| - NPC ships drop raw space loot. This loot ranges in quality from "Buzz Lightyear Tech" to exceptional pieces that are beyond the reach of the most dedicated shipwright. Raw space loot has all of the stats that crafted parts have, but also have a "Reverse engineering Level" tag as well. Re-Engineering is the end game of creating a great starship. This is because you can extract the best aspects of different raw space loot and combine it into one new "Re'D" piece. All NPC ships have the potential to drop space loot. Although opinions vary on where space loot is found, in general, higher tier space ships seem to drop higher level parts. It is more common to loot credits than loot, but loot that you don't want to keep can be sold to the chassis dealer for 1k X RE Level (except level 10 parts, and you don't want to sell those anyways). Going up and crunching through some NPC fighters is a good way to get space xp, credits, and loot. As you gain knowledge of loot, you'll be able to seperate out good and great loot from stuff that you should just sell to the chassis dealer. Also, most shipwrights will buy junk lvl 1 and 2 loot for more than the NPC and will use it to roll for KSE discs.