| - Cold Comfort Farmer is a side quest in Fable II. Moral Dilemma: This quest has a moral opposite. See Red Harvest. After watching Garth's abduction at the top of Brightwood Tower during the The Hero of Will quest, you'll be notified that a bandit named Ripper has been terrorizing a farming family in Brightwood. Basically, this is the good alternative to the Red Harvest quest. Pay a visit to Giles' Farm in the northwest corner of Brightwood, where you'll knock on the door and speak to the man himself. Giles will tell you that Ripper killed his wife and forced him to send his son away until things are safe. He then asks for your help in bringing the cold-hearted bandit to justice - without killing him. Ripper's camp is to the southeast of Giles's Farm. When you arrive, four separate waves of bandits will drop down from the trees to deal with you. After they've all been slain, Ripper will drop down to deal with you himself. You'll find that he's considerably tougher than any other bandit you've fought thus far simply because he has access to the Time Control spell - and he'll use it to teleport to your position whenever possible. Just keep hacking, shooting, or casting when he's vulnerable, and eventually he'll throw down his weapon (a Steel Cutlass for you to pick up) and surrender. At this point, you can either kill him or spare him. Either way, you'll earn 750 renown points when Giles shows up to haul him off to be hanged in Bowerstone, or stare at his corpse. Moral Outcomes
* 30 Good for either choice.
* 20 Corrupt for killing him. Forever Changed: Completing this quest will have a radical effect on Brightwood Farm. Make sure to explore the whole area before leaving for the Spire. The farm will eventually be up for sale (after The Blind Date), and is far larger with many people. Even a woodcutting job is occasionally available.