Attributes | Values |
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| - Mineral water
- Mineral Water
| - Water containing many minerals. Used in Lotion item arts.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ |} This quest is part of the Collection Quests Timeline
- Mineral water is water containing minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it therapeutic value. Salts, sulfur compounds, and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the water. Mineral water can often be effervescent (or "sparkling"). Mineral water can be prepared or can be obtained from naturally occurring mineral springs. In many places, mineral water is often colloquially used to mean carbonated water, which is usually carbonated mineral water, as opposed to tap water.
- Mineral water was pure mineral-rich water which was drinkable to most sentient species in the galaxy. It was known as "Silika water" on Dohu VII.
- Mineral Water can be found on the Stalactite layer and in oases within Canyons forming lakes and rarely also small cataracts. Mineral Water heals over time as long as your player-character touches it, and the healing effect will last for 2-3 seconds after leaving the Mineral Water alone. Player-characters will not drown when staying under Mineral Water, but they will slowly float up just like in ordinary Water and most other .
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| - Ice Sculpture
- Chunk of Ice
| - The Great Subterrane
- Vale of the Gods
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| - Lotions
- Steamfont Mountains
| - *Select one of the following:
**Mineral-soaked Cinch
**Mineral-soaked Sash
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| - *blue mineral water
*boiling mineral water
*clear mineral water
*fizzy mineral water
*green mineral water
*yellow mineral water
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| - Mineral water, can be drank.
- Water containing many minerals. Used in Lotion item arts.
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treasure 1 subarea
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| - Water containing many minerals. Used in Lotion item arts.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ |} This quest is part of the Collection Quests Timeline
- Mineral Water can be found on the Stalactite layer and in oases within Canyons forming lakes and rarely also small cataracts. Mineral Water heals over time as long as your player-character touches it, and the healing effect will last for 2-3 seconds after leaving the Mineral Water alone. Player-characters will not drown when staying under Mineral Water, but they will slowly float up just like in ordinary Water and most other . Mineral Water requires a Diamond Mining Cell or better (Lumite Mining Cell]) to forage. Mind that both types of Power Cells will lose durability when scooping up Mineral Water. You can multiply Mineral Water infinitely by placing a drop on the ground and only scooping up the offsets, not the source/core of it where you have placed it (just like you can do with any other kind of too). Mineral Water has many uses. It can be placed and stepped into as a healing pool, and will also serve as a safe heaven at the same time from where you can fight creatures from a close distance safely. Mineral Water can also be used for watering Crops (the block with the liquid has to touch the tilled land with the Seeds at least corner-to-corner). Mineral Water will not freeze in cold areas, but usually Seeds will stay fallow there anyway if it's too cold for crops to grow. Mineral Water can be used for cooking healing Food in the Cooking Station, like Wholesome Bread, Wholesome Soup, Wholesome Sandwich and Wholesome Pie. A few Pets will prefer Wholesome Bread as their favorite food too. Mineral Water can also be used as some kind of elevator when digging directly downwards from the surface from within a small pool of Mineral Water; even safely down to the deepest layers. In that way you can "climb" up again without any extra-work an no need to place ladders or so, by just swimming upwards in the falling Mineral Water again, as your player-character cannot drown in Mineral Water. Or you can place Mineral Water onto the border of some platform or building high up, and it will drop down in shape of a small waterfall that you can use as an "elevator", if you are careful to stay directly within it. You can also use Mineral Water (well, just like ordinary Water too) as sort of a safety sheet to jump in from high up; only 1 block of Mineral Water (or Water, or Bog Water) is enough to catch your player-character's fall and keep him/her from dying (currently, as of R26 in December 2015). If you purify Corrupted Water by either using Purification Bombs or Healing Beacons, it will turn into Mineral Water. Mineral Water can kill corrupted creatures if they touch if for too long (just like ordinary Water can kill all other creatures). Mineral Water itself cannot purify corrupted blocks any longer when touching them though. Mineral Water will not harm any other type of creatures than corrupted ones, in fact it can even make night creatures stay alive in the sunlight if they should happen to get stuck at the corners of pools filled with Mineral Water. But they still cannot cross Mineral Water (as of now during R26 in December 2015), so you can even use it to cage in Keepas of all kinds quite safely, as touching them with ordinary water would kill them rather quickly. Mind that Mineral Water alone will not make the corruption-scale go down or away, but Healing Beacons can if the player-character touches them directly (like standing on top of them). Also Mineral Water will neither cool the player-character on the Lava layer nor will it warm the player-character in freezingly cold areas like Taigas, Frozen Desert, frozen Oceans, snowy Tundras or the like.
- Mineral water is water containing minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it therapeutic value. Salts, sulfur compounds, and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the water. Mineral water can often be effervescent (or "sparkling"). Mineral water can be prepared or can be obtained from naturally occurring mineral springs. In many places, mineral water is often colloquially used to mean carbonated water, which is usually carbonated mineral water, as opposed to tap water.
- Mineral water was pure mineral-rich water which was drinkable to most sentient species in the galaxy. It was known as "Silika water" on Dohu VII.