| - The corporate campus that houses WATI, or WATI Corp. Located on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, WATI City is across a huge canyon, which can only be crossed via a large bridge secured with turnstiles, or by a cable car. As well as hosting the WATI Museum, offices and research labs, WATI City is also home for many of WATI's employees, like Damien Cavanaugh. WATI City was presumably built at the same time WATI was founded, which would mean it is well over a hundred years old. The architecture is traditionally Japanese, but everything internal is state-of-the-art.
| - The corporate campus that houses WATI, or WATI Corp. Located on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, WATI City is across a huge canyon, which can only be crossed via a large bridge secured with turnstiles, or by a cable car. As well as hosting the WATI Museum, offices and research labs, WATI City is also home for many of WATI's employees, like Damien Cavanaugh. Not surprisingly, internal security is very tight. Employees have their IDs implanted when they are inducted so they cannot be lost or stolen, and guests are required to be escorted outside of designated waiting areas. Bots patrol the corridors, and anyone outside the waiting area without an escort is likely to get a friendly - or not so friendly - zap. WATI also has an in-house security staff for emergencies, who are highly trained and shoot to kill. The basement level of WATI City extends down almost sixty levels into the caves beneath, where the secure lab housing Eingana can be found, and on the roof is a secret Arboretum which is home to exotic plants and animals, as well as Alvin Peats. WATI City was presumably built at the same time WATI was founded, which would mean it is well over a hundred years old. The architecture is traditionally Japanese, but everything internal is state-of-the-art.