| - Apollo was informed of this by a white crow, which he had set to watch her. Apollo was angry that the bird had not pecked out Iskhys' eyes as soon as he approached Koronis, flung a curse upon it so furious that it scorched its feathers, which is why all crows are black. According to other version, by his own prophetic powers, Apollo came to know about Koronis affair. Apollo sent his sister Artemis to kill Koronis. Artemis accordingly destroyed Koronis in her own house at Lacereia in Thessaly, on the shore of lake Baebia. According to other version, it was Apollo himself who killed Koronis and Ischys. When the body of Koronis was to be burnt, Apollo, or, according to others, Hermes, saved the child (Asclepius) from the flames, and carried it to Kheiron, who instructed the boy in the art of healing and in hunting. Hermes then brought her soul to Tartarus. According to some versions, Koronis was set among the stars as Korvus, the crow.