Yule is a Trained reindeer pet that is available to everyone for purchase during Snow Days events through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png249, and to members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png224.
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| - Dies ist die dunkelste und längste Nacht, in der sich eine Wendung vollzieht: Die Nächte werden von da an kürzer. Aber die Sonne gewinnt dadurch auch wieder an Stärke und man blickt nach Wärme und Helligkeit. An diesem Tag wurde früher in die Zukunft geblickt, was der Frühling bringen würde. Traditionen wurden aufrechterhalten. Wie z.B. dass Sie einen Kuss erhalten, wenn man unter einem Mistelzweig stehen. Yule stammt aus dem angelsächsischen Wort „Yula“, was so viel heißt wie „Kreis des Jahres“. Yule verbinden Sie meistens mit Mistelzweigen, Yulebäumen, Geschenken und Gesänge. Viele entzünden auch den Yulebock, der meist ein Eichen- oder Eschenholzklotz war, an dem sie 12 Stunden am Feuer wachten, damit es nicht ausging. Heute zünden die meisten nur noch Kerzen an ihrem Yulebaum an.
- Nel Calendario della Contea segna invece l'inizio del nuovo anno: i due giorni di festa sono quindi l'ultimo dell'anno vecchio detto "Primo Yule" o "Primo Capodanno" e il primo dell'anno nuovo detto "Secondo Yule" o "Secondo Capodanno". Data la peculiarità del calendario Hobbit, i giorni di Yule cadono sempre negli stessi giorni della settimana: il Primo Yule di Venerdì e il Secondo Yule di Sabato. Tuttavia non è una una prerogativa unicamente hobbit ma la stessa festività, seppur con nomi diverse, viene onorata praticamente in tutta la Terra di Mezzo.
- Yule is a Trained reindeer pet that is available to everyone for purchase during Snow Days events through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png249, and to members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png224.
- Yule is a pagan (mostly Germanic) festival celebrating the winter solstice. Many Christmas traditions, such as the Christmas tree, mistletoe and Christmas wreaths, actually originated with Yule.
- Yule (also known as Yuletide) is the time of year about the shortest day, and is held as a holiday by the germanic folk. The holiday is held by stopping work, gathering together kin, giving gifts to each another, and eating a great meal. A firtree is brought into the home some days before Yule, and it and the home are overlain with lights and bright trimmings. Yule is held at the same time as Christmas for those who are also Christlikers. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
- Mit Yule beginnt die Wintersonnenwende der Sonnenwende. Yule ist der zweite Savaed im elfischen Kalender.
- Yule (Also Known as: Jul (Swedish), Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Christmas, solar/secular New Year.) is name of the festival celebrating the Winter Solstice. It falls on or about December twenty-first marking the shortest day and longest night of the year and the first day of Winter. On the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Yule marks the start of the time when the days grow longer and the God as personified by the Sun grows stronger. In Wicca traditions it is the day of the rebirth of the Sun God to the Earth Goddess and the restoration of the Sun. [1]
- Yule commence avec le solstice d'hiver. C'est le deuxième savaed de l'année elfique.
- Yule is a holiday celebrated in the midwinter in the Shire.
- Yule is the longest night of the year and thus, the shortest day. Most modern Christmas traditions spring from Celtic Yule traditions
- Dr. Yule was an unseen character in the Season 1 episode Kids. At the beginning of the episode, House goes to see Cameron to ask her to come back to work with him. She says she has already spoken to Dr. Yule who is interested in hiring her. House responds by calling Yule pedantic, preachy, boring and short.
- Yule begins with the Midwinter solstice. It is the second savaed in the elven calendar. de:Yule fr:Yule pl:Yule pt-br:Yule ru:Йуле
- 12/22, or the winter solstice, and the longest night of the year. And when Paige enters an all-night party at a local club, she finds herself at the center of an evil plot to bring about permanent midnight.
- Yule was an El-Aurian of indeterminate age, who, by the 24th century had amassed a criminal empire that rivaled the Orion Syndicate in power and influence. In the 2360s, Yule's cartel spread to Aldebaran Prime, which brought him into conflict with the Aldebaran Police Department, and most notably Lieutenant Drake Mallory. By 2364, Mallory had become such a thorn in the crime lord's side that Yule sent his daughter, Kaleyna, to secretly seduce him, and thus gain a way to remove the meddlesome lawman. When Kaleyna learned she was pregnant, Yule had Mallory's memory erased and sent his daughter to Rigel VII, where she gave birth to a son, Kaylen.
