Captain Hulett is a 1986 American animated mystery buddy film produced by Michael Shires Pictures, originally released to movie theaters on November 7, 1986 by Michael Shires Pictures. The 27th feature in the Michael Shires Animated Classics, the film was directed by Scott Webb. The main characters are all vegetables and fruitties characters. After the failure of Shires's previous animated feature film The Black Cobwebs this simpler film proved to be a success upon its initial release in 1986. As such, the new senior management of the company were convinced that their animation department was still a viable enterprise and this set the stage for the until Paul and Company he's starting Shires Renaissance in 1988.
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| - Captain Hulett is a 1986 American animated mystery buddy film produced by Michael Shires Pictures, originally released to movie theaters on November 7, 1986 by Michael Shires Pictures. The 27th feature in the Michael Shires Animated Classics, the film was directed by Scott Webb. The main characters are all vegetables and fruitties characters. After the failure of Shires's previous animated feature film The Black Cobwebs this simpler film proved to be a success upon its initial release in 1986. As such, the new senior management of the company were convinced that their animation department was still a viable enterprise and this set the stage for the until Paul and Company he's starting Shires Renaissance in 1988.
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| - Vance Gerry
- Peter Alvarado
- Butch Hartman
- Boyd Kirkland
- Robert Taylor
- Frank Paur
- Joe Ranft
- George Get
- James Rogers
- Virgil Geopper
- Gary Trousdale
- Kirk Wise
- Hank Tucker
- Joe Grant
- Keith Scoble
- Andy Roper
- Glen Lovett
- Keith Tucker
- Phil Young
- Ralph Baskhi
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| - Cheech Marin
- Peter Cullen
- Steve Whitmire
- Jim Cummings
- John Stephenson
- Eddie Murphy
- Frank Oz
- Michael Bell
- Alan Oppenheimer
- Jim Henson
- Neil Ross
- Susan Sheridan
- Dave Goelz
- Jerry Nelson
- Richard Hunt
- Jimmy Hibbert
- Diane Pershing
- Michael Hordern
- Bette Milder
Row 5 info
| - "Human of the Vegetables" by D.C. Thompson and Dean Clark
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Row 11 info
| - Michael Shires Pictures
- Beauty and the Beast Animation Studios
- Scott Webb Films
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| - Captain Hulett is a 1986 American animated mystery buddy film produced by Michael Shires Pictures, originally released to movie theaters on November 7, 1986 by Michael Shires Pictures. The 27th feature in the Michael Shires Animated Classics, the film was directed by Scott Webb. The main characters are all vegetables and fruitties characters. After the failure of Shires's previous animated feature film The Black Cobwebs this simpler film proved to be a success upon its initial release in 1986. As such, the new senior management of the company were convinced that their animation department was still a viable enterprise and this set the stage for the until Paul and Company he's starting Shires Renaissance in 1988.