| - DARKWIND is a heroic Decepticon who forms a comedic duo with his equally jovial friend Dreadwind. He has just an optimistic view of existence as his partner Dreadwind, although he’s not as proactive about spreading the good word, allowing Dreadwind to do a lot of the outreach work while Darkwind stands back and makes jokes. He does support Dreadwind’s work, however, and is willing to help make other’s life better any time he’s asked. You can always count on Darkwind to attempt to make the best out of any situation, and to keep good spirits about it while he's at it. Darkwind's Panavia Tornado GR1 fighter jet mode abilities mirror Dreadwind's, although Darkwind is more suited to air-to-ground attacks. Fast and deadly, Darkwing is similarly laden with weaponry, the most deadly of which are his two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters, which turn an enemy's power against its owner. The more powerful the foe, the more Darkwind can hurt him. Like Dreadwind, he is mobile and lethal in robot mode, specializing in hand-to-hand combat when called to fight or back up his caustic remarks. Besides his sometimes morbid sense of humor, Darkwind could probably claim to have no weaknesses. As it is, his biting humor has made an enemy of Emperor Prime, and it’s very likely his daring verbal attacks will someday get him killed, probably in Iacon’s smelting pool.