| - The Alliance Expedition, also known as the Draenor Expedition, or the Alliance expeditionary force, was a military venture to the orc homeworld of Draenor following the Second War, with the goal of reclaiming the Book of Medivh from Ner'zhul, and stopping the orc from opening portals to other worlds once and for all. The expeditionary forces were led by:
* Archmage Khadgar of Dalaran.
* Turalyon, paladin of the Silver Hand, Supreme Commander.
* Ranger Captain Alleria Windrunner of Quel'Thalas, Lead Scout and Intelligence Agent.
* Kurdran Wildhammer of Aerie Peak, Commander of the Gryphon Rider Division.
* Stromgarde Militia Captain Danath Trollbane, Force Commander and Tactical Advisor. While the expedition was ultimately successful in retrieving the Book of Medivh following a string of military victories on Draenor, Ner'zhul had learned enough from the book to succeed with his plan to open numerous portals. Knowing that this would cause the destruction of Draenor, the Alliance forces chose to close the Dark Portal in order to protect Azeroth from the forces Ner'zhul had unleashed. Their fate was currently unknown to those on Azeroth. They were last seen entering a portal to escape the destruction of Draenor. When Ner'zhul and his forces entered a different portal, they were immediately captured by the Burning Legion, though the fate of the Alliance Expedition was unknown. The heroes of the expedition are honorably commemorated by statues in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind.