| - Kaori has brown hair tied in a ponytail and black eyes. She is wearing a salmon pink dress at the beginning of the episode and is later seen wearing riding clothes and jeans.
- Si occupa di Lee mentre è in ospedale. Lei cerca di impedirgli di fare il suo allenamento quotidiano, sapendo che lasciarlo solo è peggio. Categoria:Villaggio della Foglia Categoria:Ninja Medico Categoria:Femmina
- Kaori (カオリ, Kaori) es una enfermera de Konohagakure.
- KAORI (born Midori Kawana) is a Japanese voice actress.
- Kaori est un Esprit Maudit par Luka pour avoir blessé Yui, sa fille.
- Kaori is The Foreigner of the group.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Kaori était l’infirmière qui s’était occupée de Rock Lee lorsqu’il était hospitalisé. Elle essaya de l’arrêter de s’entrainer vue son état, tout en sachant que s’il continue son état va s’empirer.
- thumb|Kaori - por Giulia MoonKaori é uma personagem da literatura nacional de fantasia criada pela escritora Giulia Moon.
- Kaori is also from the SSX Series racing for the Ultimate Female SSX Rider even though she is a sweetheart.
- Categoría:PersonajesKaori (カオリ, Kaori) es una enfermera de Konohagakure.
- is a Konohagakure citizen, and a nurse at the Konoha Hospital.
- Kaori (かおりKaori), better known as Kaorin (かおりん Kaorin) is a minor (major in the anime) character in Azumanga Daioh.
- Kaori pflegte Rock Lee, der im Kampf mit Gaara schwer verwundet worden war. Sie kümmerte sich mal streng, mal sanft um Lee, der trotz Verbote immer wieder versuchte, sich zu bewegen.
- Kaori (香り, Kaori) is one of the Legendary Yonnin of Konohagakure. Known as the "Sannin", compromised of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru, Kaori is a hidden Shinobi who was given the title by Hiruzen Sarutobi himself, having been her teacher at the time.
- Kaori is a caring and is shows much concern for others, even her enemies. She is a kind, and peaceful woman. She often acts as a mother for her siblings, and this may have been where she developed her motherly nature. Kaori is generally nonchalant, especially in fights among her siblings. This demeanor is always present in battle, and she never seems to abandon this demeanor either, even when she knows she's in a fix. She is extremely loyal, and is a trustworthy person, as she has been noted to know a lot of her siblings secrets and protects them. She can be extremely mysterious, rarely answering person questions relating to her real family or origin, and is sensitive to seeing families, which may indicate she loss of her real family, and her care for Temari, Kankuro and Gaara may branch f