The Sea Sled was a vehicle used by Lesovikk, Toa of Air. The Sea Sled could be ridden not only underwater but also above water, which assisted Lesovikk while he moved from place to place trying to find his Matoran friends as well as do good deeds to redeem himself. The Sled had a Cordak Blaster mounted on the front as well, as retractable legs as a landing mechanism. The blaster was found in a Barraki armory. Lesovikk charged at a group of Takea Sharks while riding the Sea Sled to scare them away and save his friend Sarda
The Sea Sled was a vehicle used by Lesovikk, Toa of Air. The Sea Sled could be ridden not only underwater but also above water, which assisted Lesovikk while he moved from place to place trying to find his Matoran friends as well as do good deeds to redeem himself. The Sled had a Cordak Blaster mounted on the front as well, as retractable legs as a landing mechanism. The blaster was found in a Barraki armory. Lesovikk charged at a group of Takea Sharks while riding the Sea Sled to scare them away and save his friend Sarda