| - Sigarr Halomek (19 BBY) is the current CEO of the Republic Engineering Corporation, one of the primary manufacturers for the New Republic. Despite his relatively young age, Sigarr is a shrewd businessman, and has always been more interested in the non-combative side of fighting a cause. He is known for having a quick wit and the ability to turn just about any situation into a PR gain for his company. The younger brother of Rebel Alliance and New Republic ace pilot Rowen Halomek, Sigarr has found himself compared to his older sibling on many occasions in terms of piloting ability. Although perhaps not as skilled as Rowen, Sigarr’s abilities behind a starfighter are still quite impressive. With his personal ship, the Quicksilver, Sigarr has won several sanctioned starfighter races (as well as some unsanctioned ones), and never fails to place highly in such events if he doesn’t win. Sigarr is also known as a ladies' man of some repute. He's not afraid to try seducing any woman he finds to be attractive, no matter how impossible his goal might seem, but he takes offense at being accused of objectifying them. No matter who his latest interest is, Sigarr always strives to treat his current lady friend like royalty. He also follows a strict code of never interfering in an established relationship, or taking advantage of someone not in their right mind. He is, however, a bit of a flirt and a charmer with any woman he meets.