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| - Dies ist die dunkelste und längste Nacht, in der sich eine Wendung vollzieht: Die Nächte werden von da an kürzer. Aber die Sonne gewinnt dadurch auch wieder an Stärke und man blickt nach Wärme und Helligkeit. An diesem Tag wurde früher in die Zukunft geblickt, was der Frühling bringen würde. Traditionen wurden aufrechterhalten. Wie z.B. dass Sie einen Kuss erhalten, wenn man unter einem Mistelzweig stehen. Yule stammt aus dem angelsächsischen Wort „Yula“, was so viel heißt wie „Kreis des Jahres“. Yule verbinden Sie meistens mit Mistelzweigen, Yulebäumen, Geschenken und Gesänge. Viele entzünden auch den Yulebock, der meist ein Eichen- oder Eschenholzklotz war, an dem sie 12 Stunden am Feuer wachten, damit es nicht ausging. Heute zünden die meisten nur noch Kerzen an ihrem Yulebaum an.
- Nel Calendario della Contea segna invece l'inizio del nuovo anno: i due giorni di festa sono quindi l'ultimo dell'anno vecchio detto "Primo Yule" o "Primo Capodanno" e il primo dell'anno nuovo detto "Secondo Yule" o "Secondo Capodanno". Data la peculiarità del calendario Hobbit, i giorni di Yule cadono sempre negli stessi giorni della settimana: il Primo Yule di Venerdì e il Secondo Yule di Sabato. Tuttavia non è una una prerogativa unicamente hobbit ma la stessa festività, seppur con nomi diverse, viene onorata praticamente in tutta la Terra di Mezzo.
- Yule is a Trained reindeer pet that is available to everyone for purchase during Snow Days events through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png249, and to members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png224.
- Yule is a pagan (mostly Germanic) festival celebrating the winter solstice. Many Christmas traditions, such as the Christmas tree, mistletoe and Christmas wreaths, actually originated with Yule.
- Yule (also known as Yuletide) is the time of year about the shortest day, and is held as a holiday by the germanic folk. The holiday is held by stopping work, gathering together kin, giving gifts to each another, and eating a great meal. A firtree is brought into the home some days before Yule, and it and the home are overlain with lights and bright trimmings. Yule is held at the same time as Christmas for those who are also Christlikers. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
- Mit Yule beginnt die Wintersonnenwende der Sonnenwende. Yule ist der zweite Savaed im elfischen Kalender.
- Yule (Also Known as: Jul (Swedish), Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Christmas, solar/secular New Year.) is name of the festival celebrating the Winter Solstice. It falls on or about December twenty-first marking the shortest day and longest night of the year and the first day of Winter. On the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Yule marks the start of the time when the days grow longer and the God as personified by the Sun grows stronger. In Wicca traditions it is the day of the rebirth of the Sun God to the Earth Goddess and the restoration of the Sun. [1]
- Yule commence avec le solstice d'hiver. C'est le deuxième savaed de l'année elfique.
- Yule is a holiday celebrated in the midwinter in the Shire.
- Yule is the longest night of the year and thus, the shortest day. Most modern Christmas traditions spring from Celtic Yule traditions
- Dr. Yule was an unseen character in the Season 1 episode Kids. At the beginning of the episode, House goes to see Cameron to ask her to come back to work with him. She says she has already spoken to Dr. Yule who is interested in hiring her. House responds by calling Yule pedantic, preachy, boring and short.
- Yule begins with the Midwinter solstice. It is the second savaed in the elven calendar. de:Yule fr:Yule pl:Yule pt-br:Yule ru:Йуле
- 12/22, or the winter solstice, and the longest night of the year. And when Paige enters an all-night party at a local club, she finds herself at the center of an evil plot to bring about permanent midnight.
- Yule was an El-Aurian of indeterminate age, who, by the 24th century had amassed a criminal empire that rivaled the Orion Syndicate in power and influence. In the 2360s, Yule's cartel spread to Aldebaran Prime, which brought him into conflict with the Aldebaran Police Department, and most notably Lieutenant Drake Mallory. By 2364, Mallory had become such a thorn in the crime lord's side that Yule sent his daughter, Kaleyna, to secretly seduce him, and thus gain a way to remove the meddlesome lawman. When Kaleyna learned she was pregnant, Yule had Mallory's memory erased and sent his daughter to Rigel VII, where she gave birth to a son, Kaylen. In 2366, Yule was actually apprehended by Mallory, but escaped, killing Mallory's partner, captain, and fiancé. He fled into hiding on Rigel, calling in old favors from his Orion counterparts, and began to reorganize his empire. Continually hounded by then-Captain Mallory of the Fugitive Retrieval Section, Yule was again apprehended in 2369, but acquitted on "lack of evidence" by a corrupt judge. Out of sheer frustration, Mallory resigned from the police force, but continued to haunt Yule's steps as a private investigator. Yule took a personal hand in raising his grandson, as his supposed "heir," until Kaleyna realized that the boy would only be used as a pawn by her father, and then tossed aside and killed. She took Kaylen and escaped into the Thallonian Empire, but Yule caught up with them when the Empire collapsed in 2373, and had his daughter executed. Taking Kaylen, Yule moved his operations to Kal-Dixas in 2373, seeking to reclaim a former employee, Angel Boreanaz. He again ran afoul of Drake Mallory, setting off a chain of events that almost led to the colony's destruction, and eventually, to his own downfall. (Kal-Dixas Spaceport)
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