Ignatia Wildsmith (1227—1320) was a wizarding inventor and the creator of Floo Powder. During her childhood, she attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and was Sorted into Ravenclaw.
Ignatia Wildsmith est une sorcière célèbre. Elle est l'inventrice de la Poudre de cheminette. Il existe une carte de Chocogrenouille à son effigie. Durant l'année 1992 - 1993, un portrait d'Ignatia Wildsmith était présent à Poudlard.
Ignatia Wildsmith (1227-1320) fu una Strega .
Ignatia Wildsmith (1227—1320) was a wizarding inventor and the creator of Floo Powder. During her childhood, she attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and was Sorted into Ravenclaw.
[Fuente] Ignatia Wildsmith (1227 - 1320) fue la bruja que invento y creo los Polvos Flu fue a Ravenclaw.
Ignatia Wildsmitch (ur. 1227 − zm. 1320 r.) — czarownica nieznanego statusu krwi; wynalazczyni proszku Fiuu.