is most effective when using their signature jump jets to flank enemies. One of the two direct combat classes, the Light Assault does not have the head-to-head combat advantage that the overshield gives to Heavy Assault. For this reason, the Light Assault excels when using buildings, rocks, trees or anything else to flank the enemy and attack from an unexpected angle. The Light Assault has access to three types of jet packs: (Note: the jump jets are the only ability in the game to not be triggered by the ability key. Instead they are triggered by holding down the jump button.) Jump Jets are the default jet that provide a mid-ground between the Drifter and Icarus Jump Jets. They allow a player to fly up while still retaining some horizontal control. They also can be used to safely land an otherwise deadly drop. Upgrading the Jump Jets increases the fuel capacity and reduces recharge time. Drifter jump jets trade the default Jet's vertical thrust for horizontal thrust, and have a much longer burn time (up to 30 seconds!). They offer a great deal of horizontal movement and can be used to move faster than a sprint. When holding an directional key, the Drifters will actually cause the player to lose height very slowly. When no directional key is held, the player will gain height also very slowly, but this should be used with caution as hovering players are easy targets. Drifter Jets are best used in bases where vertical height is freely available, these include any base with jump pads, elevators or teleporters. Drifters are ideal for hovering above unsuspecting tanks and destroying them with C4. Upgrading the Drifter jump jets hugely increases their hang time, from 7 to 30 seconds. (Note: pressing a forward directional key will keep the player's momentum, but holding a sideways directional key with slow the player to running speed. When using Jump Pads or bailing from air vehicles, it is often desired to keep the forward momentum advantage, which can allow the player to get to places hundreds of meters away from the Jump Pad in a matter of seconds. To do this, the player must avoid pressing a horizontal movement key and instead aim the Light Assault by facing the direction they wish to go.) Icarus Jump Jets are the opposite of the Drifter jets, trading horizontal movement for vertical boosting. With the Icarus, a trooper is able to reach locations that only aircraft tend to frequent, enabling them to survey the battlefield from trees, cliffs, or towers; mount the gun deck of a facility and take down turrets; or in the cases of skilled soldiers, allows one to intercept a low-flying gunship or troop carrier and deliver a payload of explosives normally reserved for tanks. It should be noted that the Icarus jets allow for extreme altitude to be reached, and a careless trooper that uses all of their fuel may find themselves reunited with the ground in a messy way. Icarus jets will decrease all movement speed to less than running speed while in use, making horizontal traverse very difficult. Upgrading Icarus jets will not increase the maximum height, but will increase the energy recovery speed. Light Assaults are the only class with access to the Flash Grenade and the Smoke Grenade. The flash grenade will whiten the screen of any player caught in the blast radius, to a greater or lesser degree. This can be helpful when breaching heavily defended rooms. The smoke grenade will billow a large amount of smoke, obscuring vision for all player in the area. This can be used to create distraction or cover for allies or to create havoc in a group of enemies. When using smoke, it is highly suggested to use a thermal scope, as they can see through the smoke.