| - 'code_ is a track in the BIOHAZARD Umbrella Corps Complete Soundtrack. It is found on disc 1, track 2.
- Codes give away free gear and items through the Arc Browser "Redeem Code" button, which also leads to a list of already received code packages. Codes are sometimes linked to Events The codes below have been written out in upper case, but will as of 25th April 2017 be written as provided, due to some people reportedly finding the codes to be case sensitive. This is probably user error, but just to be safe...Try them both ways and see
- A Code is a short phrase set by NewFissy that can be entered in-game. Each code will give either an item, Gold, Silver, and/or an exclusive item. Each code may only be redeemed once. Codes are temporary, and usually, expire when the event or holiday it was created for is over.
- A code is
- Level Requirement: 10+ Number of Members: 44 Personality Requirements: You have to be fun loving and active. If you don't talk in guild chat or at all, thats not interacting with other members and you may be excluded.
- Code are text that are commonly meaningless to people but computers can use to Blow up the planet.
- IF [Condition] = 'Seasonal' THEN [Canopy] = '20'
- Normal text Coded text
- CODE, or Challenge, Opportunity, Discipline, Ethics, is a pre-War mental conditioning program developed by the United States to defend against Chinese brainwashing technology.
- In California law code is the day to day law that people and organizations abide by. There are 29 sections encompassing civil and criminal law that the Code is broken into.
- Code is a t-shirt being sold in the Penny Arcade Store for $17.99.
- Ein Code ist eine Form der Verschlüsselung oder eine Kombination aus Zahlen, Buchstaben und Zeichen, bei der die eigentliche Bedeutung mit einem anderen Begriff ausgedrückt wird. Zur Codierung werden Codiereinrichtungen eingesetzt. Übertragen nennt man auch eine Sicherheitsabfrage, die zur Authentifizierung dient, einen Code. Um eine Sicherheitsvorrichtung zu deaktivieren, ist ein Code notwendig. (DS9: )
- Code is a suspect of The Great Kidnappings taking place. He is currently being held in the EPF Station for further evidence.
- The code used symbolizes
* >* this item (including stamina) will be used and consumed
* >= this item (idem) will be used but not consumed
* < this item will be rewarded
* (xx%) xx% is the chance that the item will drop
* Main Page
- Code is published by The Guardian Line. Price per issue is $2.99.
- Hier komt welke code we schrijven en hoever we al zijn. Er zal per code een kleine uitleg komen over wat het doet. Speler laten richten en schieten 0%
- Codes can take many forms, but a typical code relies on some sort of wordplay. An example of this is the Riddle Code: in order to access material a person must give the correct answer to a riddle. Popular riddle codes include "How many animals did Moses take on the Ark?" and "A pirate comes into a bar with a ship's wheel in his pants. What does he say?" also, "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck was Chuck Norris?"
- CODE is a CAOS function used to work out which script is being run by an agent.
- Code is a computer virus, and the main villain of Shroomy: The Game.
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> TypeUnknown LevelUnknown LocationUnknown InhabitantsUnknown The code is the building blocks of a Program. It resembles a real computer code, but there is only 1 variation. The programs and the code that makes it up all reside in the System.