| - Atalanta has a base Jupiter power of 60 and also does additional damage equivalent to 6% of the enemy’s maximum HP. Atalanta is exactly the equivalent to two usages of the Jupiter summon sequence, with no actual bonus to put it ahead of Jupiter aside from using the equivalent of two Jupiter summons in one turn.
- Atalanta is a Greek Heroic Age hero exclusive to Poseidon.
- The Atalanta was a steamer that traversed the Atlantic Ocean. After his extensive journey to Europe and the Old World, Henry Jones returned to America on the Atalanta in 1921.
- Atalanta participated in the Hunt for the Calydonian Boar, along with Meleager and many other heroes. She was the first to draw blood from the boar and was awarded the skin of the boar by Meleager. However, Meleager's uncles were upset that a woman had been awarded the skin and tried to take it from her. Meleager then killed his uncles in anger and was killed by his mother, who put a magical log on the fire which protected her son so long as it was intact. After Melegaer died, Atalanta wandered around an was rediscovered by her father.
- Atalanta is the Heroic Age hero for Poseidon. Her special ability is to run fast (about as fast as cavalry). She wields a spear.
- Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus and Clymene. Although she was an Arcadian princess, she was often described as a Greek goddess.
- Atalanta was said to have been abandoned by her father, King Iasus, because he wanted a son instead of a daughter. Following this, Atalanta was raised by bears and became a fierce hunter, proving to be a slayer of centaurs and a Calydonian hero. After her return to the palace of her father, she began to challenge men to race her. If they won the race, she would agree to marry them. However, losing would result in their death.
- Atalanta är en Goa'uld underlord. Atalanta är ett levande motsägelse väcks till liv och gett fältbrytning och respekt på kommando av en mästare hon i hemlighet uppmuntras att underminera. Hon fick en symbiot av Cronus och gjorde henne första Underlord i över tusen år. Träning tillsammans Vakt av Ages och lära hur krig från Cronus. Atalanta växte snart till en kapabel soldat och scout och visste skogarna av Kalydon bättre än någon som levde ett dödligt liv någonsin kunde hoppas på. När Atalanta tog befälet över världen i Cronus namn, vann hon lojalitet hans Jaffa, hennes Jaffa nästan omedelbart.
- En la mitología griega, Atalanta fue una heroína vinculada al ciclo arcaico, consagrada a Artemisa y reconocida por sus inmejorables habilidades para la caza. Sus orígenes descienden de Árcade, y de Clímene. Para Eurípides y otros, su padre es más bien Ménalo, por quien la isla Ménalo fue nombrada. Sin embargo, la versión más difundida, especialmente desde Hesíodo, es la de que Atalanta es hija de Atamante y Temisto, gracias a lo cual se relaciona con la cultura beocia.
- Whether she was or was not an Argonaut is very debatable. There are sources that tell that when Jason was gathering Heroes for the quest that Atlanta came and volunteered to be an Argonaut. Jason who wished the group to be all male heroes refused to let her join. A second version tells the exact opposite that Jason solicited the assistance of Atlanta in the Quest for the Golden Fleece but refused to join not wanting to be around so many men on her own.
- While Cronus gambit had worked he was a child who would rule in his name and not be able to claim divinity over him. Ja'dins gambit had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. Atalanta guilty Ja'din all, her position, her power, her life and Guard of Ages was fiercely loyal to Atalanta, perhaps more so than they would Cronus. She felt Ja'dins plan and followed it with fervor, hungry for power, regardless of how she came by it. Among the pharaohs said the biggest challenges comes not from its competitors, but from their sons. Atalanta was almost like a son of Cronus, trained by him and honed by centuries of war in a perfect hunter.
- Atalanta was a Greek athlete and heroine. Atalanta first met Hercules when the hero came to her forge looking for nails to fix Janista's roof. She was immediately attracted to him. She told him that her assistant, Ximenos hadn't shown up for work that day and Hercules went searching for him. Later, Atalanta was possessed by Ares. He forced her to create an arsenal of swords which he gave to an army of young followers, including Ximenos. When Atalanta was free of Ares' control, she told Hercules what had happened and helped the hero to free the young soldiers from Ares' evil (HTLJ "Ares").
- Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus (or Mainalos or Schoeneus, according to Hyginus), a Boeotian (according to Hesiod) or an Arcadian princess (according to the Bibliotheca). The Bibliotheca is the only one who gives an account of Atalanta’s birth and upbringing. King Iasus wanted a son; when Atalanta was born, he left her on a mountaintop to die. Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta until hunters found and raised her, and she learned to fight and hunt as a bear would. She was later reunited with her father.