| - The Azae are bipedal humanoids, somewhat Terran in appearance, although they are longer-lived and tend to exhibit much paler skin than the average Terran. They also have a different spectrum of eye colours: red, orange, yellow, or white. The Azae are a telepathic/empathic race, highly skilled diplomats and scientists. They are not fond of violence at all and - it is rumoured - are physically and mentally incapable of purposefully taking another life. They are generally calm and collected and extremely slow to anger; indeed, a very old saying goes
| - The Azae are bipedal humanoids, somewhat Terran in appearance, although they are longer-lived and tend to exhibit much paler skin than the average Terran. They also have a different spectrum of eye colours: red, orange, yellow, or white. The Azae are a telepathic/empathic race, highly skilled diplomats and scientists. They are not fond of violence at all and - it is rumoured - are physically and mentally incapable of purposefully taking another life. They are generally calm and collected and extremely slow to anger; indeed, a very old saying goes The Azae are primarily known for their advanced Scientific Research. Their primary goal, however, is the expansion of their Confederation, seeking new races to join in mutually beneficial and democratic unity. Secondary goals are exploration, research, social engineering, scientific advancement. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.