| - A list of Directors-General of the South Pole NIZ. Directors-General also serve, ex officio, as the Chairmen of the Antarctic Assembly, an organization which is almost synonymous with the NIZ. As this Assembly has such powerful authority in Antarctica, the Director-General is often considered one of the most powerful men on the continent. Directors-General serve five-year terms. Only representatives in the Antarctic Assembly are eligible to run for the office; and they are elected by their fellow representatives. Directors-General from the same territory can not serve consecutive terms. Typically, representatives — and, therefore, Directors-General — are either prominent scientists or politicians in their home territories. As the NIZ has never had a female Director-General, and most of the voting base (the Assembly's representatives) are male, many have accused the organization of being sexist. Indeed, only two female candidates have ever mounted significant campaigns (Edwina James of New Devon in 1990, and Wilhelmina Zimmermann of New Swabia in 2000). At present, every Antarctic territory except Maudland, New Swabia, Kerguelen, Balleny Islands and Ross and Scott has controlled the Director-General's office for at least one term (though both Maudland and New Swabia have launched unsuccessful campaigns in the past). Byrdia and New Devon hold the joint record for the longest control of the office, at 15 years. In regard to the upcoming 2015 election, both Balleny and Ross and Scott have announced that they will not be nominating a candidate; while Kerguelen has already confirmed the renowned oceanographer Yves-Joseph Montbleu as its first ever nomination, and New Vestfold is expected to put forward the famed Australian astronomer Basil Arnot. So far, no other territories have issued statements about the election.